Yummy Mummy Club

Mine is working and i am 44 kcal down damn

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
3lbs off today girls and so starts my 2nd week. Xx

MFP was updating in Spanish yesterday??? (you know when you get the updates to say you've logged in for x amount of days)

Not been on this thread much as I have lost the plot, I'll be back when I am on a better vibe!

Well done Gayle xxx

Lost 2lbs last night at weigh in so I'm pretty pleased. About 8 lbs to go to my goal weight!! So need that kick up the ass to keep slogging on lol. Xxx
How we doing girls?

I did a 3 mile run last night and found it tough! i can't decide which time of day is better for me! Feel tired in a morning and then exhausted of a night! lol. xx
Well done Gayle xxx

Lost 2lbs last night at weigh in so I'm pretty pleased. About 8 lbs to go to my goal weight!! So need that kick up the ass to keep slogging on lol. Xxx

Well done, whoop whoop. xx
Thanks girls. Ive not been exercising at all but still going long walks. Its so hot and sweaty pushing the big pram so its like a work out. Lol. Xxx

1lb 3oz off since last weigh in 2 weeks ago, seeing as exercise has not been great and neither has diet I'm pleased with that.

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I've finally lost an additional lb! Another 11 loooong lbs to get to my goal!
NSV (non scale victory)

I went in to work yesterday and someone - very weight obsessed - said to me 'God you've lost all the baby weight'

She is a right cowbag actually and pretty scathing normally so I know she wasn't just saying it.

Also OH reckons I look 'bigger' in some piccies a few years back and I was actually a stone lighter than I am now.

I am still on MFP and walking everyday but I have stopped obsessing, I was driving myself nuts.

Well done everyone, you're all doing so well. I on the other hand have fallen well and truly off the wagon. But instead of stressing and beating myself up I've decided this is a new week and I am going to start the 30 day shred again and eat much healthier. I've got some chicken skewers under the grill at the moment so I can take them and salad to work for lunch tomorrow, hopefully stop me grabbing something fattening! xxx

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