Yummy Mummy Club

Morning ladies :wave:

I expected to be in agony this morning, but I'm not!

Its a beautiful morning, so I've decided we are walking the 40 min (each way) journey to Nursery and back :lol:

I'm going back to taekwondo tonight too! eeek I couldn't keep up with it as Aaron was having so many health issues. So going to have another go now that things have settled down again :D

Hope you all have healthy days!

For anyone who hasn't added me on mfp - i'm tweetyfoo on there too :D
I need to get on board with this. I've had enough of to'ing & fro'ing. I get so pissed off with myself for doing it, especially when I was so successful with my weight loss pre-pregnancy. I'm on mfp too.
I'm doing so-so with it. Had a few off days but lost 8lbs so far. Also joined the gym again so can't wait to go back, just waiting for af to get lighter and then I'm there! I'm on mfp too; rilj xxx
Who has the mfp app? How do you add users? I seem to just be offered Facebook, email or contacts from my phone.
Can I join in ladies please!?!! Been on weight watchers for a while but with all the bank holidays and weigh ins on a Monday there's been two week gaps between and this it's been 3 as she was ill as well one week!! I'd lost 6lb in total at last weigh in. But now it's been 3 weeks no idea what the weigh in will be on Monday! I've been trying to walk with another mummy but when other kids are off on half term we can't go. I've done a few runs but now probably haven't been for over a week!! Grrr!! I'm getting bored of the constant attempt at dieting and it not coming off quick enough! Hoping weekly weigh in gets me back on track :-( xxx
Can I join in ladies please!?!! Been on weight watchers for a while but with all the bank holidays and weigh ins on a Monday there's been two week gaps between and this it's been 3 as she was ill as well one week!! I'd lost 6lb in total at last weigh in. But now it's been 3 weeks no idea what the weigh in will be on Monday! I've been trying to walk with another mummy but when other kids are off on half term we can't go. I've done a few runs but now probably haven't been for over a week!! Grrr!! I'm getting bored of the constant attempt at dieting and it not coming off quick enough! Hoping weekly weigh in gets me back on track :-( xxx

The more the merrier! :D
Well I'm still there have lost 2 stone and lighter than my target weight just trying to get a little more tonned now hope you ladies keep at it I'm so pleased with my results and its thanks to tweety for starting the thread gave me the kick up the ass I needed total lost
Weight 2st 2lbs
Inches lost
Waist 7inch
Hips 9inch
Back 4 inch
Chest 4 inch
Thigh 6inch
Calf 4inch
Arm 4 inch
Feel a million times better tummy needs a bit of toning but other than that the results speak for themselves

Thank you so much to tweety for starting the thread but to everyone else for keeping me motivated I owe you ladies so much my self esteem has risen and I'm now smiling for myself again and not just for everyone else to see! Big hugs to you all! X

Well done!! Those are amazing losses! x

Thank you FBE how is your weight loss going???? X

Well thank you, I've lost a total of 13lbs. But I'm not loosing any more as I'm now just under 8st. I'm only 8 weeks in out of the planned 12 so and moving onto the maintenance phase instead, looking forward to that as I can introduce gluten free pasta :)

I've lost 13cm off my waist, 9 off my hips and bum, 2 off my chest and 5 off each thigh

I'm pleased as I'm eating stack loads, lunch today is steak with ratatouille and mashed butternut squash, yummmmo!

Thank you FBE how is your weight loss going???? X

Well thank you, I've lost a total of 13lbs. But I'm not loosing any more as I'm now just under 8st. I'm only 8 weeks in out of the planned 12 so and moving onto the maintenance phase instead, looking forward to that as I can introduce gluten free pasta :)

I've lost 13cm off my waist, 9 off my hips and bum, 2 off my chest and 5 off each thigh

I'm pleased as I'm eating stack loads, lunch today is steak with ratatouille and mashed butternut squash, yummmmo!

Well done! Xx



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So pleased this thread is back up and running. I'm still on MFP and have lost 7lb so far. People have started to notice and I got some glares from OH's family at the weekend when one of his aunts said I looked great. They all started quizzing me on my diet, but to be honest I eat what I want (today proved that, I was very naughty and had a doughnut and chocolate bar) but having to record it has made me stop snacking. My proudest moment recently was getting into a pair of Dorothy Perkins size 10 super skinny jeans - whoop whoop!! I just need to get back into the exercise now.

Tweety - well done on all the walking.

Ashley & FBE - that is some great losses well done girls xxx
I've not had the greatest of days, I went over my calories and I've done bugger all exercise.

Aaron's been unwell so I've been stressing - and eating. Not massive amounts of damage though
I think you're allowed a bad day every so often, tomorrow is another day hun. Big hug to Aaron xxx
Thank you FBE how is your weight loss going???? X

Well thank you, I've lost a total of 13lbs. But I'm not loosing any more as I'm now just under 8st. I'm only 8 weeks in out of the planned 12 so and moving onto the maintenance phase instead, looking forward to that as I can introduce gluten free pasta :)

I've lost 13cm off my waist, 9 off my hips and bum, 2 off my chest and 5 off each thigh

I'm pleased as I'm eating stack loads, lunch today is steak with ratatouille and mashed butternut squash, yummmmo!

Well done you! And I have stopped trying to lose now as I'm 8st 5 and like you I need to keep it off now! :) really pleased for you! X
Can I join you ladies? I need to shift this last stone. I put on a whopping 4 stone during pregnancy and its been 15 weeks and I've lost 3.
I'm giving up on biscuits/cakes/crisps/chocolate lent-style!
I've got my race for life planned in 5 weeks but I haven't ran since I was 2 weeks pregnant..
I need to get.on.it right now!

Ashley, I love the idea of measuring everything before losing weight then after, I'm going to do the same.

Good luck ladies, from the sounds of it you're all doing brilliantly.x
It just dawned on me that i have symptoms of underactive thyroid. I am so tired its unreal, no energy but i put it down to having 2 children. I didnt know dry skin was another symptom, i have been suffering since late pregnancy and its getting worse.

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Babybee I've done my measurements at the beginning mainly because for my wedding I was running loads and eventually wasn't really looking weight but still inches! Maybe it was due to building up muscle. I'm trying to stick to my WW diet and looking forward to starting back walking when kids are in school from Monday. And my dreaded weigh in is Monday too!!

Knopk@ sorry I don't know anything about underactive thyroid. Hope you can get it diagnosed x
Anyone that's done 30 day shred, how did you find it when you started? I've been walking and occasional run and was wondering if I might be able to handle 30 day shred yet!!? X
Good luck at the weigh in HL28!!

I've not done the 30 day shred but I'm really tempted too.

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