Yummy Mummy Club

Yeahh that would be good! NEED to get toned and lose my jelly belly! And my arms!! Ive always had skinny arms but a mate put a pic on fb from her party and there huge! X

tapatalking x
I noticed after I had Jackson I had bingo wings and I cried lolol they'v calmed down though prob from lifting and carrying.

Ok we will start in may! Means I can actually start eating. Need to cut down on the coke too... I think I'm addicted? Juice I mean.

Ive had such a bad day today :(, ive slumped right back into depressed mode!..Seb's been very whingy tonight as he had trapped wind :\..All the time trying to console him and i just ended up crying myself..Got extremely upset and told OH i didn't want him or want to be near him :shock:..I love him but he stresses me out so much, therefore ive ended up skipping 2 meals today and only eating 640 calories

Anyone got any tips for a person who cant face breakfast in the morning?, ive never eaten breakfast in a morning ever since I was 16..The thought just makes me want to up chuck :lol:..Im really picky with food, cant stand vegetables either! :\

This diet is going to be an epic fail...I can feel it :\
I hate breakfast unless I'm hungover. I just have cornflakes or rice crispier weetabix or toast n tea xxxx
I don't have breakkie until hours after I get up! I can't eat first thing.

I have 2 Petite Filous's, then an hour later a bowl of cereal then as a snack I may have some fruit and 2 Belvita biscuits. I have lunch late though! About 3pm and dinner about 7.30pm!

Ended up going to Jamie Oliver's Italian last night. Had 3 glasses of Prosecco, half a bread board, a ragu pasta dish and half a brownie! I am not even logging it in MFP as I'll be so over. I am so disappointed with the restaurant though! The food was OK but the staff - every single one I spoke to - were awful. I've never had such crappy service. Such a shame as the other Jamie Oliver restaurant "15" is amazing!

We're off to get weighed soon (James not me) and then I have to get some shopping in so I'll work out later today!!! But I will def do a work-out.

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I thought that about the Jamie Oliver restaurant too! Really rude and really slow!! I couldn't understand the menu either but maybe that's just me being uncultured! Xxx
I'm still in my sick bed. I've lost my voice and am blowing my nose every few seconds. Hoping this is the peak of this rotten cold and I start feeling better tomorrow. No exercise for me I think as I've got a bad chesty cough (coupled with asthmas is crippling).

Everything hurts! My ears are so sore and my head feels like it has a band of monkeys playing drums inside it!

Aaron has been an angel and gone back to sleep after his morning bottle so I've climbed back into bed to feel sorry for myself.

Ended up having a takeaway last night. Hopefully I will be feeling better tomorrow and can crack on with some damage limitation

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
U ever order from Lillys chinese tweet ? That's my faaaave. Mmmmm.

Poor you Tweety, just rest up today and I am sure you'll be feeling better soon!

U ever order from Lillys chinese tweet ? That's my faaaave. Mmmmm.


I tend to geet my Chinese from Empire :lol:

I'm not keen on the takeaways in Hardgate - Renfrew was so much better!

We had Nemos last night :lol:
Hope you feel better soon Tweety. Sounds awful.xxx
Feel better soon Tweety!

I can't do breakfast either. They have actually proven that getting straight up and eating does not make your metabolism any faster etc. Different for kids who need fuel for learning at school, but us adults it's much less important.

I've got my period, so I'm not sure how my weigh in tomorrow is going to look as I'm all swollen and bloated!
U ever order from Lillys chinese tweet ? That's my faaaave. Mmmmm.


I tend to geet my Chinese from Empire :lol:

I'm not keen on the takeaways in Hardgate - Renfrew was so much better!

We had Nemos last night :lol:

My mums fave is empire I don't really like the sauce, theyr not shy with the chicken though!!

Not had a nemos tbh because we stay next to fallones which is just THE best!

Home made pizza crunches ? Come on, can't argue with that hahah xxxxx
Fallones is amazing! But we always forget about it! I do love their pizza!
What are pizza crunches?? Xx

tapatalking x
Basically a pizza in batter. Sounds rank but usually chipshop deepfry the frozen plain cheese, the chippy near me do home made piZza in batter and its so cheesey.

Oh my, battered pizza - now I have heard everything!!! :shock:

Just finished my work out (and I've been out for a good walk). I need to eat something though as I've only had two baby yoghurts and some fruit.

Think OH is out tonight so I have got a microwave dinner (400 cals) and we'll be in bed nice and early.

Battered pizza? Sounds like a week's worth of calories based on what MFP has allocated me!

I did my run this morning (that makes 3x3 miles this week which is my goal). Also I'm back to the weight I was before the BH, so it must have been water.

Nat - that sounds like loads of calories for breakfast/morning food! How do you manage the rest of the day?

I normally eat little and often, it's just today I didn't manage my usual cereal as we went out so early!

I've had a substantial lunch now so I am feeling full up and sleepy, shame bub is wide awake as I could do with a nap :nap:


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