Yummy Mummy Club

Well done on the exercise!

Hope you enjoy your dinner - maybe try to do a little extra exercise tomorrow for some damage limitation?

I've just done 40 mins on the bike while hubby did insanity - it was a great motivator. I burned more calories than I usually would according to the bike so must have been pedalling faster!

I'm hoping to go for a wee hill walk tomorrow as Aaron is going to spend the day with his Granny, and the weather has been decent. Will nip to Sainsburys in the morning and get some nice healthy stuff for a picnic for me and the hubster.

Thanks! I really want an exercise bike! Told hubby earlier and he just rolled his eyes - thinking its another fad thing ill buy and never use.. I was looking in Argos at folding ones (as space is tight) they look perfect, but think I may have to wait till I go back to work, maternity pay doesn't always go that far :(
Enjoy your walk and picnic :)

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Could you look into renting one? That's what I've done - £35 for 8 weeks (plus £10 delivery)

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Morning all

I'm hung over today ladies!

Ended up on the Prosecco yesterday and feel like death today. It's my first hangover since New Years Day 2012 :lol:

Thankfully James was an angel and slept until 7.30 again BUT I am suffering.

Today will be a write off BUT I am excited to start afresh tomorrow :shock:

Ah I love Presecco, maybe get out for a walk this afternoon, clear your head and it's still exercise :)

I've just done 30ds level 2 and it's definitely harder than level 1, which is good. Is it just me or does anyone else think level 2 seems to go quicker than level 1?

Hope everyone has a good Sunday, I'm out for dinner later but we had to pre-order our meals, which was good as it means I have ordered healthier choices rather than getting to the restaurant and thinking sod it I'll have a burger! xxx
Hello ladies, I'm having a lazy morning - Aaron is off to his Gran's and me and hubby are lounging.

(I'm still in pj's!)

Haven't done 30DS yet, or had breakfast - I'm still feeling a bit pants so working up to it.

I'm a bit achey after level 2 yesterday and also feel a bit crampy, so not sure if my first period is on its way (or maybe OV which makes yesterday's danger pokes a bit scary!)

Going to try and get on bike again today as "last chance workout" before weigh in tomorrow - or if I'm REALLY brave I might try the insanity fit test :shock:

I really really want a heart rate monitor, but don't really have the money to fork out on one - I know I have a crappy one in the house somewhere - but I have 2 hopes of finding it and one of them is Bob!

Hope you all have a lovely sunday! xx
I really really want a heart rate monitor, but don't really have the money to fork out on one - I know I have a crappy one in the house somewhere - but I have 2 hopes of finding it and one of them is Bob!

Hope you all have a lovely sunday! xx

Do you have a Decathlon shop near you? That's where mine is from for less than £30. Or Amazon? I have a Geonaute one xx
There is one at the Fort I suppose, I think I got my last one from there

Me and hubby have just been for a walk up the hillside next to us. We really don't take advantage of it - its so beautiful! It took 45 mins to get up and 35 to come back down

Russell do you ever walk up the greenside? My legs are quite sore and my HR was 114 when I got to the top (calculated manually :lol:)
Which one is the greenside ? I live to the big farm so its all greeny hills..

I don't take advantage of any hills in our village I have to say LOL.

I live in cragielea my mum lives in mirren and there's a hill separating our street its the quick way up but OMG it kills me. After I was like 6m pregnant I couldn't do it.

Did it last week and thought I'm gonna keel over.

OH likes walking and all that, I'm more like go to the gym to be pushed. If I was walking I'd just stop and sit haha.

Hope u enjoyed, did u have ur picnic? xxxxx
I'm in Westburn, just off Cochno Road - my hubby grew up on Mirren! We took Aaron for a walk around your neck of the woods during the week :D

Greenside is at the top of cochno road - its right next to us

We didn't end up taking a picnic as we had breakfast late and weren't ready for lunch
Ahhhh!! I know where cochno is.

Oh did he? I used to live there till I got my own flat. Lovely big houses. Lovely street aswell. Mine is a bit of a tip compared to my mums but I love that I'm just literally down the road.

Its a treck and a half in and out of farm road/mirren drive, such big streets. I have to get the local bus out its quite far from like hardgate xxxxx
Just did level 2 again, and my god its hard! My husband had to just talk to me the whole way through the last circuit to keep me going - otherwise I might have given up.

I was going to do my bike too, but not going to bother, I've done loads today as it is and my food has been great.

Looking forward to weigh in tomorrow morning!

Good luck to all my yummy mummies weighing in tomorrow!
Well done Tweety, I'm not feeling very confident about the weigh tomorrow to be honest as we've been out quite a lot this week to eat as we've had a lot of birthdays etc. Have made sure I've kept up with my exercise though and am glad I've gone on to level 2 as I wasn't finding level 1 as challenging anymore. But i will keep going and make sure I plan healthy meals for this week :) xx
:pompom: :pompom: :pompom:

:dance: :dance: :dance:

So happy I've lost 2lb! After the week I had I'm so lucky to have lost anything! Worked really hard over the weekend to make up for my days off.

Think ill need to be right on point this week or it might catch up with me.

My mini goal is to get under 11stone (I'm 11 3 at the minute) so if I stick to it ill get there in two weeks I reckon!

I'm getting closer and closer to my pre pregnancy weight now (I've lost nearly 2st since I starte counting but probably lost about 1-2 stone more also)


Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Well done tweety. Your doing amazing. I've done loads this week so hopefully will notice on the scales tomorrow,
I'm moving on to level 2 tomorrow and I'm quite scared! X
Well done hun, that is half a stone in two weeks you've lost??

That is bloody excellent.

I had yesterday off but am back on it today. James didn't waken until 8am today though so I am running an hour behind!

That's brilliant tweety well done :yay:

I had a terrible food day on Saturday, went over to a friend's house to help them move and we had all sorts of nice food for lunch and then an indian takeaway in the evening with wine. The rest of the week has not been too bad, although I didn't end up under the weekly target in MFP. I'm not expecting any weight loss this week but I'll probably weigh tomorrow.

This is pretty normal for me, I will run 3 times a week and eat modestly with the odd blow out day and the weight will come off slowly. I don't do very low calorie diets or intensive exercise regimes, they don't work for me. And there will be no difference for me when I get to weight maintenance, I still eat modestly with the odd blowout and run 3+ times a week.

Does mean the weight loss is slow though, which I find frustrating.
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Thanks girls, I'm so pleased - yeah 1/2 st in two weeks :yay:

LA Im an all or nothing person - can't do modest eating / some exercise - although its what I do when Im maintaining weight.

I just really feel like I need to get past this 11 stone mark - its like a line in the sand for me! Once I'm 10st something I will psychologically feel much better iykwim?

When Aaron was 3 weeks old, he was still in hospital and my dad came to visit. Now I love my dad very much and he is an amazing man, but Jesus did he keep going on about how much weight I had put on - kept asking me if I was wanting to get on the treadmill asap. I took it quite badly and went straight to Argos and bought some scales. I was 13st 2lb - my heaviest ever! All the "baby weight" had gone by then so I had no excuses! Since then I've been slowly knocking off the pounds, taking a break every couple of months as it becomes tiresome eating the same things over and over again.

I've learned a lot from this first pregnancy - I fell into the maternity clothes trap (size 10 still fit!). With the next pregnancy I hope to be eat a bit better and be a little more active (especially in the first trimester)

Sorry - rambling!

Anyway its a new week, draw a line under whatever you need to and jump on my wagon!
Oh and the point of my post was 30DS done - I *think* it was a little easier in parts, I can't be sure, I think I may have blacked out at one point :lol:

my knees are killing me!
Tweety thats amazing!!! Well done you, youll be smashing your target in no time!!

I have definitely fallen OFF the wagon!! I blame Easter!! So once the chocolates gone I will be back!! Need to do this!! I need to get back on track, I got comfortable with FOB and stopped making an effort or taking pride in my appearance. So Ive restocked my dressing table- new hair products, fake tan, nail stuff and skin care. My hair and skin look soo much better already and I feel better about myself a bit. Next is my make up!!

Once Im back on track with my eating again, I will start exercise again. Im gonna do the 30 day squat challenge and really try and get on with the 30DS. I dont want to set myself upto too much as I wont keep to it all, so setting it in stages instead. Maybe I will start running after all that. My ultimate goal is to get driving, so I can sign upto the uni gym for a bargain £80 for 2 years and make that a set routine!

Once Ive got to the shape and weight I want to be, Ill set to work on revamping my wardrobe!! That should be a good enough goal!! :D

So for today I am enjoying eating the last of the crap in the house. Xxx

tapatalking x
Oh and the point of my post was 30DS done - I *think* it was a little easier in parts, I can't be sure, I think I may have blacked out at one point :lol:

my knees are killing me!

Youre doing great!! X

tapatalking x

Just wanted to share my yummy lunch!

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!

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