Yummy Mummy Club

I've had a good day :) hopefully keep it up this week. It's to be nice weather all week so hopefully be out lots with the pram :) xx
Ladies I've had a very naughty weekend. Haven't done 30DS since Thursday and eated so much crap. However I've been good today with my eating and walked to tesco instead of taking the car so I'm under calories without having done 30DS! I'm gonna start it again in the morning as that's the time of day William is quite happy to just sit and watch whatever I'm doing before my day gets underway and disappears.

On the plus side I got weighed properly on Saturday as I'd previously had to guess my weight and I'm 9lb lighter than I thought I was :pompom:
Well done Ashley :pompom:

I had a chinese, I feel like crap - I'm not doing my bike tonight, but will hopefully claw it back over the week
Wow Ashley that must have been a lovely surprise!

I am having a day in tomorrow so will see how achy I feel in the morning. I plan a mammoth clean though - hoover the whole place, change bed sheets, clean whole kitchen and bathroom including floors, plus I'll take out all the rubbish and recycling so that should burn a few calories

Well done everyone!

Tweety don't worry about it!! We all have days like that!

That's what I'm telling myself anyway.y bad night last night spread into today aswel. Went to patisserie Valerie with a friend and let's just say I'd need to run a marathon to burn off today's calories. Really annoyed with myself! Feel sick too. Serves me right!
Seeing the loss has just made me more determined! :/ usually does so its game on again tomorrow! X
Ive not checked in for a while!..Ive done so bad i think ive let everyone down..Hence me stepping away for a while :\

But the noblest thing i did this week was give away my easter egg my grandma bought me! :O, the cadbury's Wispa one..Thats the only chocolate i cant stand :lol:...Everything else ill happily scoff! hehe!

Today i consumed 403 calories and managed to burn 179 of them!, but my best burn was on Sunday as I went on one of my cleaning frenzies i burned 553 calories after eating 1,207..So i sort of feel better for that in a way but giving up the coca cola is killing me :|

At last weigh in i was 13 stone exactly!, i need to drop around 4 stone to be back to pre pregnancy size, but at the moment ill stick to shedding 3 and see how i do :D..But i really do miss those skinny jeans :(
Ive not checked in for a while!..Ive done so bad i think ive let everyone down..Hence me stepping away for a while :\

But the noblest thing i did this week was give away my easter egg my grandma bought me! :O, the cadbury's Wispa one..Thats the only chocolate i cant stand :lol:...Everything else ill happily scoff! hehe!

Today i consumed 403 calories and managed to burn 179 of them!, but my best burn was on Sunday as I went on one of my cleaning frenzies i burned 553 calories after eating 1,207..So i sort of feel better for that in a way but giving up the coca cola is killing me :|

At last weigh in i was 13 stone exactly!, i need to drop around 4 stone to be back to pre pregnancy size, but at the moment ill stick to shedding 3 and see how i do :D..But i really do miss those skinny jeans :(

403 calories really isn't enough sweetie... The minimum you should be eating is 1200 calories a day.

Well done on burning calories though x

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Ooh just seen this thread! I've been doing weight watchers and have managed to lose 18lb so far, but after sadly losing my dad last week I've been comfort eating as its the only thing keeping me going and functioning for Harry. I need to get back on it as my weight really does make me unhappy (plus I don't want to be known as Harry's fat mummy :-() x
Sorry to hear about your Dad hun, how awful for you and your family.

Don't be too hard on yourself at the moment - just do what you need to do. Watching what you eat is all about timing anyway so when you feel ready you can get back to it.

403 calories really isn't enough sweetie... The minimum you should be eating is 1200 calories a day.

Well done on burning calories though x

Yep I agree with Tweety, you need 1200 at the very least (and that is only if you don't have much weight to lose) you also need to make sure it's at least 1200 after exercise.

If you use MFP you can input all your info and they give you a guide for amount of calories you need per day.

I am not exercising today, I am in agony so I need a rest. I have a mammoth clean planned though and my new exercise gear and trainers will be here today

Les1504 - so sorry to hear about your dad :hug:

You need to be kind to yourself at the moment and do whatever you need to get through xxx
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I feel rubbish today :(

The scales say that I gained 2lb over the weekend. According to MFP (and my gut instinct) I shouldn't have lost but I shouldn't have gained. I had no chocolate at all and I did 2 runs. You have to overeat by about 7000 cals to out on 2lb - there is no way I did that.

I had a couple of glasses of wine and a salty meal last night so I'm hoping it's water retention. I don't feel very well at all today actually.

:( :( :(
Day 10 done! Yeehaw! :pompom:

I feel amazing (ish)

Im still loaded with a cold, and peeing now hurts as much as it did post labour

Level 2 starts tomorrow though - I watched it yesterday and I'm genuinely scared!

Going to head out and buy some proper weights and some new exercise gear this morning. My nike capris were bought almost 2 stone ago and they are falling down now - I fear with the jumping in level 2 I may lose them!

Les - I'm sorry to hear about your dad :hug: Weight is the last thing you need to worry about xxx

LA - I imagine it is water retention, this is why you should only weigh in once a week, as otherwise its not accurate? Try to get back on track - and well done on the runs!

I'm going to try and do an hour on the bike today - maybe 2 x 30 min sessions to try and combat last nights takeaway and easter egg :blush:

I think I'm going to try and dig out my HR monitor too - Its about here somewhere!
Thanks girls you are all so kind. After Harry's Beckwith Wiedermann syndrome diagnosis 2 weeks ago he has his first ultrasound scan today to make sure he doesn't develop any of the associated cancers...it really is one thing after another at the moment :-(
Going to give it until after my dads funeral next week and try to do some gentle exercise again, really don't want to put all the weight I've lost back on again! X
Thanks tweety, i know thats the general advice, But how does it help only weighing once a week, if I weigh on a "fat day" where I'm retaining a lot of water?. If today had been the only day I weighed, I would be even more upset! At least I know I was 2lb lighter at the end of last week.

I've always been someone who weighs themselves every few days, whether i need to lose weight or not (it's my way of controlling it). I do always fluctuate within 2-3lb.

Definitely back on top if things again this week. I'm home and in control of my own eating again. I do need to drink less alcohol though :wall2:

Tweety are you going to see/speak to the GP about your urine infection? It sounds nasty.

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Les - its so hard when LO's are vulnerable. Aaron is too and I feel like wrapping him in bubble wrap and staying indoors forever.

if you ever need to chat just PM me x
Thanks tweety, i know thats the general advice, But how does it help only weighing once a week, if I weigh on a "fat day" where I'm retaining a lot of water?. If today had been the only day I weighed, I would be even more upset! At least I know I was 2lb lighter at the end of last week.

I've always been someone who weighs themselves every few days, whether i need to lose weight or not (it's my way of controlling it). I do always fluctuate within 2-3lb.

Definitely back on top if things again this week. I'm home and in control of my own eating again. I do need to drink less alcohol though :wall2:

Tweety are you going to see/speak to the GP about your urine infection? It sounds nasty.


Yeah I've got an appt with GP this afternoon

I weigh in every few days too - to see how its going. But you have to remember to put everything in perspective. i.e. you had a salty meal and wine last night. If it was official weigh in today you maybe wouldn't have had it? I think its also good to know what food affects your weight etc. Try to get back on track for the rest of the week and drink loads of water to flush that salt out!
I just saw and replied on your other thread.

Thanks, I know you're right. I don't normally get hung up on the little fluctuations, just feeling a bit flat this morning. You've made me feel better :hugs:
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I am not going to weigh myself until I have managed to exercise 5 days out of 7!

I am sick of seeing the same few lbs lost and gained!

So as long as I am OK tomorrow I'll weigh-in Monday I think.

How unfit must I be to be so fcuked from 2 days exercise? I warmed up and warm down as well :wall2:

Man, I've let myself go! I walked an hour a day until I was 37w so I thought I'd maintained a basic level of fitness.

Going to throw James around a bit later, he loves being held up really high over my head - he can be my weight lifting today :lol: :lol:


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