Yummy Mummy Club

Looks so nice!! What is it? X

tapatalking x
That does look yummy Tweety!

I just had a kiddies pasta from M&S.

I didn't know you could have a weekly calorie target on MFP? I might have to go and check it out.

That may work better for me than meeting my daily goals as I struggle some days being on minimal calories!

It's covent garden scrummy chicken soup and ryvita with garlic and herb philli, pomodorino tomatoes, rocket and balsamic glaze

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
So after ages of me wanting to get OH down the isle, he's decided he wants to get married in 2 years and start TTC for another?

Hmmm best start planning now since he wants it in Vegas. Lol, he's not asking much is he?

I can imagine I'll be on a diet from now till then haha.

Well done on the loss tweets that must have been that walking yesterday aswell, youv done well xxxx
Nat it automatically gives your weekly target on MFP. It's just 7 x your daily. It runs Monday to Sunday and to see it click on the homepage and there is a button top right to toggle between day and week. It shows you how you're doing for the week.

Hi ladies. Just a quick check in, how is it all going? Lost 1.2lbs this week and dropped more inches. Can't wait to add it all up once I have finished 30DS.

After realising I was undereating, I calculated my BMR and upped to 1510 cals a day and I've still lost weight. Happy days! Xx
Nat it automatically gives your weekly target on MFP. It's just 7 x your daily. It runs Monday to Sunday and to see it click on the homepage and there is a button top right to toggle between day and week. It shows you how you're doing for the week.


I still can't see it LOL!

I am very tired though. I'll check it out tomorrow :lol:

How do you work out how many cals you should be eating? Mine is 1200 on mfp bit dunno if this is abit low? Done want my body to go into starvation mode lol. X

tapatalking x
1200 is pretty standard on MFP if you set your weighloss at 2lb per week (i think) but it recommends that you eat your exercise calories too.

If 1200 is too low for you - maybe try setting your weight loss goal at 1lb per week?
Nat - I'm on an iPad not sure if the app is the same on anything else.

Babyem - it works out your estimated basal metabolic rate based on your current weight, allows for regular daily activity and the works out a target based on how much weight you want to lose per week. As tweety says that means about 1200 cals for a 2lb per week loss and 1550 cals for a 1lb per week loss.
MFP sets me to 1200 cals a day and that is to lose 1lb per week?

I guess it depends on factors such as your height / activity level etc...

I have set my goals manually for 1250 cals per day, plus I eat back my exercise cal's if need be

Work-out today complete, we'll be out for a walk later though! I am praying for a loss on Saturday... Food wise I was bad at the weekend but exercise wise I've been so good...

Hello! Please may I join? I'm not doing 30DS or MFP but Franks Personal Training, he promises a 'transformed' body in 8 weeks. Lets hope he attended Hogwarts as I think he'll need it for me ha ha!!

Seriously though I don't have the dosh to spend on a personal trainer so his solution is brill, it's all via that social networking site FB.

You also post weekly progress pics so that's my motivation for cracking on with the workout videos.

I started properly on Sunday. My stats are:-
Height 5'2"
Weight 8st 10lb
Waist 86
Thigh 50
Hip 94
Arms 25
Chest 72

So a lot of work to do!!!

The diet so far has been pretty simple, no calorie or fat counting so long as you stick to his few rules.

I know it's not the same as most of you are doing, but I need a kick up the bum so support here is amazing as always

If you are 8st 10 now hun where do you want to get to??? :shock:

LOL I was thinking that myself Nat.

FBE your about 3 stone lighter than me !! xxxxx
You sound like youve done amazing already FBE!! X

tapatalking x
MFP sets me to 1200 cals a day and that is to lose 1lb per week?

I guess it depends on factors such as your height / activity level etc...

I have set my goals manually for 1250 cals per day, plus I eat back my exercise cal's if need be

Work-out today complete, we'll be out for a walk later though! I am praying for a loss on Saturday... Food wise I was bad at the weekend but exercise wise I've been so good...


Yep your estimated BMR will depend on your current weight and the goal amount will depend on what activity level you set yourself. I set my basic activity level as lightly active (you might have set yours to sedentary, which is probably the default?) but I don't claim extra for walking with the buggy unless its more than I usually do.
Yep your estimated BMR will depend on your current weight and the goal amount will depend on what activity level you set yourself. I set my basic activity level as lightly active (you might have set yours to sedentary, which is probably the default?) but I don't claim extra for walking with the buggy unless its more than I usually do.

Even If I put myself in as lightly active I still only get 1270 cals per day to drop a lb per week. I've also included 4x 30 minute work-outs per week in my initial 'goals'


I'd understand if I only had a bit to lose but I need to lose 2 stone.

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I don't think the exercise you put in as a goal is counted in the inital target. It only figures in your daily amount once you log that you've done it.

Not sure why yours is so low, except that you are a lot lighter than me already (even with 2 st to lose, because you are shorter). This will affect your estimated BMR.

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