Yummy Mummy Club

Would people recommend 30DS post csection? X

tapatalking x
Baby em I have no idea but I've just watched it and I was a bit scared! I should just have done it because now I've watched it I don't want to even attempt it.:wall2:

Well done on all the weight loss and achievements ladies. X
Well done spammy :yay:

I forgot to say this morning when you mentioned pelvic floor and running, that it's the downhills you need to watch. Tighten your core and don't go too fast on the way down. If you can manage it, running will help your pelvic floor no end.

Oh right thanks hun! I tried to do. Zumba recently! I thought cos I could sneeze safely I was ok but I found out that night I couldn't jump!
Don't worry, I couldn't do star jumps pre preg. I can run 4 months post preg. Just take it easy. If you leak a bit at the start it will improve quickly xxx
Oh god help me I have man flu

Nuff said

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Oh no tweety! It's horrid! I'm only just feeling better after over 2 weeks of it.

No 30ds for you today!!! Plenty of rest if possible between expressing and being super mum. Ha ha.

Well after my weigh in yesterday I had a terrible day food wise. We had friends round cos there was some baseball on and my husband is obsessed. We had wine beer fajitas and nachos and chocolate. Probably managed putting that 4.5 pounds on in 1 sitting! Ha!
Hope you feel better soon Tweety.

I am in total agony (despite warming up and down properly!) so I have come to the conclusion the only thing that will help is to exercise again today :lol:

Exercise gear is on, baby is fed and changed on just about to be plonked on his play-gym with lots of toys...

Just did Day 9 of 30DS (in the hope of sweating it out)- feeling like Shite! Think I might have a UTI - but having never had one I can't be sure?

Aaron has a cold too so is on hunger strike :wall2:

Just about to watch hubster do insanity day 2!
Hello ladies, hope you don't mind me joining in! I didn't want to start any earlier as I'm such a chocolate fiend! I've got MFP so I'm going to have a nosy through the thread and add some friends (so you can all keep an eye on me).
I'm starting the 30DS and starting to wish I'd bought a sports bra :/
Sounds like you're all doing amazing :) xxxxxx
30DS just arrived. Im making the m9st of pre diet and am still sat in my pjs eating crisps. I may play the dvd later and see what's ahead. Im mildly excited about it all xxx

I've let all you girls down - i've just sat an eaten a whole easter egg.

I'm proper feeling sorry for myself, now I feel worse!
Tweety don't be daft. U were celebrating! !! Xxxx

Just catching up. Massive well done to tweety and spammy! 5 and 4.5lb are FAB losses!

I think every now and then tweety having something off the diet motivates you back into continuing.

I've been struggling with really low vit d levels, so I'm just at a complete stall despite being amazingly good with diet and exercise. DH has just brought me a sunbed so it'll be interesting to see what my weight is at the weekend!
Hello ladies! Well I finally used proper weights during 30DS and oh gosh was it hard! According to my fitness watch I burned 245 calories so I'm really chuffed with that. Day 9 done. Bit nervous about level 2! Xx
Well done Claire!

Tweety, it's just a blip so stop being so hard on yourself.

The point of exercising so much is that you can have the occasional treat?

James and I went out for a long walk, as well as my working out this morning. I am very achy today though?? Yesterday I felt wonderful after exercising, today I just kind of hobbled into a warm bath.

Will see how I feel tomorrow but if I'm as achy as this I need a rest. No sense in doing myself an injury.

Is this how it works with 30ds though, you do it everyday regardless of how stiff / achy you are?

I don't find I'm too sore with 30DS, I do a lot more stretching during cool down though which I think really helps and if I feel quite sore at the end of the day I'll quickly stretch before bed x
I've not been sore with 30ds yet and I don't do the cool down.

I watched level two today though and I'm scared!

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Hello ladies- I have been out with Ava all day done a lot of walking but weighed this morning and have lost 3.8Ib over the moon at the loss and I'm hoping for the same this week! X

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