Yummy Mummy Club

Thank you nat!

This week only thing I done differently was cut out bread from my diet and continued with the healthy eating my mam done the same and she's lost 2lb too!

My eldest sister came off the pill last September and she has lost a stone and looks amazing she was dieting before and couldn't shift her weight so decided to come off it and its done her the world of good but its down to the individual/couple what's best for them!

Don't feel disheartened as 6lb is a good loss! And not putting any weight on this week is showing you are breaking even with calories eaten and burned! X
Thanks hun!

I've lost 3st before (in 2006) and then 20lbs in 2011 so I know I can do it?

Both times I wasn't on the pill.

Hell I even stopped smoking without gaining a single pound a few years back as well.

I know my body is different now and I am a bit older so my metabolism has slowed down etc.. but I do suspect the pill is hindering me.

Of course if I stop the pill it means I could end up preggers again as we're crap with condoms?

I'll discuss it with OH and see what he thinks. We don't dtd much - another side effect of the pill though!!

my shredding is on hold as im at my dads til tuesday and sleeping in the living room, so dexter is back to not sleeping unless hes on the boob. ive been here since thursday and havent had a chance to wash yet, let alone exercise then wash! (dads at work alot so the only help ive had so far was when my dad took him for a walk yesterday, but my friend came to visit at the same time so couldnt do it then!) have done some sit ups though, but not enough to work up a sweat. feeling gutted about it tbh. but im eating healthily still, so at least thats something. x
I've been terrible! Ate 3 Krispy kremes today! Had to try them due to a chat earlier in the thread and found some at a service station! Ha a. I feel sick and it serves me right.
Don't worry Spammy, calories don't count at the weekend anyway ha ha!!

Service station ones probably aren't as good as the ones from the Krispy Kreme cafes but still yummy.

I discovered a Krispy Kreme shop out here day before yesterday - nearly wet myself with excitement!

ive never tried a krispy kreme either!! but im not a donut fan! but apparently krispy kremes will change my mind!
Oh they will Yvonne! I'm not a fan usually either but they were something else! Was gonna give hubby one of them but changed my mind. Ha ha! Greedy guts. Another walk tomorrow to burn them off. Gonna have to be a long one!
(knock, knock)

I'm back ... ish

My eating hasn't been great, but I'm on the fitness wagon.

I'm running a 10K in 2 weeks for DS Scotland. I've not run in 2 years, so I'm probably going to die.

I started insanity today and it was f*&king hard (yes swearing is appropriate) but I feel brilliant for doing it. I already can't move though!
Well done you tweety...I was looking at the insanity DVDs this morning as I'm on level 3 30ds but I'm not aching as much as I'd like to in the mornings so time for something else! X
I've been looking at ripped in 30, shred and shred, and p90x but don't know which to do after 30DS x

tapatalking x
My brother does p90x and swears by it, but it's proper hard core!! xx

Had anyone considered using protein shakes? For muscle growth? X

tapatalking x
My OH uses the protein shakes. I cannot stand them. I think you need to do a lot of exercise to find them of an benefit?! My OH is at the gym 5x per week and 1 long run per week. He's not a big muscly thing, he just likes running marathons :-/ xx
There's some research against protein shakes saying that some of the synthetic protein in the can migrate to your liver and your brain and cause tissue damage. I've always backed away from them too. I think if you're eating a balanced diet and rotating your proteins you don't need a shake.

I find best muscle building results if I have a protein snack mid morning on the day of a workout such as a chicken drumstick, or a couple of slices of bacon. Can't beat a bit if crispy bacon Nom Nom Nom. Oooo that's made me hungry!

Totally agree FBE. It's quite easy to follow a high protein diet. And cheaper than the expensive shakes.xxx
Wowser, weighed-in today and I've lost 2lbs.

Still a long way to go but I've now lost over half a stone.

Hoping for another half in time for my Birthday (Mid June??)but to be honest just to be 9st something will be an achievement.

Well done nat! Weighing later this morning I'm starting to notice a change now so I'm happy but still a working progress! X
Well another 3lb off this week I am so round of myself that's just over 16lb since this thread started over the moon! X

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