Yummy Mummy Club

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I've just done level 2 of 30ds as I was in the office today. Couldn't really be bothered but glad I did now. I'm also hoping to start swimming again and would love to start yoga or pilates. It isn't really feasible for me to get to classes at the moment so can anyone recommend any good DVD's? xxx
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All you ladies that exercise at night, don't you find that you have trouble sleeping??

Told my oh yesterday that I was chuffed I had lost 7lbs since last time I weighed myself and he went oh was that last weigh in while you were pregnant then?
My baby weighed 6lbs 5, so my oh thinks I look the same now as I did at about 35 weeks prgnant?

Git! I told him I'm almost 2 stone lighter than after giving birth and he is now grovelling!

Oh a better note I am 2 days in to 30ds and my everything aches!!!
All you ladies that exercise at night, don't you find that you have trouble sleeping??


I dunno if its the breastfeeding, but honestly as soon as my head hits the pillow I'm out cold!

I've never slept better in my life since I have since having Aaron (quality not quantity :lol:)
For me today has been a good day! Stuck to cals... and to make up for not doing 30ds yesterday I've done it twice today - not together though, as id be dead! once this morning and again this afternoon! I'm so going to ache tomorrow!

Tapatalking :)
Well done Bluebell!

See girls doing 30DS twice is possible! :lol:
Okay.. I will ask it, even if I do look like a complete idiot.

What is this level 30 ds? Is this on MFP or something? Lolol .




Anyone ?? xxxxx

30 day shred workout DVD by jillian Michaels - 3 levels, 10 days at each, 20 mins a day! I wouldn't do it twice in one day though as i did yesterday - I just had to get of bed like I did post c section! It defiantly works the abs! xx

Tapatalking :)
Okay so after my total stall at 9lb weight loss, regardless of what I did I've spent 10 days on the same diet, doing the same exercise but having a short sunbed every other day. I've lost another 3lb, but what is the most staggering is that I've lost 4 inches (!!!!!) in those 10 days from my waist!

I made the mistake of measuring my waist first, so I was slightly gutted at only loosing 3lb with all that inch loss, I was hoping for 5lb in those 10 days, but 3 takes me up to 12lb loss, which isn't too bad. The vitamin D is working. I know from experience it takes a long time for my levels to come up properly, so I hope there is more vit d weight loss to come yet.

How are you getting on with the bike Tweety?
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Thats great willowwisp! Well done!

I feel like a new woman today - my body shape seems to have totally changed :shock: Like all of a sudden. I can't stop staring at myself in the mirror :lol:

I still have a way to go, but it's a fantastic motivator for keeping going! I made a note of my measurements a while back, and although they weren't done at the start of 30DS they wont have changed much since taking them and starting - so will do some new measurements today and see how far I've come

I'm offficially half way through 30DS, finding level 2 easier now, I'm able to get up and move straight away when its finished - 5 days ago I was a pool of sweat in the foetal position on the floor!

Tried to have a sneaky weigh in today, but my scales are broken, new battery and everything, but they are just flashing random numbers? Will get the hubster to hit them with a hammer later.

Need to take Aaron to get weighed today, and its nice, so I'll walk down (about 30 mins each way and bloody hilly)
Morning all,

Workout done today but I am having a rest day tomorrow as I am really feeling it in my shins and achilles.... We have Dr's tomorrow anyway and I think it's going to be semi OK weatherwise so we'll go out for a long walk and do all the cleaning too...

My work-out is a nice little calorie burner though. 16 minutes of jogging (4 minute intervals), broken up with x3 intervals of Boxercise. I am also lifting some weights.

Iv lost 1.6lbs this week! Woohoo! I do need to exercise more... How do you ladies find the time!xx
Good luck with the measurements Tweety! Let us know how your doing! It's so nice when the numbers start shifting isn't it!

1.6lb is very precise Lolly! A good weight loss though, especially if your struggling for exercise!
Lolly - I know what you mean, I would like to run more, but getting out is tricky. I can hopefully go more in the summer when it's light in the evenings.

Having said that, if I did 30DS every time instead of coming on here, I would be skinny by now!
I've made it part of my morning routine. Although it does mean I stick him in front of the TV for half an hour :shock: :shock: :shock:

J won't watch TV for that long Nat, he gets bored after 5 mins. Did you have to work up to that? I have no problem with J watching half an hour or so of TV if he enjoys it xxx
H watches me do the pilates, he's fascinated. He has to get the right view or he cranes his neck to watch. Could you try and see if LO will watch to buy you the time?
My fitness pal is very accurate haha!
W is far too active when he's awake, and not even crawling yet. I don't have a spare half and hour :( maybe when I go back to work the weight will fall off a bit easier xx
I have to do my workout when Max goes down for his morning nap, thankfully he usually sleeps for 1.5-2 hours so I can do my workout, have shower and sit down with a hot cup of coffee before he wakes - heaven :) xxx
J won't watch TV for that long Nat, he gets bored after 5 mins. Did you have to work up to that? I have no problem with J watching half an hour or so of TV if he enjoys it xxx

James has always loved TV, I posted a thread on it ages ago as I was worried - he literally looks for a TV in every room he ever goes into. We don't have a TV in the bedroom though so I make sure we spend a bit of time in there... I also have the radio on via the TV so it is just a blank screen?

I let him watch a proper baby channel but he'll watch anything. He is a really observant baby though. He likes to watch me do things and now he struggles to fall asleep in pram as he is too nosy

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