Yummy Mummy Club

Well done lynds and taffy :yay:

I've had a bit of a dodgy day today. No exercise and cake this morning. Now topping it off by having fish finger sandwich and red wine for dinner :roll:

No idea how I'm going to fare over the weekend. We are going to my folks for the weekend and eating and drinking aplenty is likely, including a meal out for a family party on Saturday. Ah well, back on the wagon next week.
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Day 4 of 30DS done. Didn't do it till half 7 but at least it's done! Going away for the weekend and then it's my birthday on Monday but I'm determined to keep my eating on target and not over do it. Only 1 slice of birthday cake :lol: x
Happy Birthday for Monday Claire!

I bought a pack of cupcakes today and so far they are still unopened in the cupboard - that is my achievement for the day :rofl:

Thanks Nat!

That is a bloody good achievement. The temptation would kill me :lol: xx
Hi ladies I have been busy today I've done 30ds and toke Ava for a 1 and half hour walk and 20mins on the bike, I'm exhausted this evening! X
Just popping in to say hi before bed.

Food was a disaster today ... And I was do tired to bike it when I got home

I did have a fab time though and my pal wa gorgeous

Family shot


Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Aww lovely pic!

Also nice wallpaper, I just happen to have the same :lol:

I managed day 2 of 30DS yesterday but I think I'm gonna struggle to find time today. I'll try to find some enthusiasm somewhere!
Aren't you a lovely looking family Tweety?? :lol:

I weighed myself today (a day early) and I've lost 0.6lb.

That isn't much at all but considering I was way over calories Sat and Sun and a little over calories Wednesday and Thursday I am pretty pleased!

I now weigh what I did 2 days after having James :wall2:

The plan is to go and change my exercise bra today, and take a brisk 90 minute walk.

I suspect at some point this weekend will go tits up, but I am prepared to be back on it come Monday.

My only worry is that I have a sore foot, stupid I know but I occasionally get heel spurs and this feels like it could be the start? At my worst I can't even walk with it??? Hopefully some gentle exercise over the weekend and my orthopedic insoles will sort it out??

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I have just had a Eureka moment!

I am back on the bloody pill, no wonder I can't shift any weight. In-fact I am surprised I am not ballooning!!

I stopped taking the pill in Feb 2011 and lost 20lbs within about 4 months! I also stopped smoking and still lost weight.

I am going to have to have a chat with OH and see what he thinks about just using OPK's to know when not to dtd [not that we have much sex!]

Thats why I wont go on the pill Nat, I've only ever been on it very briefly and it causes me so many problems with my weight. We aren't even having sex often enough to warrant contraception at the moment though. Plus I've not had a period yet. I might get some OPK's though to check if I'm ovulating - just out of curiosity!

Well day 5 of 30DS done! I feel fab for it, because it got the the end and I was like :eh: oh, is that it! Whereas, even yesterday I was still checking the clock to see how long was left!

I'm hoping I haven't done too much damage from yesterdays food. It wasn't horrendous, I figured apple crumble was better than profiteroles that were smothered in chocolate sauce? And I'm not a massive Ice Cream fan so gave that to DH. I ordered Spicy beef salad for my starter, but what came was beef in a chilli sauce ((maybe slightly creamy) with some watercress. It was lovely, but not that healthy. And it was steak pie and mashed potato for my main - there's not dumbing down calories on that - and it was AMAZING!

Aaron has confused everythign this morning byu having a massive lie in till 8:45 :shock: I had to get up to express at 7 (I was covered in milk) and then just sat there waiting for him to wake up! I eventually gave up and came down to do 30DS. Thankfully hubster is off today so is taking charge of the monster!

I got my first "I really missed you mummy" smile this morning - it actually melted my heart. He was so excited to see me. Oh I love him so much!

I'm away to plan my food in MFP for the day.

These are my words of wisdom for the weekend and the easter activities. DAMAGE LIMITATION. If you feel like you have to have chocolate - have a little. If you are going for a meal out. Maybe choose a healthy starter and dessert and have what you want for your main. Even better - if you know you will be eating more - throw in some extra exercise? Do 30DS twice?
Thats why I wont go on the pill Nat, I've only ever been on it very briefly and it causes me so many problems with my weight. We aren't even having sex often enough to warrant contraception at the moment though. Plus I've not had a period yet. I might get some OPK's though to check if I'm ovulating - just out of curiosity!

Well day 5 of 30DS done! I feel fab for it, because it got the the end and I was like :eh: oh, is that it! Whereas, even yesterday I was still checking the clock to see how long was left!

I'm hoping I haven't done too much damage from yesterdays food. It wasn't horrendous, I figured apple crumble was better than profiteroles that were smothered in chocolate sauce? And I'm not a massive Ice Cream fan so gave that to DH. I ordered Spicy beef salad for my starter, but what came was beef in a chilli sauce ((maybe slightly creamy) with some watercress. It was lovely, but not that healthy. And it was steak pie and mashed potato for my main - there's not dumbing down calories on that - and it was AMAZING!

Aaron has confused everythign this morning byu having a massive lie in till 8:45 :shock: I had to get up to express at 7 (I was covered in milk) and then just sat there waiting for him to wake up! I eventually gave up and came down to do 30DS. Thankfully hubster is off today so is taking charge of the monster!

I got my first "I really missed you mummy" smile this morning - it actually melted my heart. He was so excited to see me. Oh I love him so much!

I'm away to plan my food in MFP for the day.

These are my words of wisdom for the weekend and the easter activities. DAMAGE LIMITATION. If you feel like you have to have chocolate - have a little. If you are going for a meal out. Maybe choose a healthy starter and dessert and have what you want for your main. Even better - if you know you will be eating more - throw in some extra exercise? Do 30DS twice?

Can someone get the men in white coats for tweety please....she's gone mad!
I'm back from a 2 hour walk and I have food in for the whole weekend!

I am doing a curry tonight (500 cals), chilli tomorrow (under 600 cals), Sunday we'll have a semi healthy roast dinner and Monday I am going to just do a Waitrose pasta cheaty thing (less than 500 cals)

Normally Easter weekend would be an excuse for a blowout so although I'll def go over my calories on Sunday it won't be too detrimental. We also have cupcakes on Sunday - eeeekk!! I am limiting myself to two and OH can have the rest!

day 10 of 30DS completed.

and no bloody way would I be doing that twice in one day! I dont think my knees can take it.

think there is too much knee stuff going on in level 2 for my dodgy knees to take. So might just jump up and see what level 3 is all about!
Just back in from a walk to the inlaws, it was a nice day and Im sick of the sight of hubby already :lol:

Making pitta pizza and SW chips for dinner ... starving!
ImageUploadedByTapatalk1364582607.491606.jpgWell after a good week me and Craig will be enjoying our freebie tomorrow night! :) I know I know but 1 meal won't hurt! :/ I hope! X

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