Yummy Mummy Club

I first started 30DS 6 weeks post partum and thought I was gonna die :lol: Then i tried it again a few months later and it wasn't so bad. I think if you do some exercise already you might be ok.

I went out for a run tonight - I was amazing. I ran around a resevoir - it was about 5k in 37 mins which I was really chuffed with

I had a sneaky peak on the scales though and I'm not showing a loss yet :eh: Normally I would by this point
1.6lbs gone and I have not even tried this week. I went out for dinner and had wine on Wed's. I've not even logged my food in MFP as it's been so bad????

Not going to weigh-in until 15th June now, going to try my hardest to limit treats / wine and make sure I walk everyday.

Going back to Dr's also as my foot is still not better [this is going back a good 6 weeks now as well]

I am not feeling too stressed about the weight. OH has been amazing.... Also I went back to work Thurs and Fri and everyone was so complimentary. The girl I have worked with for years - and who I know would be totally honest - couldn't believe I am still 2st up on my booking in weight!

I also think I am going to change my goals. 8.5 stone just seems so unobtainable so I am starting with 9.5st (that gives me a stone to lose) and we'll reassess from there.

Feeling a bit more motivated today so we'll see.

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Well done Nat!

I was going to go for a run tonight but time has got away from me.

I've booked a holiday back to the homeland for the end of the month - so I have 3 weeks to do what I can weight wise :shock:
So i am on it ladies, weight -13 st (faceplant)
Target weight -10 st. Weigh in day - Saturday

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Evening ladies!

Who survived the sunny weekend?

I've managed to be good, despite being bloody ravenous today and loaded with a stinky cold that makes me want to eat my body weight in chocolate!

Who else is weighing in tomorrow?

Think I will do a roll call on the first page if everyone is happy enough - to save me trawling through the pages - Can you leave your details e.g.

Tweetyfoo - Starting weight 11st8lbs
Goal Weight 10st
Lost to date 0lbs
Weigh in Monday
Mrs Wibbily
Start weight 10st 8lbs
Target 9st 8lbs
Weigh in usually Monday but going away tomorrow and scales at mums so will wait till next week!x
Woo hop I've lost 5lbs!

My first goal is to be under 11st before I go to Ireland at the end of te month. If I stick at it I think I can do it!

Since coming out of hospital I've not managed to stick to it or more than 2 weeks at a time so will probably struggle a little

I insisted we booked a cottage rather than a hotel for Ireland too so that we can cool some meals and stay on the wagon as much as possible :)



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Well done tweety!

Is starting weight the weight were at now or the weight after birth?
Well done tweety!!! I've been running again this week and I feel great! It's helping me with my low feelings I've had recently!

So my stats are:
Start weight: 11st6
Target weight: 9st6
Weigh in: Fridays

My short term goal is to be 10st10 by July 1st for my holiday to Butlins! So this month I will be running as much as I can, no junk, no alcohol and to do weighs every other day!
Oops forgot my loss to date which is 7lb.
Ok, I'll use my weight now as my start weight. But I'll put in weight loss to date to make me feel better!

Weight pp: 14st 9! (Yuck)
Weight now: 11st 9
1st Goal: 10st 9 (booking in weight) by July 14th.
Final Goal: 10st by September
Weigh in: Mondays

Weight loss to date: 3 stones.

Bring on the beach body!
Start weight - 13 st :(
Target weight - 10 st

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Weight when I started WW: 12st 8!!
Goal weight 10st. (Wishful thinking 10st4 probably!!)

We haven't weighed in for 3 weeks but at last weigh in I was 12st 2. Hoping I've lost something in 3 weeks but haven't stuck to the diet very well lol.

WW meeting is on a Monday so will update my weight loss on a Monday.
My starting weight 11st 12oz

Target 10st

Will do measurements this week.

Good luck ladies

Sent from my new shiny iPhone using Tapatalk
Just weighed in!!! Lost 6lbs in last 3 weeks! So 11st 10 today. Well chuffed really thought I hadn't done very well. Always gives you a good kick up the bum to keep going!!! Xxx
Thanks babybee! Have you started running yet? I haven't been for weeks now just walking with pushchair but to be fair the hills round here make it a good workout!! X

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