Yummy Mummy Club

Yep I am a proper short arse!

Also I don't carry weight well so whereas my sister who is a similar height can be 10st and a size 10, I need to be 8st 7lbs to be that size??

OHs mum once says to me, is because your smaller you notice every pound, I was raging!

I want to be a 5ft7 at size 10, the dress size I can change.. Unfortunately I've stopped growing :( so heels it will need to be.

If I were a few inches taller I'd be perfectly proportioned LOL

Well ladies I weighed this morning and I have lost 3.5lb I am over the moon in 2 weeks I've lost 6lb 13oz I will be for for summer!
And level 2 30ds killed me off today! :/ x
Okay.. I will ask it, even if I do look like a complete idiot.

What is this level 30 ds? Is this on MFP or something? Lolol .


I'm 5'7 but don't carry weight well either, and it doesn't take much for me to put on weight

At 11st 3 I'm a size 14

To be a size 10 I need to be 9.5 stone
It's not a weight thing at all, it's the size of my belly and my backside, seriously my bum needs its own post code!!!! I don't really care about a target weight, I just want to feel right about myself.

I should post a pic then you'd all know what I'm talking about but I'd be mortified to share it on a public site.

I've been promising myself for years to tone up and now I feel disgusted with my wobbly bits I think I've hit that marker where it's time i did something.

There's a lady in the same online group as me, same height and virtually same weight and she looks buff, everyone carries their weight differently.

I'm 5'7 but don't carry weight well either, and it doesn't take much for me to put on weight

At 11st 3 I'm a size 14

To be a size 10 I need to be 9.5 stone

Everyone is so different. I'm 5ft 6 and ALOT heavier than you and I'm a size 14/16!! X
I'm 11stone, I'm 5ft5 size petite 12..

Not for long hopefully. Lim squatting and cutting out rubbish for the whole of may xxxx
It's not a weight thing at all, it's the size of my belly and my backside, seriously my bum needs its own post code!!!! I don't really care about a target weight, I just want to feel right about myself.

I should post a pic then you'd all know what I'm talking about but I'd be mortified to share it on a public site.

I've been promising myself for years to tone up and now I feel disgusted with my wobbly bits I think I've hit that marker where it's time i did something.

There's a lady in the same online group as me, same height and virtually same weight and she looks buff, everyone carries their weight differently.

Of course it is subjective hun, I didn't mean to sound harsh :shock:

I did just say this a few posts back actually, I need to be 8st 7lbs to be a size 10. I suppose as I am still 10st 7lbs I forget that weighing less doesn't automatically I'll look like a supermodel. My current goal is just to be 9st something...

(For the record I have never looked like a supermodel LOL)

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Just popping in ladies as my EDD is approaching. I am planning on.joining SW after 6 weeks PP as i need a structure otherwise i will slip and not lose anything. I.have been to scared to step on the scales but will have to do it after 6 weeks. Dreading seeing the numbers but hey ho.
I am aiming for size 10 again and my goal will be saving for a lasik surgery as my eyesight has gone a lot worse during pregnancies.

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Yep I am a proper short arse!

Also I don't carry weight well so whereas my sister who is a similar height can be 10st and a size 10, I need to be 8st 7lbs to be that size??

This is because muscle takes up less volume than fat. Your sister must have a lower fat ratio (and consequently more muscle) which makes her appear smaller for the same weight.

I was approx 11 stone and a size 14-16 before I started running. After 2 years of running I was 11 stone 3lb and a size 12.
Well I'll be relying on you to buoy my spirits if I've not lost any weight at the weekend L_a, I know muscle weighs more than fat (and I assume I have some memory muscle somewhere as I was quite fit at one point not all that long ago - 8st, size 8, walked a lot, exercised 4-5 times a week) BUT I'll be so disappointment with no loss

Perhaps you should take measurements then? Then you can see yourself getting smaller even if you've lost no weight.

I weighed this morning and I've not lost this week yet, but I've lost a % point of fat (according to my rubbish scales - fat percentage measurement on them is rubbish, but I can at least trust the trend). This means I am getting smaller :)
It's not a weight thing at all, it's the size of my belly and my backside, seriously my bum needs its own post code!!!! I don't really care about a target weight, I just want to feel right about myself.

I should post a pic then you'd all know what I'm talking about but I'd be mortified to share it on a public site.

I've been promising myself for years to tone up and now I feel disgusted with my wobbly bits I think I've hit that marker where it's time i did something.

There's a lady in the same online group as me, same height and virtually same weight and she looks buff, everyone carries their weight differently.

Of course it is subjective hun, I didn't mean to sound harsh :shock:

I did just say this a few posts back actually, I need to be 8st 7lbs to be a size 10. I suppose as I am still 10st 7lbs I forget that weighing less doesn't automatically I'll look like a supermodel. My current goal is just to be 9st something...

(For the record I have never looked like a supermodel LOL)


No, I know you weren't. I'd like to think that after all this time I know the virtual you better than that :)

I dont think I explained myself to well, what I meant was I'm doing it to look better for myself only xxx
Welcome on board the wagon FBE :wave:

Hello oh yummy ones! How are we all

I've only just been able to do 30DS and my bike - had to do them back to back which made it that bit harder.

The bike was a right mental struggle! I managed 30 mins though, which is something I suppose.

Level 2 of 30DS definitely felt "easier" today - at least I didn't feel like I was going to die at the end?

My body shape is changing - my stomach looks and feels firmer (but is still a wobbly mess)

I took pics at the beginning of my health kick - so will be interesting to see the new me, and I may even share them with you all if you don't mind a bit of semi nakedness!

So glad I did my exercises, I've been trapped indoors with a shouty tiny human all day and my head is bursting, but the endorphines are making me feel a lot better!
I think we can cope with a bit of semi nakedness! LOL

I had lunch out today, which is always a killer, but I don't think I've gone too far over target. I was careful with dinner.

No run or pilates for me today though, DH is away so I've been on my own. I'm with you on the endorphins tweety, I get quite flat if I haven't run for a few days.

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Yep I am a proper short arse!

Also I don't carry weight well so whereas my sister who is a similar height can be 10st and a size 10, I need to be 8st 7lbs to be that size??

This is because muscle takes up less volume than fat. Your sister must have a lower fat ratio (and consequently more muscle) which makes her appear smaller for the same weight.

I was approx 11 stone and a size 14-16 before I started running. After 2 years of running I was 11 stone 3lb and a size 12.

Wss. Im now the same weight I was in tri 1, and look alot diff. I had alot more muscle tone then so looled very slim at 9 stone 7. Now at the same weight I look flabby and untoned, especially my bingo wings and jelly belly! Xx

tapatalking x

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