Yummy Mummy Club

Ah fair enough. I tend to cut out snack and keep my cals for lunch and dinner. I only eat a light brekky.
I spread breakkie out. So I have two yoghurts when I've been up an hour, then some cereal an hour after that, then some fruit an hour after that.

Lunch and dinner I eat in one go though.

Breakkie is not my fave meal of the day. I always must have a decent dinner though. Soup for dinner just wouldn't do it for me, it has to be something 'proper' :lol:

Are you on MFP L_a?

Yes, I started on MFP about 10 days ago when you all were talking about it. Finding it quite useful. I'm littleangel_

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Ooh, what does that mean? Is it like facebook? Can you see when I eat naughty stuff?! LOL
Well im back in mfp as of monday. Ive had a baddd week!! Had fish and chips again tonight (well chicken fillet burger and chips) for the third time this week!!! Shocking!! Gonna order some water balance tablets tonight. Going shopping tomorrow so will get some healthy bits and bobs. Xx

tapatalking x
Ooh, what does that mean? Is it like facebook? Can you see when I eat naughty stuff?! LOL

Nah, I think you have to change privacy settings to show diary to friends, if you want?

Some people do other don't. I have mine open as I find knowing other people will see what I eat helps me keep on the straight and narrow (not that many people look at diaries I imagine, I rarely look through other people's)

I've been baking this afternoon. Our running club has a race on Sunday and we sell homemade cakes after the race, which we all bake. I've made brownies (well actually 2 batches because I'm taking some to a housewarming tomoorow) and cupcakes. I love to bake :)

So far I only ate one small cupcake and had a taste of the icing (quality control :lol:).

Does anyone else find MFP quite difficult to use when you mostly eat homemade stuff? I've put that down as 2 cupcakes, because I think it's about the right amount of cals. Last night's pasta dish, I had to list most of the ingredients!
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Most of the things I cook often I have saved as "meals" so I don't have to list the ingredients every single time. Also once you have listed something you can just click on the 'recent' tab at each given meal and it lists the things you have used recently.

I've been baking this afternoon. Our running club has a race on Sunday and we sell homemade cakes after the race, which we all bake. I've made brownies (well actually 2 batches because I'm taking some to a housewarming tomoorow) and cupcakes. I love to bake :)

So far I only ate one small cupcake and had a taste of the icing (quality control :lol:).

Does anyone else find MFP quite difficult to use when you mostly eat homemade stuff? I've put that down as 2 cupcakes, because I think it's about the right amount of cals. Last night's pasta dish, I had to list most of the ingredients!

I always look at other people's diaries! :lol:

I find having mine open keeps me on the straight and narrow too

You can add recipes and save them to use another time. You can also save something as a "meal"

I'm starting to feel a little better I think. Not going to do any exercise tonight but hopefully will be back on it tomorrow.
It prob is the most fattening thing. I've not had one since before I fell pregnant but they are yummy!

Its usually like a quater pizza and chips you get, u can get half or full but I get quater.

I'm guessing you haven't heard of battered kebab, marsbar or bounty then? These are some things we can get up here.

No wonder scotland has an obesity problem LOL!

I've heard of deep-fried Marsbar LOL!

It sounds yuck!

I had one at the weekend. Hadn't seen one on a menu for years... Had to get it xxImageUploadedByTapatalk1365195027.562658.jpg
Work-out done! I am quite getting into the swing of this exercise malarky!

Got to bloody go out for late lunch / early dinner though. That sounds so ungrateful but a few friends of mine are meeting and invited me.... I feel terrible as I went out Thursday night as well? BUT what am I meant to do? Never go out. After today I might not go out again for the next month!!

So I have exercised, will walk to and from the restaurant (about half an hour each way) and I will stick to water! I've factored a pizza in to my daily calorie allowance and will just have a light breakkie and some cereal this evening?

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I've been baking this afternoon. Our running club has a race on Sunday and we sell homemade cakes after the race, which we all bake. I've made brownies (well actually 2 batches because I'm taking some to a housewarming tomoorow) and cupcakes. I love to bake :)

So far I only ate one small cupcake and had a taste of the icing (quality control :lol:).

Does anyone else find MFP quite difficult to use when you mostly eat homemade stuff? I've put that down as 2 cupcakes, because I think it's about the right amount of cals. Last night's pasta dish, I had to list most of the ingredients!

I can't use it for this reason. I tend to cook in volumes and by feel, can't remember the last time I used the scales! It'd take me ages to measure and work everything out and I'm usually super pushed for time.
I'm back in action! :pompom:

Feeling a little better today so just did level 2 30DS - I swear I nearly died ... sweat was pouring off me which I was happy about because I wasn't even breaking a sweat doing level 1 anymore

Going to try and do an hour on the bike today as I had a sneaky peek on the scales and I havent lost anything this week so far - I'm aiming for 1lb - more as a mental motivation.

Come on ladies, don't let the weekend get you!
Day 1 of 30ds done = feeling good :) but hubby wants to cook tonight - Chinese chicken = 900cals + wine!! So I'm going to be way over! Im off to take the boys, hubby and dog out for a long walk in a min xx

Tapatalking :)
Day 1 of 30ds done = feeling good :) but hubby wants to cook tonight - Chinese chicken = 900cals + wine!! So I'm going to be way over! Im off to take the boys, hubby and dog out for a long walk in a min xx

Tapatalking :)

Well done on the exercise!

Hope you enjoy your dinner - maybe try to do a little extra exercise tomorrow for some damage limitation?

I've just done 40 mins on the bike while hubby did insanity - it was a great motivator. I burned more calories than I usually would according to the bike so must have been pedalling faster!

I'm hoping to go for a wee hill walk tomorrow as Aaron is going to spend the day with his Granny, and the weather has been decent. Will nip to Sainsburys in the morning and get some nice healthy stuff for a picnic for me and the hubster.
Well done on the exercise!

Hope you enjoy your dinner - maybe try to do a little extra exercise tomorrow for some damage limitation?

I've just done 40 mins on the bike while hubby did insanity - it was a great motivator. I burned more calories than I usually would according to the bike so must have been pedalling faster!

I'm hoping to go for a wee hill walk tomorrow as Aaron is going to spend the day with his Granny, and the weather has been decent. Will nip to Sainsburys in the morning and get some nice healthy stuff for a picnic for me and the hubster.

Thanks! I really want an exercise bike! Told hubby earlier and he just rolled his eyes - thinking its another fad thing ill buy and never use.. I was looking in Argos at folding ones (as space is tight) they look perfect, but think I may have to wait till I go back to work, maternity pay doesn't always go that far :(
Enjoy your walk and picnic :)

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