Yummy Mummy Club

Ive not checked in for a while!..Ive done so bad i think ive let everyone down..Hence me stepping away for a while :\

But the noblest thing i did this week was give away my easter egg my grandma bought me! :O, the cadbury's Wispa one..Thats the only chocolate i cant stand :lol:...Everything else ill happily scoff! hehe!

Today i consumed 403 calories and managed to burn 179 of them!, but my best burn was on Sunday as I went on one of my cleaning frenzies i burned 553 calories after eating 1,207..So i sort of feel better for that in a way but giving up the coca cola is killing me :|

At last weigh in i was 13 stone exactly!, i need to drop around 4 stone to be back to pre pregnancy size, but at the moment ill stick to shedding 3 and see how i do :D..But i really do miss those skinny jeans :(

403 calories really isn't enough sweetie... The minimum you should be eating is 1200 calories a day.

Well done on burning calories though x

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!

Thanks Tweety :), I have so much weight to lose i daren't even look at the scales at the moment incase ive gained! :|

My appetite has been screwed ever since ive had Seb'..I seem so busy tending him and making sure all his needs are met that i often find myself skipping meals and not getting that hungry which i know is extremely naughty of me and its hindering more more than helping me but i did sort of have a healthy-ish snack..Porridge with chocolate granola:lol:

Ive been terrible with my calories today and only eaten 607 whilst my phone is telling me ive burned over a thousand of those!..Crazy phone id be in minus numbers by now!:lol::whistle:
Think ill be having the day off exercise today ... I couldn't catch my breath walking up the stairs :shock:

Scared I might have a bloody chest infection now :wall2: I haven't had one in years but they knock me for six as I have asthma.

Got a busy day with appointments otherwise I'd just stay in bed

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
SM - Try to eat filling and nutritious foods hun. Porridge for breakkie, fruit and yoghurts as snacks, jacket spud for lunch and a proper evening meal with lots of veg or salad.

It doesn't matter how heavy you are, you still need to eat enough to ever have a sustainable loss.

Gradually try to get yourself in the habit of eating well.

If you do too much exercise and eat too few calories your body clings on to the fat as it goes into starvation mode.

I am just about to feed and change James, then he goes on his play-gym for a roll around and I am going to exercise! Excited.com about my new trainers.


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What trainers have you got? I need some new ones as the sole of mine fell off whilst I did the race for life!!!xx
I'm doing rubbish girls!! I need a proper good telling off and a kick up the bum!

Had a bad day on Monday and its just carried on! I'm at a family wedding at the weekend an so I think in my head iv written the week off.

I seem to do good for a week then something goes wrong and I struggle to get my good eating head back on!

I desperately want to get this weight off but I'm so weak!!

Sorry for the moan. I know the only person that can do it is me! Just wish it was easier! Ha.
Nat, you know those are trail running shoes right? The will have less cushioning in (to help you feel the ground) and a different type of tread (for muddy terrain) than normal running shoes.

I doubt it would do you any harm to use them for your Davina DVDs, but it might dig up your carpets a little! I also wouldn't use them for much running on pavements (only to get to the trail ;-)). You would find them hard in your knees and ankles.
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I'm doing rubbish girls!! I need a proper good telling off and a kick up the bum!

Had a bad day on Monday and its just carried on! I'm at a family wedding at the weekend an so I think in my head iv written the week off.

I seem to do good for a week then something goes wrong and I struggle to get my good eating head back on!

I desperately want to get this weight off but I'm so weak!!

Sorry for the moan. I know the only person that can do it is me! Just wish it was easier! Ha.


Here have my giant pen and draw a giant line under it.

Ok - so half the week is a write off. Its not the end of the world. You have 2 days to pull it back right? Plan your food for today. Stay within calories and do some exercise for damage limitation.

Yes a loss may be out the window now, but now we on are a course so that you don't put on.

Whats the point of doing all that hard work to go an throw it all away the following week

You CAN do it .... now get your arse in gear lady! :friend:
Hi all! I so need to join you girls!! I'm so fat now :( before my first pregnancy I was a size 10-12, after my first I was a 16 and now 5 months after my 2nd I had to buy size 18 trousers to go to a job interview :( I feel so paranoid about it - I know what people thinking... "look how fat she is now" it puts me off going out :(
I've been using MFP now for a few weeks and have lost 7lbs so far :) I only have another 3 stone to go :( I have also recently got a Fitbit which is great as it syncs to MFP automatically and gives me extra cals if I've walked lots!
I'm thinking about 30DS, but not sure I have the time - how long does it take and how many cals do you burn? also will it sort my flabby tummy?
You all look like your doing so well :)

Tapatalking :)
Nat, you know those are trail running shoes right? The will have less cushioning in (to help you feel the ground) and a different type of tread (for muddy terrain) than normal running shoes.

I doubt it would do you any harm to use them for your Davina DVDs, but it might dig up your carpets a little! I also wouldn't use them for much running on pavements (only to get to the trail ;-)). You would find them hard in your knees and ankles.

I didn't read the blurb, I just picked them as they were the least ugly. Running shoes are so unattractive?

As I say I am only using them for a workout DVD indoors.. Carpets are already wrecked so no worries there.

I guess they'd be OK for outside if I am just walking?

Thanks tweety. According to my scales iv put a pound on. Just need to make sure it doesn't end up more! A pound isn't too bad.

Bluebell - welcome honey! You can do it!!
Hi all! I so need to join you girls!! I'm so fat now :( before my first pregnancy I was a size 10-12, after my first I was a 16 and now 5 months after my 2nd I had to buy size 18 trousers to go to a job interview :( I feel so paranoid about it - I know what people thinking... "look how fat she is now" it puts me off going out :(
I've been using MFP now for a few weeks and have lost 7lbs so far :) I only have another 3 stone to go :( I have also recently got a Fitbit which is great as it syncs to MFP automatically and gives me extra cals if I've walked lots!
I'm thinking about 30DS, but not sure I have the time - how long does it take and how many cals do you burn? also will it sort my flabby tummy?
You all look like your doing so well :)

Tapatalking :)

Has your MW ok'd you dieting in pregnancy hun?

Also I wouldn't recommend anything like 30DS whilst you are preggers or until you get the OK at your postnatal check?

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Hi all! I so need to join you girls!! I'm so fat now :( before my first pregnancy I was a size 10-12, after my first I was a 16 and now 5 months after my 2nd I had to buy size 18 trousers to go to a job interview :( I feel so paranoid about it - I know what people thinking... "look how fat she is now" it puts me off going out :(
I've been using MFP now for a few weeks and have lost 7lbs so far :) I only have another 3 stone to go :( I have also recently got a Fitbit which is great as it syncs to MFP automatically and gives me extra cals if I've walked lots!
I'm thinking about 30DS, but not sure I have the time - how long does it take and how many cals do you burn? also will it sort my flabby tummy?
You all look like your doing so well :)

Tapatalking :)

30DS is only 20 mins and I'm 11st5lbs and it burns about 170 cals.

I find the timing of it perfect, I've done 10 days, having a rest day today then starting Level 2 tomorrow.
Sorry to hear you're feeling poorly Tweety, make sure you rest up today.

Spammy - I agree with Tweety, don't write off the whole week because of a few bad days. I was a nightmare of that, I was constantly saying I'd start my healthy eating/exercise next week because of one thing and another, then my OH turned round and said 'why don't you just start now'. I would never admit it to him but he had a point.

Hope everyone's having a good week xxx
Crikey I didn't see the ticker Bluebell!

Don't be doing 30DS :shock:

Speak to your midwife about dieting in pregnancy, and once you've had bubs come and join us here xx
Lol! I'm not preggers! Well hope not - my lo is only 5 months old!!
Tapatalking so can't see tickers - not sure what mine says? I off to get laptop to see! xx

Tapatalking :)
Had a sneaky weigh-in this morning and have gained 0.2lb.

I didn't expect much as this is only day 3 of exercise (and day 4 of healthy eating) but I have made a vow not to weigh-in until next Friday. That way I'll get a better idea of how things are working for me.

I know it's not a quick fix and I prepared to make this a lifestyle change not a "diet"

I want to be in a size 10 by James' 1st Birthday!! That's 7 months to lose 35lbs!

Sorted my ticker! I have no idea where the pregnant one came from... I don't think Ive altered it since being pregnant so it must of reset itself. I'm definatly not having anymore not for a long time! I've got more than my hands full :)
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30DS is only 20 mins and I'm 11st5lbs and it burns about 170 cals.

I find the timing of it perfect, I've done 10 days, having a rest day today then starting Level 2 tomorrow.

Think I may be up for this! I'm sure I can find 20 mins - I've just ordered it and feeling motivated :)

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Nat, you know those are trail running shoes right? The will have less cushioning in (to help you feel the ground) and a different type of tread (for muddy terrain) than normal running shoes.

I doubt it would do you any harm to use them for your Davina DVDs, but it might dig up your carpets a little! I also wouldn't use them for much running on pavements (only to get to the trail ;-)). You would find them hard in your knees and ankles.

I didn't read the blurb, I just picked them as they were the least ugly. Running shoes are so unattractive?

As I say I am only using them for a workout DVD indoors.. Carpets are already wrecked so no worries there.

I guess they'd be OK for outside if I am just walking?

I'm sure they'll be OK, just watch yourself because they probably don't have much cushioning or ankle stability.

I couldn't walk any distance in my trail shoes on a hard surface (can feel the deep tread under the feet and it's not comfy) but yours might be fine.

I'm a big believer in using the right tools: running shoes for running, walking boots for walking, but if you want something to use for lots of stuff there has to be compromise.

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