Yummy Mummy Club

Its 2 weeks after i had my son and i still feel very fat (and the scales need new batteries).
I am taking Domperidone and i am sure its making me hungry! From next week there is no chocolate rule in the house and i will be joining SW after my 6 week check.
I want to feel pretty and slim again!

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2 weeks isn't long lol..

tapatalking x
2 weeks isn't long lol..

tapatalking x

I know but i can fit into very few clothes and its depressing plus its nice and warm out. I seriously want to shift weight. Once DH changes batteries, i.am stepping on the scales to scare myself. I reckon i have 18 kg to lose.

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Well done Ashley, do you have much more to lose?

I started my new pack of pills so inevitably in a week or two you'll have me moaning about no weight loss because I am on the pill.

It's the lesser of two evils as I don't want to end up preggers again.

New Mummies make sure you take it easy, there is plenty of time to lose weight

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I have 6lb before I hit my goal weight of 9 stone. And then its just toning up....try and feel better about myself when I look in the mirror :( oh is looking at me differently now and has told me I look amazing and he can see the confidence building I me which is lovely to hear! But for my own self confidence that's where I want to go I just need to maintain it when I lose it!

How much weight are you hoping to lose nat? X
End of week 4 for me and I've lost 11cm off my waist. 6off my hips and bum. Ive now got mini spud guns for biceps which is great as I've never had any muscle tone ever and some teeny tiny abs poking through.
All in all very pleased

Thank you ladies, I've had a couple if cheats too, it was my mums birthday recently so I had some cake etc and we went out for dinner and I just thought 'stuff it'. I think you need to otherwise you cave and the whole thing goes to pot otherwise xx

I really think that's such a good attitude. You still have to live your life! You have had amazing results!

Well tomorrow I am back to work... And back on my diet... I do well for a week, then fall off the wagon. I've lost weight, and put it back on... But now I'll be on my feet 8 hours 4x days a week and the other 3 with a 9 month old I'm hoping I see some results.

I've bought some slim fast shakes to have for lunch, a snack bar and some fruit.
No fizzy juice or treats.

My only concern is that when I finish work at 6pm, by the time I'm home, and spend time with W and have my dinner it could be perhaps 8pm? And I think this is too late to eat?xx
Well I'm currently sat feeling sick and it's all my own fault as I've been such a pig today. I've been doing so well and really wish I hadn't eaten half of what I have today. Oh well back on it tomorrow, I think half the problem is I've fallen off the wagon with exercise so definitely want to get back on track with that this week, if I'm doing well exercising I find I naturally want to eat better.

Well done FBE, that's amazing!! Remind me what is it you're doing again? xx
My muscles are thrashing :|

Decided to do a little jog around the block and see how far i got..I really am unfit :|, i managed about half way around before i was gasping for my breath :\, but jogging after 3 years off felt pretty good to get back to it!..Im determined im going to try and keep it up even if i keel over :lol:

Im really determined to try and improve this spare tire i have going on :lol:..Today I had around 1000 calories..I know still not enough!! :(, but im just one of those people who cant eat that much :\..But im still pretty chunky heh!..But managed a good 1000 calorie burn..

So the iphone is getting a new lease of songs tonight and more hammering while jogging tomorrow :D
Hey ladies hope your all doing well another 2lb off this week and decided to check measurements so I have lost
5inches off my waist
4inches off my hips
4inches off my thighs
3 inches off my back
6inches off my chest
I am starting to wear some of my size 8 clothes again and I'm starting to physically see my body changing and I can not be happier 4lb left to go! X
I lost my first pound :D..Im now 12 stone 13 :D..I know its not much but to me its something :D
*walks in sheepishly*

I'm resurrecting this thread

I have to get on the wagon! Its 3 months till I am ttc again, I CANNOT fall pregnant being the size I am as I will end up huge!

I'm a size 14 at the minute. Would like to be a 10-12 before I fall pregnant again.

Plus I really hate the idea of having to ask work for a bigger uniform because I got too fat :shock:

So I'm on it. I'm going back to tkd on Wednesday and I'm going to start jogging. I've just ordered groceries to be delivered tomorrow and I've negotiated with hubby who will be starting too (we never seem to be on the wagon at the same time, which inevitably ends up in one of us destroying the others good work!)

I'll be back on MFP - so anyone who is there feel free to give me a kick up the bum!
DH and I have agreed to start 1st June, just after 6 week check. I think i can get away with 2300 calories (i am bf) and exercise. Planning to jog in the park. Need to get back to mfp

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I've put on 3lbs of the 7lbs I shifted BUT I have decided not to take my next pack of pills. As from now I am hormone free and really want to see if this makes a difference to my weightloss!

I am on MFP all the time, I am at 55 days in a row LOL! Not that I've been behaving :shock:

It's my Birthday in 3 weeks so I want to drop those 3lbs gained by then


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