Yummy Mummy Club

I have MFP too....just worked out what you meant...lol xx
Please can I join you soon?

It's been 2 weeks since I had my baby boy via emergency c section so I know I have at least 6 weeks recovery before starting any weight loss regime.

But gosh I cannot wait to start losing weight!! I put on over 3 stone during pregnancy, I've not weighed myself since but I feel awful, when I look in the mirror I hardly recognise myself!

See you lovely ladies soon

I have about 3 stone to lose :(

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
I have about 3 stone to lose :(

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

3 is the unlucky number eh? I haven't weighed myself since birth but I'm hoping I've dropped at least a stone lol

I have 2 stone to lose and I've already lost two ... I'm so stuck at this place I keep losing and gaining the same 5lbs!

I also need to start taking better care of myself. I'm going to aim to do my hair and bit of make up every day (tinted moisturiser and mascara) , and aim to dress "nice"

I'm sick of feeling like a slob and I think it's a viscous circle of looking like crap, then feeling like crap, then reaching for the biscuits

Tonight I've had a long shower, shaved all necessary areas, removed my moustache :blush: and painted my toenails.

I was going to do my fingernails but I have a plan to scrub the bathroom tomorrow so probably not best!

I've blow dried and straightened my hair

I really have no excuse now I'm only expressing 3 times a day!



Text aaro89 and £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10 to 70070
How are we all doing?

I'm doing ok. I had to have fat bread for lunch as i didn't have any skinny bread.

I've been cleaning my house from top to bottom - proper spring cleaning. It takes my mind off food and burns calories. Hubster is nursing a bad head so he's in charge of the tiny human.

Tidy house, tidy mind and all that. It will give me more time to go for walks etc if I'm not constantly trying to polish a shite.

Hope you are all strapped into the wagon with me :hug:
It's nearly time for me to get on board, got a stone and a half to get to pre preg and 2 to make me happy.

Can't go mad with exercise as ended up with section but aim to start walking for an hour a day and cutting out the cakes and biscuits.

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We're having fish and chips for dinner!!!

I've been out all day so this is my last naughty treat for a while.

It's my Birthday in 3 weeks and I aim not to go off track until I get a nice juicy steak on my Birthday.

It's hard as I find a glass of wine or a yummy cupcake is such a treat these days. My problem is I tend to treat myself too much :lol:

I want to detox, get back to waling an hour + everyday and feel a bit better in the next few weeks.

I alternate between being super motivated and thinking 'fcuk it I am a Mummy of a baby that gets up at 5am everyday and I deserve my wine / cupcake / Kettle Chips'

I alternate between being super motivated and thinking 'fcuk it I am a Mummy of a baby that gets up at 5am everyday and I deserve my wine / cupcake / Kettle Chips'


This is my probkem too :lol:
I just need to get in my stride I think???

When I lost weight before (I lost 3st in 2006 and 20lbs in 2011) I still had the occasional treat.

I think my issue is life is more relentless now so I feel the need for a treat more often ifykwim? I spend all day everyday doing everything for other people and although I love doing it for my boys I feel so lacking in "me" time that I grab a treat to make me feel as though I am having a break when really all I am doing is stuffing a cupcake in my gob between doing all my other stuff?? :shock: so I am not satisfied and the next day it will be another cupcake when what I really need is a week in a spa!

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I've lost weight before too Nat ... 3 stone in 4 months about 7 years ago.

I just feel like there isn't time for everything?

I went out for a run tonight, I enjoyed it mostly but got lost so spent a lot of unnecessary time running up hills in the wrong direction :wall2:



Text aaro89 and £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10 to 70070
Do you girls feel like me? Prior being 30 weight would drop off no worries? Even after my first baby I was 28/29 I lost it all quick time! Not this time! I'm 32 now and feel totally rubbish. I am now 10st 8lbs according to my mums scales which are old and shit but hoping they're ok as I've lost 1 stone in 5 months. Bit shit but if it's coming off I'm pleased with that! I have another stone left but trying not to rush it. I don't think breast feeding has helped this time at all! I just look really broad and stocky with big boobs! So I have another 5 months or so of them. X
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Do you girls feel like me? Prior being 30 weight would drop off no worries? Even after my first baby I was 28/29 I lost it all quick time! Not this time! I'm 32 now and feel totally rubbish. I am now 10st 8lbs according to my mums scales which are old and shit but hoping they're ok as I've lost 1 stone in 5 months. Bit shit but if it's coming off I'm pleased with that! I have another stone left but trying not to rush it. I don't think breast feeding has helped this time at all! I just look really broad and stocky with big boobs! So I have another 5 months or so of them. X

I feel like once I hit 30 my ability to do most things ended :lol:

Like technology ... I used to be really savvy but a while ago I found myself asking for an "app tunes" voucher in boots :shock:

I need instructions on how to work everything now!

I also find myself wondering about "fashion" a lot! Ill stick to my jeans and a tshirt thanks! :lol:

I feel really old!



Text aaro89 and £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10 to 70070
Do you girls feel like me? Prior being 30 weight would drop off no worries? Even after my first baby I was 28/29 I lost it all quick time! Not this time! I'm 32 now and feel totally rubbish. I am now 10st 8lbs according to my mums scales which are old and shit but hoping they're ok as I've lost 1 stone in 5 months. Bit shit but if it's coming off I'm pleased with that! I have another stone left but trying not to rush it. I don't think breast feeding has helped this time at all! I just look really broad and stocky with big boobs! So I have another 5 months or so of them. X

I lost weight in 2011, and I was 31 - but it was only just over a stone and it did take a 3 months or so...

I think my issue is the pill and I have decided not to take the next pack so for me the next month will be the real test :shock:

Well I'm still there have lost 2 stone and lighter than my target weight just trying to get a little more tonned now hope you ladies keep at it I'm so pleased with my results and its thanks to tweety for starting the thread gave me the kick up the ass I needed total lost
Weight 2st 2lbs
Inches lost
Waist 7inch
Hips 9inch
Back 4 inch
Chest 4 inch
Thigh 6inch
Calf 4inch
Arm 4 inch
Feel a million times better tummy needs a bit of toning but other than that the results speak for themselves

Thank you so much to tweety for starting the thread but to everyone else for keeping me motivated I owe you ladies so much my self esteem has risen and I'm now smiling for myself again and not just for everyone else to see! Big hugs to you all! X
Well I'm still there have lost 2 stone and lighter than my target weight just trying to get a little more tonned now hope you ladies keep at it I'm so pleased with my results and its thanks to tweety for starting the thread gave me the kick up the ass I needed total lost
Weight 2st 2lbs
Inches lost
Waist 7inch
Hips 9inch
Back 4 inch
Chest 4 inch
Thigh 6inch
Calf 4inch
Arm 4 inch
Feel a million times better tummy needs a bit of toning but other than that the results speak for themselves

Thank you so much to tweety for starting the thread but to everyone else for keeping me motivated I owe you ladies so much my self esteem has risen and I'm now smiling for myself again and not just for everyone else to see! Big hugs to you all! X

Well done! X



Text aaro89 and £1, £2, £3, £4, £5 or £10 to 70070
Well done Ashley!!! Big round of applause for you hun.

Re: being a 'frumpy Mummy' - I have worn leggings every single day since I was 13 weeks pregnant (barring maybe 4 occasions where I've worn a dress)

I don't own jeans or skirts that fit and I refuse to buy any.

I am so bored of leggings!


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