Yummy Mummy Club

Day 5 of 30DS done. Although I've stayed under my calories today, what I've had hasn't been great. Feel yucky for it! Will definitely have a good weekend food wise.

Am I mad that I'm taking my 30DS dvd up north with me? :lol: xx
I'm trying to pluck up the motivation to do my bike ... cba!
I'm supposed to do my 30ds workout later this evening but to be honest cab. It messes things up when oh is home during the day as I usually do my workout when Max has his morning nap xx
Taffy do it! I've just done the bike and feel tonnes better for it!

Men stuff things up don't they!

I managed to get my 30DS done this morning but DH has had me all out of sync all day and he's off for another week! He will not interfere with my routine!
Eek! MFP says I am 800 calories over for today!! That's what happens when you have fish and chips for tea. I'm away for the weekend, so don't have much control over my eating. I have a meal out tomorrow too for a family birthday.

Will try to get a long run in on Sunday.
Morning troops!

It's Saturday! We need to dig deep.

We need to be as clever as we can be and continue our damage limitation.

Get that eggstra eggsersise in (sorry!)

Make good choices when eating out. I'm not saying sit and order a piece of celery but maybe have 2 courses instead of 3, ice cream instead of double choc cake?

Wishing you all a lovely Saturday! Xx

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Morning tweety we are going for a walk this morning as its a lovely day all be it very cold, I've been in the bike first thing, not going to be eating out today it's tomorrow that will be the issue "chocolate" plus my mother has asked me to make a cake for desert tomorrow oh my! X
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Good advice Tweety, you were right I did feel better making myself do the workout yesterday.

We're going to the football today and have hospitality tickets which means lots of food and drink so I've offered to drive which should help stop me over indulging.

Hope everyone has a lovely Saturday xxx
hiya girls iv been for a run this morning in the. ....snow!! it wasnt settled on ground but snowing a fair bit, that was at 7am now its sunshine and clear skies but still cold here!! on the downside i did have takeaway last night :(
hiya girls iv been for a run this morning in the. ....snow!! it wasnt settled on ground but snowing a fair bit, that was at 7am now its sunshine and clear skies but still cold here!! on the downside i did have takeaway last night :(

Yes but you managed Damage Limitation! Well done you!

Just did Day 6 of 30DS and feeling great for it.

Breakfast was a healthy bacon sandwich and banana

Hopefully will get out and about for a walk again today
Omg I can't stop eating! Help

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Do the 30ds again


I'm so funny!

Seriously, try and opt for low cal / healthy nibbles!

My faves are Olive crackers and humous (20 cals a cracker) or a little griddled Halloumi, or a few cubes of feta with humous. They all taste amazing BUT aren't as calorific as crisps, biccies, choccies etc...

That said I am getting a Chinese tonight as we're entertaining SIL and her BF.

God I hope they do not bring wine!

I was eating low cal stuff - but eat enough of it and it all adds up

Waiting for my chicken to defrost so I can make dinner - or I'm going to chew off my own hand.

May have to do a few extra minutes on the bike tonight :wall2:
Happy Easter troops!

We are still on Damage Limitation - it was my theme for yesterday.

My exercise just about absorbed my over indulgence. I was rubbish!

Today hubby had a hot cross bun and an easter egg for breakfast .. I had weetabix and a banana ... not quite Day 7 of 30DS done anyway

Im in a rush to get ready for church, so I'll catch up with you all later xx
Morning Tweety, happy Easter! Xx

I was going to have a day off 30DS today but with Michael getting me up at 6am I thought why not. So that's done and my Pilates.

Also, I took photos of me in my underthings before I started 30DS and took new pics today and I'm shocked :shock: the difference is noticeable already! My bum is higher, my tummy has flattened a little (so much so that I can now tuck the overhang into my pants :lol: :rofl: ) Keep going ladies! The results are worth it!!! Xxxx
Happy Easter everyone!

After the last couple of days that were terrible for eating (according to MFP I was over 1000 cals over target yesterday!), today is going really well. I ran 3 miles and I've had a modest healthy roast lamb dinner (no dessert and only a tiny glass of wine). I've volunteered to drive to the pub later so I'm not tempted to drink any more alcohol.

Aiming not to eat today's running calories and still come under target.

Hope you all have a good day and resist too many eggs!

Crime: Today I ate a Creme Egg AND a Ferrero Rocher chocolate bunny (amazeboats!)

Sentence: 1 hour on the bike

Feeling much less guilty now!
Weigh in day :pompom:

I have lost 5lbs :dance: very pleased as I know it's all my hard work!

Actually looking forward to 30ds this morning!

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Wowser, 5lbs is an amazing loss Tweety!!

You have been doing so well though, this loss will spur you on.

I had a bad Saturday and yesterday was worse but I am just about to stick on my exercise gear and do my Davina work-out. I am not ready for 30ds yet BUT I am determined that today - 1st April - will be the day I start to take this seriously.

Realistic goal is to weigh 9st something by this time next month. So that's about 6lbs to shift in 4 weeks.

That's amazing tweety well done! Especially as it includes the Easter weekend!

Go for it Nat!

I'm just trying to work myself up to go for a run, I don't often do 2 days in a row, but I have tweety's words about damage limitation ringing in my ears. There is talk here of lunch at the pub!

MFP is definitely making me more conscious of what I'm eating, not sure if that's a good thing, I don't want to obsess about it.
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