Yummy Mummy Club

Level 2, Day 1 of 30DS done. It is hell! I'm going to take a rest day tomorrow as I haven't yet and I need to make sure I'm letting my muscles recover. Hope everyone is well!
Lol! I'm not preggers! Well hope not - my lo is only 5 months old!!
Tapatalking so can't see tickers - not sure what mine says? I off to get laptop to see! xx

Tapatalking :)

I swear you had a ticker that said you were 32 weeks pregnant?

It's all fine and correct now - maybe it was a glitch?

Tweety, did you see it too? Or am I going insane?

Thanks L_a, I'll invest in some proper runners next payday. For the time being these will do. When I said walking I meant day to day walking not serious walking (if that makes sense!)

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There was definitely a ticker there that said 32 weeks pregnant! :lol:

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
I know my brain is a little frazzled but it's good to know I am not going completely bonkers :lol:

How are you feeling Tweety?

Sorted my ticker! I have no idea where the pregnant one came from... I don't think Ive altered it since being pregnant so it must of reset itself. I'm definatly not having anymore not for a long time! I've got more than my hands full :)

It was my fault carnat! - I only changed it today :) I'm always tapatalking so never thought to change it before.

Tapatalking :)
Honestly Nat I feel awful ... I have a migraine and what feels like a collapsed lung.

Hubby is talking me into a takeaway :wall2:
I think I'm gonna start the 30 day squat challenge - don't know if anyone has spoken about it in here but its doing good and looks fun, plus something I can do before starting back at the gym..

Anyone fancy doin it with me ? :) xxxxx
See how you are first thing tomorrow and if no improvement maybe try for an emergency appointment?

I think I'm gonna start the 30 day squat challenge - don't know if anyone has spoken about it in here but its doing good and looks fun, plus something I can do before starting back at the gym..

Anyone fancy doin it with me ? :) xxxxx

What's the 30 day squat?
Its this new fitness workout that everyones doing, have a look on utube, basically it goes.

Day 1 55 squats
Day 2 60 squats
Day 3 65 squats
Day 4 OFF - no squats

And basically it goes like that adding 5 on each 1,2,3rd day always have 4th day off.

The results online look amazing. U need to make sure your doin the squats properly though.

Here's the table ..

Good for toning gluts, thighs, abs xxxxx


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Do I just YouTube the squats to see how they are done!

Is it wrong that I want to bit that woman's ass?? :bum::bum::lol:

Just had a message from a friend of mine saying she is local and asking me to dinner.... Eeeekkk. I really, really want to go (we'd go for Thai at my local which is on my doorstep) but it means there'll be wine as well.

I don't know what to do? I hardly ever go out so I am thinking just to go and limit myself to two small glasses of wine??

I want to squeeze it in a non sexual way though, it just looks so firm.

And yeah just utube 30 day squat challenge and there are some vids just a breif talk through and showing you how to do it properly. And off u go. You can start any day but I think ill start in May, maybe open a thread if enough are doing it. I wanna get my eating on track first and thn ill do my water tabs, 30 day challenge and no more junk. Hopefully that gets me in some sort of shape. I always do the cereal diet in the summer aswell it always works good for me before holidays but I will do it this year deffo for this mum tum xxxxx
I have nearly 900 cals left today so screw it I am going to meet my friend.

Just going to get ready, OH is in charge of James (he only needs one more feed, bum change and bed clothes on)

So excited. Pre-baby I used to do this a few times a week! This is like the third time I've been out since I've had him :shock:

Hope you enjoy your night out Nat. If you want proper running shoes, I would recommend going to a running shop, getting specialist advice and getting your gait analysed.

Tweety - hope you feel better soon.

I was doing so well today until my mum cooked me pasta for tea - I had way too much!

Enjoy you night out carnat! 900 cals is quite abit to play with :) I'm 100 over!! I've had 1600 cals -278cal fitbit adjustment... 2 glasses of wine not good :( Will do better tomorrow :)

Tapatalking :)
Id take a bite out of her arse and im not ashamed to say it!! Its perfect!!

May look into the squat challenge. Going to order some water balance tablets (thanks for the info russell!) need to get back on mfp, let that slide alot! Although I know Ive not been eating anywhere near my target of 1200 cals. Actually, is this enough to actually lose weight? In the sense that my body wont just go into starvation mode?

I want my ballet legs back!! Wahhhh!! Xx

tapatalking x
Id take a bite out of her arse and im not ashamed to say it!! Its perfect!!

May look into the squat challenge. Going to order some water balance tablets (thanks for the info russell!) need to get back on mfp, let that slide alot! Although I know Ive not been eating anywhere near my target of 1200 cals. Actually, is this enough to actually lose weight? In the sense that my body wont just go into starvation mode?

I want my ballet legs back!! Wahhhh!! Xx

tapatalking x

No probs hun. I think I'll start a thread and start in may if u wanna have a wee workout buddy. I want that booty. I have a natural toned bum and legs, I think my legs r too toned but I want my nice rock solid bum back haha xxxx

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