Yummy Mummy Club

Yea that's what we did last week FBE. Didn't feel too bad at the time! But man did my legs ache the day after! Can't go tonight after all as my walking buddy feels poorly! Going tomorrow instead.
thanks spammy! but yeah, i feel like a big pile of poo. it doesnt help that my OH is a skinny little runt. he can eat eat eat and never puts on weight. if he was a big guy i reckon id feel not bad about my own weight, but because hes so slender, it just makes me look and feel alot bigger than i am!

yesterday my OH and i went for a walk with dexter round the park. and i did my jogging. i must have looked like an idiot. was running over to trees and back to my OH and walked a wee bit with him, then ran over to another tree and back and just kept going like that til we had went round the whole park. then i did the shred at night when dex went to bed.
today i went out for lunch to lloyds as was meeting a few friends, i had the macaronni (not the healthiest, but normally id have a burger and chips which has more calories) and for the first time ever on a trip to lloyds i never had a dessert! woop woop! and just finished day 2 of the shred there the now. feeling proud of myself! but my body is in agony! and think it was in shock too. i woke up this morning and i was shaking like mad. lol. but yeah. so far so good!
Okey doke, end of week 2 for me today and I've lost 7lbs, 7cms off my waist, 5 off my hips and 2off my thighs. Progress!


Okey doke, end of week 2 for me today and I've lost 7lbs, 7cms off my waist, 5 off my hips and 2off my thighs. Progress!


WELL DONE!!!!!!!! thats absolutely brilliant!!! you should be really proud of yourself!

i havent taken measurements cause i dont have a measuring tape! must get one tomoro! xx
FBE I need your secret!! X

tapatalking x
Thank you lovely ladies. Ive dieted before and nit got anywhere, this plan seems to suit me.

Yeah, defo don't go by weight alone! Because if you build up muscle then it weighs heavier than fat so it won't look like you're loosing weight when you jump on the scales - you'll get disheartened and give up.

I'm on a really simple plan. I do the exercises at home when T naps. The plan is 10% exercise but 90% what you eat. No calorie counting. No gluten, no carbs, no dairy, no sugar. Apparently eating loads of green veg shifts stubborn bum fat - I've ordered me a truck load :)

The exercises the chap has sent are simple, hard work but getting easier. I do them for 30 mins 3-4 times a week.

A couple more weeks and I'm done I think, I don't want to loose any more weight, just tone up.
Ooh thanks for sharing FBE! Im trying to aim for 30g protein a meal, to build muscle and tone, but will try the foods you have cut out too :) x

tapatalking x
Oo I also take fish oil capsules once a day, not only are they good for my dodgy knee but they help your digestive enzymes break down laid down fats in your body - happy days :) xx

Portion size isn't an issue on this diet either, so long as your eating 50% protein 50% veg then you're fine

Im addicted to ryvita's sesame seed crisp bread!..At only 37 calories a slice i can eat until my hearts content and not worry about it having a long term effect :lol:

Downside..Ive devoured a packet of jaffa cakes today :\, but went for a lovely long walk before doing so!..To make matters worse I now have a holiday booked for June and need a swimsuit..Looking for a nice swimsuit when your a big woman is harder than ever..Everything seems to be so bland :(, or one piece at least

Why cant i have a nice bikini :wall2:
Oo I also take fish oil capsules once a day, not only are they good for my dodgy knee but they help your digestive enzymes break down laid down fats in your body - happy days :) xx

Portion size isn't an issue on this diet either, so long as your eating 50% protein 50% veg then you're fine

Ooh, will try that. As in, cod liver oil?

Can you only eat protein and veg then? X

tapatalking x
Well ladies even if it is that dreaded week I weighed this morning and I'm happy to say I have lost 4lb this week taking my total to 13lb 2oz in the 4 weeks this thread has been going thank you so much tweety for starting it it give me the kick up the ass I needed! And I can feel my confidence coming back a little more everyday! X
Oo I also take fish oil capsules once a day, not only are they good for my dodgy knee but they help your digestive enzymes break down laid down fats in your body - happy days :) xx

Portion size isn't an issue on this diet either, so long as your eating 50% protein 50% veg then you're fine

Ooh, will try that. As in, cod liver oil?

Can you only eat protein and veg then? X

tapatalking x

Cod liver oil is ok, but ideally you want fish oil with anchovy in it, holland and barratt will prob sell it.

For the first two weeks yes, once you get a little leaner you can eat sweet potato and tomatoes and introduce one fruit portion a day on the days you work out, so it's not too restrictive.

I buy things like gluten free sausages for breakfast and have them with an egg, fried mushrooms, opinions and courgette for brekkie. Or smoked salmon and scrambled egg and spinach - steels like a treat!

Well ladies even if it is that dreaded week I weighed this morning and I'm happy to say I have lost 4lb this week taking my total to 13lb 2oz in the 4 weeks this thread has been going thank you so much tweety for starting it it give me the kick up the ass I needed! And I can feel my confidence coming back a little more everyday! X

Wow!!! That's amazing!!! Xx

Thank you FBE I'm over the moon!!! Starting to feel more like me! :) x
Ashley that is bloody amazing!!!

I am well and truly stuck, 6lbs and then nothing.

I am still 2st overweight.

Last week I was over calories 4 out of 7 days so I am happy I didn't gain this week.

I am going to give it one full week and then if no loss I am not sure what to do?

I am not exercising due to a foot injury that I am due to see Dr about next week, I have to take 2 ibroprofen just to do an hour's walk at the moment.

My other option is to come off the pill??

FBE, I never did contact your guy. I am not one for anything radical and I've lost weight successfully before just by watching what I eat and exercising a bit. I don't get on well with cutting out food groups. I'll last 4 days then have a proper card binge. It's kind of counterproductive for me??? But I appreciate you taking the time to give me the info and you are doing amazingly!

I am feeling terribly demotivated though (this week aside I've been very good with eating and I've been walking an hour + every single day!)


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