Yummy Mummy Club

Thanks for the advice L_a and yep they will just be for indoor use.

Aaron has been crying all day for the 4th Day in a row

My head is splitting

I'm having a bloody nightmare making the trousers for his costume, and my husband is being the most selfish and unhelpful idiot known to man ...

trousers were going smashingly actually ... made the pattern, cut the fabric, sewed them together, made the casing for the waistband, elasicated the waistband. Whats brought it all to a halt you ask? Heming the flipping legs! They are so narrow its hard to get them through the machine and I can't hand sew for toffee ... now the needle broke in the machine and Im having a time out before it goes through the window (or my hubby does, whatever I get my hands on first)

I need wine ...

and a chippy tea :$
Aaron has been crying all day for the 4th Day in a row

My head is splitting

I'm having a bloody nightmare making the trousers for his costume, and my husband is being the most selfish and unhelpful idiot known to man ...

trousers were going smashingly actually ... made the pattern, cut the fabric, sewed them together, made the casing for the waistband, elasicated the waistband. Whats brought it all to a halt you ask? Heming the flipping legs! They are so narrow its hard to get them through the machine and I can't hand sew for toffee ... now the needle broke in the machine and Im having a time out before it goes through the window (or my hubby does, whatever I get my hands on first)

I need wine ...

and a chippy tea :$

Poor A. Calpol for him and a well deserved vino for you just have two half measures then they don't count :)


Finished ... Phew

Can't have wine booby feeding :cry:

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
I'm going out to buy formula tomorrow! Can't take it anymore

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Can't take what tweety? You can have wine while expressing can't you (well I don't mean actually during, but in between sessions). I did! :shock:

Hope A has a better day tomorrow :hug: xxx
I'm going out to buy formula tomorrow! Can't take it anymore

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!

Oh no! You've done amazing, don't let a few very bad days ruin it! I'm sure one or two wines won't hurt if you have them just after expressing.
Hope things get better for you soon. xx

Tapatalking :)
Tweety you have done fab bf, i have the odd wine here and there, it doesnt affect Arthur, dont beat yrself up hunni, xxxx
My ultimate goal for expressing was always 6 months and I've surpassed that. I'm just hating it at the minute - this feels like more than a wobble.

I always said I'd carry on as long as I wasnt' stressed, and now I'm stressed. I don't want to play anymore.

I'm missing out on time with Aaron - or desperately trying to get him down for a nap so I can express - as he is impossible to entertain while expressing. Also, I have to choose between expressing and either eating, peeing, sleeping etc, and I just want some down time.

Anyway, spoke to hubby - he would prefer I carry on but I think he sees my point of view.
Sorry to hear you're having a tough time Tweety, you have done amazingly expressing for this long, to be honest I don't know how you've done it!!

I've had a pretty crap day food wise and haven't done any exercise and I feel so guilty so really need to get back on track tomorrow and plan to do the 30 ds level 2 and go swimming tomorrow evening once Max is in bed. I'm so determined to get to my goal weight and tone up I'm trying not to beat myself up about one day, just get back on track tomorrow xxx
Hey girls...I'm ashamed to be showing my face in here. I'm a bad bad girl. Not giving in though. I will get my ass in gear and get going. Have sorted out to go jogging with a friend next week and starting back at work next Thursday so although I know it's not good to have the 'il start next week' attitude but in my head next week is kind of a fresh start.

Your all doing great!!

FBE welcome hun!!! It sounds like you weigh as much as my left leg. Ha ha.

Tweety - sorry your having a tough time. Do what you need to do with the expressing. You have done amazingly well to do it for so long I think your a superstar!! You have to think of your sanity though at the end of the day.

I will be well and truly back with you soon girls. I'm not being tooooo bad but just haven't been thinking abouts diet and exercise much either. Been a bad few days with Meri as she's teething and grumpy and I'm mardy cos of going back to work next week.
Tweety - six months expressing is amazing xxx

I've had a good food day again. Resisted the cake at the spa :)
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Tweety you have done amazing with the expressing. I cannot even imagine how hard it must be. Surly there must be some sort of PF medal for dedication?!
6 months is a bloody long time to express!
Have a sleep and a good think about things.
The main thing is you enjoy your time with Aaron. I honestly don't know how you do it. Supermum xxx
1.6 lost this week!

Not bad considering no real exercise since Wednesday.

That's 6lbs in total since Jan, which isn't very good going :shock: :shock:

However I think this week for the first time since I started in the New Year that my brain has clicked into gear??? I actually stayed under calories and didn't feel deprived at all.

It's 9 weeks until my Birthday, can I do a full stone by then???

Not sure when I will start exercising again BUT now it's getting warmer I am going to up my walking everyday!

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Im back on the wagon as of Monday!! X

tapatalking x
OK so I've weighed this morning and I haven't lost. But I have solidly been the same weight all week (after losing 2lb last week). This is good for me, because my weight usually fluctuates a few pounds, so last week that weight was my lowest weight. LOL, I know what I mean, even if none of you do!

My weight came off slowly last time, probably because I don't do exteme diets or very low calorie, but this is even slower. I have my suspicion that it's still too soon after the birth of J. I'm not convinced I'm back to normal hormonally even though I'm not breastfeeding.

Just having a cup of tea to convince me to go for a run. I'm so not a morning runner!
Tweety, you've done so well. I think given Aaron is now older and needs more of your time formula might be the way forward, perhaps you can express a little still so his last feed of the day is your milk. It's a toss up between express for his benefit or spending time with him for his benefit. You've absolutely given him an amazing start.

I'm feeling bloated and lethargic on this diet but I guess that's my body detoxing first, they say the first week is hard. Having said that I've lost three pounds already and I'm day 5. My bum hurts from doing 100 squats a day - hoping it'll be worth it when I get the tape measure out later :)

Good thing about this diet is eating as much as I like without calorie counting. Last night it was roast chicken and all the trimmings, just minus the potatoes! Easy.


8lb in 9 weeks Nat. You can do it I'm sure!

How is everyone working out these precise weight losses? It's my turn to weigh in this morning, see what the damage is this week! I feel slimmer again as I now (literally just yesterday) have 5 items of pre pregnancy clothing I can just about squease into, and one of those is a set of trousers.

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