Yummy Mummy Club

Well done Tweety! That's amazing :) iv been really naughty this weekend. Start a fresh tomorrow. Got a busy week planned so that will be good.xx
Thanks Ladies

I know what you mean about MFP LA - I need to be more aware though.

Without MFP I wouldn't have known how many calories were in that chocolate bunny yesterday and I probably wouldn't have done my bike (as hubby was out for the night and I had the tv to myself).

Looking forward to the week ahead, I'm going to try and get other people to eat my chocolate

Hubby is just about to start insanity! He's quite fit so should be able to handle it. I'm not fit enough for it but once 30DS is done I should hopefully be in a better position to start it.

Day 8 of 30DS complete - and I will get on my bike later on. Might get out for a walk today too as it appears aaron is in a shouty mood!
That's great Tweety!! I just weighed myself and I've lost 2.2lb. Was quite pleased as I was naughty Sat and yesterday. Although using MFP definitely stopped me being too naughty. Back on things properly today xxx
Well done tweety!!! That's fab. And well done Taffy. I'm off to fat club shortly but not expecting to have lost much. Iv been feeling so rough iv not even been thinking about it. Didn't go last week though so would at least like to see a couple of pounds off!

Feeling a lot better now and need to get on the fitness wagon. Going to try and go for a jog at some point today! Pretty sure I won't get far and also Concerned I may wet myself!
I have just done my first work-out in 13 months !!!

It probably only burned off two of yesterday's cupcakes :shock: but I am chuffed. I feel wonderful actually.

Going out for a walk in a bit so that's a few more cal's burnt.

I feel so enthused I am going to buy myself some new trainers!

Amazing loss tweety!

I have put Ava to bed for an hour so I'm going on the bike, and will be weighing Tomorrow nervous. You've set the bar high tweety! :) x
Well done Tweety! :yay: that is amazing!

Today is my weigh in too but there are no scales here (i'm away for the weekend) but I did bring my tape measure and I've lost 1.5 inches from under my bust, 2.25 inches off my waist and 1.5 inches off my hips! So so chuffed.

It's my birthday today so I know there will be cake later but I'm going to do 30ds now and then will jump on my bike later when I get home.

Have a good day ladies! Well done Nat for completing your workout! Xx
Well done Taffy :yay:

Well done Nat for doing your workout! Those Endorphines are great aren't they :lol:

Happy Birthday Claire! :cake: - remember Damage Limitation!

Good luck for your weigh in Ashley x

I've just watched the hubster do the first workout in insanity! It looks really hard but in an amazing sort of way. I'm going to start it when I finish 30DS
Well done taffy and Claire on your losses! :yay:

Well done on your workout Nat!

I just did a 3 mile run, not quite as atrocious as yesterday, but it's so hilly here. Even more hilly than my village and and saying something!
Well done Taffy! and fab work Little_angel! :yay:

Got a fitness watch for my birthday, shows calories burned etc, brilliant! 30ds done, now for Pilates! Xx
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Can someone recommend a good Pilates DVD?

If I remember rightly, williowwisp does quite a bit of pilates. I have the Erin O'Brien Postnatal Pilates and is similar to 30DS in that it it's 3 progressive Pilates workouts in little 15 minute slots. Xx
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4 and a half pounds off. Very happy with that.
Well done spammy, I've done 20mins on the bike this morning doing my washing and ironing while Ava has her cat nap now and do 30ds this evening last attempt at shifting weight before my weigh in :/
Blimey Spammy! That is an amazing loss. Well done.

So excited, just ordered some running trainers and a few more exercise bras!

Just back from a big walk to the great grandparents.

While there I ate two slices of fruit loaf and 2 chocolate fingers :wall2: I didn't even want them, I was eating them to be polite!

Hopefully the hilly walk will do some damage limitation
Can someone recommend a good Pilates DVD?

I like the Lyndsey Jackson ones - this is a good one, because she goes through the basics for starting out (in a separate section so you don't have to go through it every time). It's great if you're not already a Pilates expert. I taught myself from her pregnancy DVD which is awesome and now have her Pilates for mummies and this one that I do.
Well done spammy :yay:

I forgot to say this morning when you mentioned pelvic floor and running, that it's the downhills you need to watch. Tighten your core and don't go too fast on the way down. If you can manage it, running will help your pelvic floor no end.

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