Yummy Mummy Club

Knock knock, can I come in?
I'm desperate to lose weight, I hate my body just now! Saying that I was lucky in pregnancy and only put on 1.5 stone, Harry was 7lb 15oz when born so I found it fairly easy to lose pregnancy weight. I'm now actually 6lb under pre pregnancy weight but I still want to lose at least a stone as I was overweight to begin with anyway.
Today I am 11st 9lb but I am only 5ft 2 so I always feel I look so podgy. I really don't wanna be Harry's fat mummy. I've always had issues with my weight and if I'm being totally honest teetered on the ede of having a full blown eating disorder in high school, but I managed to kick myself up the bum before it got too serious.
I think I'm gonna order the 30ds DVD. Motivation is my biggest downfall and I have none! But hopefully with the support of you ladies ill finally achieve my dream weight! Xxx
I love MFP now I have friends on it! I'm worried you'll all give me a kick up the bum if I slack off.
My username is kirstyleightaylor if anyone was wondering who the random add was.
Rheannymac, you can do the shred on YouTube! That's what I've been doing. I will have to splash out on some weights though since we have no tins!
I've only lost half a pound, usually after the first day I lose loads! Starting to regret getting such a specific set of scales!
I'm a regular weigher, it motivates me! Xxx
Welcome girlies, I must admit I've found this thread great (huge thanks to Tweety our task master :) )and mfp has really helped me not to overindulge with food as I know I have to record it. I just did my 30ds workout and found it much easier so I think in the next day or so I'll be going to level 2, bit scared is it brutal, anyone whose already at that level? Hope everyone's having a good day xxx
Taffy I watched level 2 yesterday and Im scared! Im due to start it tomorrow!
I'm starting my water tablets soon and make an effort to shift my jigglyness.

I fit back into my petite 12 jeans and my tops etc fit again but my tummy is still a bit wobbley. I will start back the gym around June I think but hopefully my water tablets will shift my excess fluid.

Back before I was pregnant I did WW and took my fluid tabs and dropped a stone in a month so here's hoping it works this time round!

Good luck to everyone on getting the body they want back! Or perhaps a new fitter you!

One thing I am struggling with is eating atm :(

I'm so annoyed because I was a total grubber pre/pregnancy! Yet I don't want to eat and I don't then I end up feeling dizzy and can't stomach anything.

One thing that's doin this is the sleep patterns but I'm slowly gettin back to bed earlier. Its a shame because its no fault of Jackson's, he sleeps all night!!

Anyone know any tips to get a decent appetite back? I can't really start getting in shape etc when I can't eat ? I'm gonna try forcing it for a while.. Anyone else got this problem ?

Did you get prescrubed water tablets? Being nosey and looking for anything to help shift my belly!!

Has anyone done P90X??

tapatalking x
Les I am so sorry to hear about your Dad :hugs:

Hello new ladies! Get yourselves onto MFP and add me :lol: same username as here.

Did some calculations today and looked back over my diary and I'm undereating quite badly. Need to get up to at least 1500 calories before exercise, some days I'm just over the 1000 mark... OH (who is a personal trainer) gave me a big row today :blush: No wonder my weightloss feels like it has slowed, my poor body is hanging on to all it has!

Anyway, off to do 30DS and pilates. Last day of level 1! Moved up to level 2 of pilates yesterday. Will see what this week brings xx
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No hun you get them in holland and barrets quite cheap.

They help shift excess water weight, I know we carry around 3lbs of excess water around AF time but god knows how much sticks there after child birth so hopefully gives me a boost.

I noticed it more in my thighs, face and bum. On my tum too but mostly those areas with more weight the tabs helped loads and they're herbal xxxxx
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Les - its so hard when LO's are vulnerable. Aaron is too and I feel like wrapping him in bubble wrap and staying indoors forever.

if you ever need to chat just PM me x

That's really lovely and kind thank you xxx
Les I am so sorry to hear about your Dad :hugs:

Hello new ladies! Get yourselves onto MFP and add me :lol: same username as here.

Did some calculations today and looked back over my diary and I'm undereating quite badly. Need to get up to at least 1500 calories before exercise, some days I'm just over the 1000 mark... OH (who is a personal trainer) gave me a big row today :blush: No wonder my weightloss feels like it has slowed, my poor body is hanging on to all it has!

Anyway, off to do 30DS and pilates. Last day of level 1! Moved up to level 2 of pilates yesterday. Will see what this week brings xx

Awww thanks Claire x
No hun you get them in holland and barrets quite cheap.

They help shift excess water weight, I know we carry around 3lbs of excess water around AF time but god knows how much sticks there after child birth so hopefully gives me a boost.

I noticed it more in my thighs, face and bum. On my tum too but mostly those areas with more weight the tabs helped loads and they're herbal xxxxx

Any side effects from them? Do you pee more?
It well it does turn your water weight into pee that's how you get rid of it but I have to say I didn't notice frequent toilet visits. Just my usual but I only pee like 3 times a day when not pregnant. Mornin noon and night but I don't know how it would be if you tend to have a week bladder.

You only pee 3 times a day??? Seriously? :roll:

I used to pee at least twice before I went to work (before being preggers) and then I'd pee as soon as I got to work :lol:

I might give them a miss LOL!

Yeah, I don't pee often. Must have a huge bladder or something haha.

You could ask in holland and barrets or have a wee read about if they would make you pee more but they didn't for me xxxxx
Evening ladies

Hubby has just done insanity while I was on the bike. It was proper motivating and I ended up doing 40 mins instead for 30.

Feeling lousy, my chest is feeling quite bad now - need to look for my inhaler.

I promise I will take it easy though - don't be doing no worrying now :D
Do make sure you take it a bit easier whilst you are poorly hun!

I've gone a little over calories today, only by about 100 and I've not eaten any crap.

New trainers arrived and I can't wait to get started with them so I'll be up bright and early for my workout. I'm quite excited about it actually :shock:

I'm trying to sweat it out - but I don't think its working :lol:
Get well soon tweety!!! Id give the exercise a rest for a while until your better hun! You don't want to overdo it!! X

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