Your Next Pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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What will you do differently? Sorry I know there's been similar threads to this but our bubbas are older now and it's just interesting to see what you'll do differently or change next time round :)

For me I'm gonna keep the sex a surprise and I probably won't have a 4D scan again. Much as I loved seeing Angel I watched our DVD again today (pics + dvd cost £130!) and I can hardly see anything lol x
I'd be team yellow again, but thats no different

With my 1st pregnancy I was majorly stressed. With 2nd I made a concious effort not to get stressed (actually done quite well considering im a highly stressed person)

I think i'd make more of an effort with healthy food, and start buying earlier in pregnancy rather than wait til 2nd/3rd tri to buy everything

Thats another for me too, speaking of buying things lol, I started buying when I got my bfp (at 4 weeks...) I just couldn't help it! A lot of the stuff I never ended up using so at least I know roughly how much and what to get next time x
I'd get a 4d scan and professional bump photos. Not much else I enjoyed and embraced my pregnancy as much as I could last time so I'd do that the same.

I'm not doing this again, but if I did, I would definitely not go for a midwife led birthing unit again. It was an unmitigated disaster.
I would not get so fat.

I'd probably find out the sex and relax a bit more now it's not new territory for me. After having a mc in my first pregnancy I was a bag of nerves for 40 weeks.
I plan to be less stressed next time, we'll probably still find out the sex but not tell other than family x
Im not having another but id eat less junk, not find out sex and have a home birth. (probably wouldnt have a choice if faster than my second, part of the reason I wont have another too)

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mainly the same as what other ladies have said i'd still find out the sex (even though i knew before i had the scan) eat healthier and relax i was petrified of loosing another baby and i wouldnt relax until i had my 12 week scan, hopefully i can have a VBAC next time
i dont think id do much different really, maybe drink less coke lol
I won't find out the sex next time and will have a 4d scan. Oh and even though its a short time id go crazy on nice maternity clothes. Last time i was so wrapped up in the fact i wouldn't be pregnant for long i had hardly any clothes and looked a state. Id embrace it next time and find really nice second hand stuff. Oh and have a home.birth :)
I would eat less cakes lol. And try to relax. And put one word on my birth plan - EPIDURAL
I woul have a 4d scan, professional bump pics, I will still find out the sex and I will have an elective section. Ad buy a pushchair that is parent facing for longer than 7 weeks!
I would have another 4d scan and find out the sex. I would worry less and enjoy the pregnancy more. I would also eat a lot less rubbish!!
I think i'd stay team yellow next time. But having said that i don't know if i could contain my curiosity at the 20 week scan. I'd also embrace my pregnancy a little more and not try and keep up with my old life as much. This time i tried to do too much, juggling pregnancy with work and still trying to do things like i did before like socialising with friends every weekend etc. Didn't really make allowances for the fact that i was so tired and stuff.

Apart from that i don't think i'd do much else differently, i had a lovely pregnancy. It was the labour that was the hard bit lol x
I'm going to get my cysts sorted out before ttc'ing again. I inherited them from my mum so would like them sorted just in case we have a little girl (daddy's sperm has been given orders lol)
I'd prob do the same. Be team yellow again...I loved the surprise. maybe chill out a bit more lol.x
I probably would find out the sex next time but not tell anyone the name we've picked. Other than that def sleep more, I always felt guilty about leaving oh downstairs to amuse himself for the evening so would struggle through tri 1 & 3 feeling exhausted!
Oh and keep it a secret for longer as it seemed to last forever cause everyone knew early on lol
Think I'd try to relax more and enjoy it! I would try not to put on as much weight and keep exercising for longer if I could. Would feel better prepared having already got one and therefore knowing what to expect as well!... I'd make sure we had pictures with both of us in at the hospital as we didn't with ethan. I love the little video I have of ethan not long after the birth so I would want that again! Xx
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Hopefully get to full term so I can get my home birth! Ok so not much i can do about that but I would be prepared just incase next time, not much fun spending the first few days running about getting baby stuff etc in the middle of a building site!

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