Yummy Mummy Club

Hey Gayle! Welcome to the club! We will save you a space x

Little_angel - the more the merrier, well done on running, I need to start running again! Hopefully once my fitness is up again I can get out again! I may trade my bike in for a treadmill after 8 weeks :yay:

I've just done 30 mins on the bike.

Definitely got less sugar cravings today which is great, hopefully I'm detoxing!

Worried about food choices at the wedding tomorrow - hopefully I don't fall off the wagon too much! I'll be here in the morning to motivate you and then shall be out for the rest of the day :)
Can exercise effect my milk supply? I've been told it can and in all honestly this is what stops me doing much exercise! X
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I wouldn't think so, as long as you don't overdo it.

I've not found any issues and I've been exercising on and off since having Aaron x
Does anyone drink green tea? I'm thinking for detox purpose?xx
I used to before I fell pregnant, I think maybe I should start as I drink far too much tea and coffee. I also drink peppermint tea, which is great for bloating xxx
Does anyone drink green tea? I'm thinking for detox purpose?xx

Ive had some here and there. Dunno what it does though lol!

I want a big fat take away after today!!!! Xx

tapatalking x
Hi girls! Haven't been on much today as visiting my sister. Been pretty good today apart from the big glass of wine I just consumed. Iv just come on my period too and feel pants so had a tiny bit of chocolate but didn't go mad!

Not getting much exercise done ATM due to my stinkin cold but seeing you all busy at it is making me want to crack on!!

Tweety - I always tend to go for tandoori and salad from the Indian although on slimming world dhansak is pretty good as the sauce is made with lentils and its yummy! I'd just stay away from the side orders like Bhajis and naan breads and it shouldn't do too much damage! Oh and I want a curry now...your fault!! Ha ha.

This thread is great. Keeping me motivated.

Enjoy the wedding tomorrow tweety!!

I did a 30 day boot camp with clean eating. Lost half a stone was good x

pregnant with baby no 2 ;)
sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 excuse my terrible spelling :p
Ive kinda forgotten to keep up with MFP, I know Ive eaten less than my daily amount though. Still feel like poo!! Xxx

tapatalking x
Are you OK Em?

I def went a few 100 calories over yesterday. Nothing serious but enough for it to be a "bad" day!

Also my size 12 exercise bra thingy doesn't fit :wall2: so I need to swap it for a size 14. On the upside I bought some vest tops in a size 14 and they are too big so I need a size 12....

I am thinking I'll start my exercise regime from next week and to begin with I going to aim for every other day.

I hate exercise and I find that if I go full on with calorie counting and exercise I just cannot cope with it.

Anyone have any calorific plans for Easter????

Ive got a viral infection Nat :(
And FOB being an idiot!! Lol xx

tapatalking x
Sorry you're feeling rough babyem, hope you feel better soon xx

I have my early days group today and there will be cake!! DH is going to running club tonight though, so I can eat what I want for dinner. Might have cake and then eat light tonight.

The scales say I've lost another pound, but I like to see it for a few days before I count I properly! :lol:
Morning troops hope we are all feeling positive this morning!

Nat - woo hop for needing a smaller size. Sports bras sizes are small so pay no attention. I love exercise so can't really help maybe just visualise the end product. I'm pretty sure though that f you get your diet under control the walking you do will be enough x

Em - hope you feel better soon sweetie and so sorry that FoB is being an arse!

I need more hours in my morning! Can someone send me some.

I feel anxious about having little control over my food today I'm torn between saying on the wagon and just enjoying myself. Will see what my options are when I get there I suppose. Can't go wrong with chicken?

Just done day 4 of 30DS so will have an air of smugness for the rest of the day

It's snowed overnight again! I'm so fed up of bloody snow and feel gutted for my friend on her wedding day x

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Get well soon Em and tut tut to FOB!

Tweety, a snowy wedding could be very romantic and picturesque?? I hope the bride isn't too sad about it.

I wish I could be addicted to exercise, I read that it takes 21 times to make something part of a routine? So if I plan to exercise every other day I need to keep that up for at least 3 weeks for it to become part of my day to day life!

Get well soon Em and tut tut to FOB!

Tweety, a snowy wedding could be very romantic and picturesque?? I hope the bride isn't too sad about it.

I wish I could be addicted to exercise, I read that it takes 21 times to make something part of a routine? So if I plan to exercise every other day I need to keep that up for at least 3 weeks for it to become part of my day to day life!


Yeah I've read that before too .. 21 days for something to become a habit.

That's what I tell myself every morning when I do 30DS

Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
Well done tweety! I actually could have sent you an hour this morning, J went for an unexpected nap, but it's too late now, I need to get up and out!

Nat - I hated exercise before I got into running. You need to find something you enjoy. You do loads of walking though, I think. Perhaps you would like running outside? I find it so much better than the gym.
11 days to make a habit ladies but only 3 says of not doing it will break the habit! Keep up the good work. X
2nd day of 30ds done :) I couldn't really be bothered but told myself it was only 20 minutes and I feel great after. Plus I'm having an Indian takeaway tonight so glad I did it. Hope everyone's having a good day xxx
Hi girls! Haven't been on much today as visiting my sister. Been pretty good today apart from the big glass of wine I just consumed. Iv just come on my period too and feel pants so had a tiny bit of chocolate but didn't go mad!

Not getting much exercise done ATM due to my stinkin cold but seeing you all busy at it is making me want to crack on!!

Tweety - I always tend to go for tandoori and salad from the Indian although on slimming world dhansak is pretty good as the sauce is made with lentils and its yummy! I'd just stay away from the side orders like Bhajis and naan breads and it shouldn't do too much damage! Oh and I want a curry now...your fault!! Ha ha.

This thread is great. Keeping me motivated.

Enjoy the wedding tomorrow tweety!!


Cheers hun, I think I might go for tandoori and salad and pinch a spoon of OH rice :) My friend did sw and always chose dhansak when we went for a curry so that's another good option xx

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