Yummy Mummy Club

W is a cat napper. I have 30-40mins when he's napping. And that's spent Tyding up, doing a pee or making lunch/dinner xx
W is a cat napper. I have 30-40mins when he's napping. And that's spent Tyding up, doing a pee or making lunch/dinner xx

Aaron is the same as this - I don't get much time to do the things I need to do.

For my workout though I put him in his swing and he watches me
I have been on the bike for 40mins and done 30ds already today I kind of felt I needed too after celebrating my weight loss with a piece of homemade corndbeef pie and gravey yesterday it was so scrummy but felt I needed to be extra brutal on myself today but level 2 was still hard but not like the first time I done it hoping by Friday it would have got a bit easier! X
W only has his jumperoo. And that doesn't entertain him for too long anymore :( W just like to explore. He doesn't crawl yet. But he sits on his bum or lyes on his tummy and pulls himself and rolls everywhere. You can't leave him anywhere and he's over the other side of the room in seconds. In at everything. He has a travel cot that I pop him in if I need to do something but will only last 5/10 mins in there. He just wants to be in at everything. Maybe when I'm back at work I can exercise for 30mins in my office at lunchtime xx
That's a good idea, I will see how J likes watching me do pilates. I have 3 :shock: new DVDs coming tomorrow, I went a bit mad on amazon.

Having a really good day food wise, I've already logged what intend to eat the rest of the day and it's 350 cals under target. I'm going for a run shortly as well! I might have a cheeky glass of wine with dinner. If only every day was as easy as this, my downfall is definitely eating out and entertaining.

Well done Ashley, that's a lot of exercise!
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That's great willow! MFP is more basic in its calculations, it doesn't include measurements so there is no account of body fat, just a really basic estimate of BMR from you're current weight.
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So my mum knows I'm on a diet yet she pops in after work, because she was at a meeting today, and one of her colleagues wife's works in a sweetie factory and he had load of odd bits of sweets for my mum...
So she has gave us...
Chocolate covered fudge
Chocolate covered mint
Macaroon bars

I am being strong!!!!! Agh!!!!x
I just took some measurements (with a builders tape measure LOL) but they will be a pretty good estimate.

According to that link Willow I am only 10lbs overweight, that sounds so much better than I am 28lbs overweight. Obviously losing 10lbs puts me just back within the healthy range.

Going to look at what I eat for a few days as I have really hurt my achilles, I have a bandage on and everything :shock:

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It tells me that my BMI is 24.2, which is within the normal range, and says I don't need to loose weight. Yet I am clearly carrying too much weight for my frame, confirmed by the 30% fat it's calculated against my neck measurements!

I think there is a huge element of knowing what's right for you in all this. I've been 36lb lighter than I am right now and I was the fittest, healthiest and most energetic I've ever been in my life. It really doesn't suit me being the weight I am now.

Two people the same height can be so different too. My MIL is the same height as me, yet my hands are smaller, my feet are two complete shoe sizes smaller, my rib cage/hips/shoulders are all substantially smaller/narrower than hers. So it's not surprising that if she drops below the weight I am now she feels unwell, yet me at this weight is horribly uncomfortable.

I do like to track my body fat though, and the amount of weight sustaining protein/calories I need which is why I like the measurement calculator. I find the scales aren't that good for accurate body fat.
Nat I only have s builders tape too but used to use a piece of string then measure that with tape, a lot easier :)

Still waiting for tiny to make an appearance but ventured onto the scales yesterday 3st on. So got a bit of work to do.

Your all doing great :)

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I've ordered a Dominos .. I need it, I've listened to constant crying for 3 days - my ears actually hurt
I did my run! In the rain. And I did 5 miles too. Very happy, that puts me well under for the day since I was under target without the run.

Tweety - sometimes only pizza will do!

Nat, does ur shins and achillis normally hurt when u work out?

Mines did and my instructor told me that the shoes that I was wearing didn't give my feet the right support for the exercises I was doing, (high cardio, jogging etc..)

My shins would KILL me!

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Morning all! I'm struggling with exercising. As soon as I get tired I having an overwhelming urge to give up! I must push through!! Ha ha. Not helped by the fact that my legs and arms hurt so I'm walking like a little old lady :)

My mum arrived yesterday which I'm over the moon about but she bought a load of Easter Eggs over with her from the family :wall: I can hear them calling me from the fridge!!

Morning ladies,

Feeling crap and bloated this morning after the pizza last night. I know its not the end of the world, and I didn't go on a massive sweets and crisps binge afterwards, but I genuinely feel like I've been out on the town!

No time for exercise this morning as I have baby massage - Aaron is mixing things up a bit by falling asleep! So I'm having my breakfast early (which will no doubt leave me starving by lunch time)
I'm having an early breakkie today as well as we have Dr's in an hour.

I'll be ravenous by Midday.

No exercise today, but we'll go for a walk and I need to do a lot of cleaning (hoovering, wash floors, change bedsheets etc..) plus dinner tonight isn't too high calorie!

Foot is feeling loads better so I'll see how I get on after our walk.

Will also look online for some proper running trainers.

Nat, if you really want to run, I would go to specialist running shop and get proper advice on running shoes. If you're going to stick with indoor jogging on the spot and aerobics type stuff you will be better with a "cross trainer" type of shoe. It's all about the type of support and cushioning they offer.

I had a diet fail last night. I was obviously too many calories under yesterday with the run, and I couldn't sleep for being hungry. I had to get out of bed at midnight and make myself a little snack! I was still well under calories for the day though. Today might be tricky, I'm going to the spa (j is having a nana day) and they have cake! The salad for lunch is quite good though.

Im supposed to start
My 30ds today but im in hospital with the baby. So ive brought a giant bag of minnie eggs to keep me going. Xx


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