Yummy Mummy Club

Have we all been naughty so we've neglected the thread?

My healthy regime starts tomorrow as LO is 6 months old. I've had 6 months of enjoying food and relaxing. So now it starts. I have some rules but the main one is to stop eating the kids leftovers!!!!

I will be making note of measurements etc.

Hope you're all happy and well on this lovely sunny morning. X
I must admit I've had a rubbish week food and exercise wise. I've just weighed myself and I've stayed the same, which to I'm not overly happy with but at least I haven't gained. Am back on it this week and back to being determined xx
I haven't lost any more inches, but I had lost 3lb on the scales yesterday. So I'm up to 15lb loss.

I'm doing okay, now I can see the weight actually starting to shift I'm more motivated to stick with the diet. When I was working so hard and being so good for a week and not loosing a single lb, and that happened for weeks and weeks and weeks, my motivation was waning. But it's back now.
I've had a shocking week and daren't weigh myself! Back on it today though
Glad I'm not the only one! Iv been terrible. But I have just done my online shop and written my food plan for the week and also going for a run with a friend tonight. I'm still lighter than when I started but have gained about 4lb over the last 2 weeks. Need to sort myself out before it gets worse!

I haven't dared show my face in this thread cos iv been so ashamed. Lol. But I'm back and I'm going for it!!'
I have not had a great weekend as we were away. But I feel like I have walked across the Scottish highlands so maybe my weigh in wont be so bad xx
Back on track for me as well today - I haven't been too bad but not great.

Still not able to exercise though, foot feels better but now my knees are in pain??

I think I need to go Dr's?

Back on track for me as well today - I haven't been too bad but not great.

Still not able to exercise though, foot feels better but now my knees are in pain??

I think I need to go Dr's?


My knees have been sore too. I read that your joints can feel it for up to a year post partum? I think exercise is just aggravating it tbh. If you are worried go to the gp though Hun x

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Been hiding from this thread, today I went to buy a suit for my mums funeral, I'm usually a 14, so tried on a safe 16, way too tight.
I cannot give in and buy 18. Not on.

Been hitting the wine a bit since mum died, only a glass a night but looks like its taking its toll. It's not baby weight either: when I have birth I was 11st and now I'm over 12st8
It's finding the motivation, I'm cheap at it and feeling too low and crap to do much about it :(

Well done tweety, doing very well :)
Fresh I think you are allows as much wine as you want and weight loss is really at the bottom of your priorities right now!

You just spend time in that gorgeous new kitchen with your scrummy boy eating chocolate!

Aaron sends big squishes to you xxx

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Awe Fresh I'm sorry about your mum (I've certainly missed this news). You deserve to get pissed every night and eat as much as you like. Weightloss is not important right now chick. You take it easy. X
Fresh, I think you should buy the size 18. If you're wearing clothes that fit you, you will feel better than something too tight. You need to be kind to yourself right now and forget about dieting :hug:

I'm still plugging away here. I was under my weekly target last week on MFP but didn't lose anything. I'm under again today, despite having lunch at the pub. I even baked chocolate muffins and didn't do any quality control ;-)

Fresh, I hadn't heard about your Mum. I am really sorry sweetie.

I really don't think now is the time to worry about your weight though? I think you need to do whatever you need to do to get through this horrible time.

I find being healthy a struggle at the best of times and I think that in moments of grief and sadness we should be kind to ourselves?? You can tackle the weight when you feel more up to it.

Again, sorry to hear your sad news

I've decided I'm joining you ladies! I've been spending my nights playing stupid games on fb! I've just deleted them all and will now spend my nights on my crosstrainer while watching the soaps lol. Also going to try going for walks with Logan while Cas is at playgroup in the mornings. I will be a fitty for summer! x
So sorry fresh that's awful. Like the others said be kind to yourself at the minute. Losing weight is hard enough without grief added to the equation.

When I lost my mum wine and chocolate were a big part of most days. You do what you need to do to get through it sweetie.
First day back on the wagon went well. Just went for a jog. Was more of a speed walk with the odd sprint thrown in as haven't done a u exercise for ages. Did 5 miles and burnt 600 cals. Boy was it tough though! My legs feel like jelly!! Ha ha.
So sorry about your loss fresh....

And to all you other ladies I have lost 2.5lb this week! Over the moon but I can see its starting to slow down so time to change the diet and add a few more variations in excersise. It's just deciding what to do! X
So sorry for your loss Fresh. I only echo what the others say and don't worry about losing weight for the moment. Buy whatever size you need....xxxx
So sorry Fresh, my heartfelt thoughts are with you and your family. Please do be kind to yourself xxxxx


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