Yummy Mummy Club

I am doing WW but only on my second week. I lost 3 lb in the first week but didnt use all the points and i dont count exercise.
i think the official advice is 1 lb off a week wheb you bf but 1 lb can be tricky to record(different time of day, clothes etc). Its helping me to eat healthy so its a benefit.
Also exercise builds muscles and they are heavier than weight

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Dont weigh yourself every day though, or you will get disheartened!

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Good luck ladies just remember 9 months on, 9 months off.

I'm 6 months + and still haven't shifted it all but today I fitted 'nicely' in a size 10 top and size 10 jeans!! Yay! Hopefully when I reach my goal ill be a perfect size 10 on the bottom and 8 at the top!

Though yesterday I did have 2 donuts.

Keep up the good work everyone!xxx
I'm naughty I weigh my self everyday I'm on day 3 and 2 1/2 pound down and 3 pound away from pre preg weight , I had put a lot on before getting pregnant tho x
For those of u doing ww and not usin all ur points, u should try using every single point as its likely u aren't eating enough! I know it sounds silly but try it!

I'm doing sw and I'm guilty of weighing myself daily too lol it's bad but I can't help it.

Weekends are so hard now I can drink, a glass of wine or a beer is needed! Lol xx

Tapatalking. X
Babybee... I want a doughnut too!! Lol xx

Tapatalking. X
I still havent touched drop off wine or beer!! And im not even BFing!!

Was never a big drinker but i fancy a pint right NOW!! Lol xx
Babybee... I want a doughnut too!! Lol xx

Tapatalking. X

Lol they were so good but I instantly felt gross. I still went in for the second though. Then I felt even worse! I was then tempted by another but I threw it away in a dramatic panic!
I dont buy them, they are evil! I do buy chocolate as i can fit that in with my allowance. I love chocolate!

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Ha ha I love donuts!!! I craved them
While I was preggers and I savoured every single one as I knew I couldn't eat them guilt free after lol

Quick question, what do you "spend" ur extra points on? I never use the extra weekly ones and my weight gain is up and down every week :( I'm worried that if I use them I would defo put on weight?

Oh and I pledged to lose 2lb a week as I have a wedding in September so I should have lost 8lb by now but it's only a measly 3.5 :(. I hope I can do at least 1lb a week for the next 3 weeks!!

You should definetly use your daily points allowance on WW. Its weird but it does usually help your weight loss. Also Ive seen hundreds of women who exercise then dont loose. What can happen is for a couple of weeks you stay thr same or some even gain but when your body gets used to it bam a big weight loss. Its so frustrating forbpeople though and quite a lot give up.

My 'party poinys' as I refer to them previously to being pregnant were always used on alcohol. I always lost. Now Im using them more on chocolate and little treats. I think its what makes the plan liveable having them.

Just bought this!!
Online reviews are really good! And its 50% off and strawberry :)

Better bloody work!! Haha will keep u updated! Xx
Ive bouhht so much shit off ebay tonight!! Im terrible!!
And i went to asda and spent £40 and bits i didnt need lol!! Xx
I dnt think i even like shakes either.. They always seem either to watery or to thick the weight loss ones... Hahaha. Oopsy! O well, ill force it down! I dnt even get chance to eat atm!
Feel stuffed today. Had a curry for tea but had it with turkey so a bit more healthy. No exercise today as its a rest day. Itching to get out running tomorrow now!

Hope everyone has a good weekend!
I just had McDonalds :( it was disgustingly delicious haha x

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I had sin free chips and egg was really good till bed time n grabbed a choccy bar .. Oops !!

I'm not getting much time to eat I'd rather sleep lol x

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