Whats your LO scared off....

Dancing chicken
His auntie Tracy (oops!)
The hair dryer :lol:
The hoover is hit and miss.. sometimes he thinks its funny, sometimes he hates it.

He used to hate this... http://www.play.com/Gadgets/Gadgets/4-/ ... attle+Pooh

But I got it out today and he thinks its great and dances along with it.. lol
Meggiewoo said:
Misslarue said:
Quite a few things, but mainly this at the moment


Its the eyes! As soon as it moves he totally freaks out!


I'm scared of that!

Kim x x x x

:rotfl: :rotfl: I used to be terrified of that too... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
She used to be scared of the hoover, and my food processor when I whizz her food up. But she's okay with it now. She's at my Mum's for the night and the dog barking scared her apparently..but that's it!
used to be scared of the hoover but i made him get used to it as if i did it when he was asleep it woke him up
people knocking on the door
Izzie's great at the moment, nowt much bothers her. I can hoover all round her while she sits on the floor playing and she doesnt bat an eyelid, however....She seems to be terrified of my MIL :rotfl: She always cries the first time she see's her. She's fine after a few minutes, but when MIL first appears the little bottom lip pops out and starts wobbling, then its full on crying...and i sit there feeling smug and secretly enjoying it :shhh: :twisted: (i know its wrong, but i cant help it, MIL annoys me :lol: )

Beth did ask me if Nanna was growing a beard the other day so maybe thats got something to do with it :think: :lol:
Jacks a big fat scaredy cat lol

Makka pakkas trumpet when it had a stone in it
those strange shapes with faces on cbeebies
his talking iggle piggle
Knocking on door

all i can think of atm
christopher is scared whitless of the dyson..i have to hoover when he is at his grannys he screams and gets that upset :(
LilysMummy said:
The hoover but only mine :lol: Not very useful lol. She screams blue murder when I hoover but at my mums she follows it round laughing.


When it starts laughing lol

MissLaure IM scared of that phone!

That penguin is evil

Willow isn't scared of anything,she's hard as nails. She protects me from scary monsters. I have to get her to check under the bed with a torch every night
He cries if i blow raspverries on his neck but thats it lol
Sneezing next to kyran is a criminal offence in his mind. he'll look totally mortified, then the quivering lip comes, then the really horrible sad cry with real tears!
Mrs_Jay said:
those strange shapes with faces on cbeebies

Hehe Hayden used to be scared of those too..mind you they are freaky!
And hes scared of the hoover and the postman at the door and thats about it!
Nothing fazes my girl - bold as brass. Stephen pretends to be but hes scared of the dogs we walk past on the way to school.
My LO is hard as nails too, nothing phases her! She finds sneezing and being made to jump utterly hilarious!
i'm ashamed to say some of these had me in fits laughing :rotfl:

particularly, 'when maka paka has a stone trapped in his trumpet' :rotfl: and beth asking if her nana is growing a beard :rotfl: :rotfl:

aiden went through a stage of not liking a particular face i pulled, he done the really sad, heartbreaking cry everytime, but thank goodness he's over that now :lol:

oh, and that phone IS scary :rotfl:
sarafet said:
i'm ashamed to say some of these had me in fits laughing :rotfl:

particularly, 'when maka paka has a stone trapped in his trumpet' :rotfl: and beth asking if her nana is growing a beard :rotfl: :rotfl:

aiden went through a stage of not liking a particular face i pulled, he done the really sad, heartbreaking cry everytime, but thank goodness he's over that now :lol:

oh, and that phone IS scary :rotfl:

:lol: it makes it make a funny noise, we have to avoid that episode or hes afraid of his trumpet all togther for a couple of months- yes i have a weird child :rotfl:
He's pretty good but he hates the sound of one particular drill his Dad has got and if he's climbing up at Henry the vacuum cleaner and it turns on, it nearly gives him a heart attack :rotfl:
Kylie1007 said:
He's pretty good but he hates the sound of one particular drill his Dad has got and if he's climbing up at Henry the vacuum cleaner and it turns on, it nearly gives him a heart attack :rotfl:
omg that made me think of more jacks scared of the electric drill... and my electric breast pump :rotfl:
My loud auntie Caroline :lol: It all stared because of her infamous laugh.. now she only walks into a room and Lovella cries lol
Well we can add electric drill to the list too... :roll: DH finally put up a stair gate and lil miss nearly crapped herself when the drill went... :rotfl: Mind every time she went for his tools, DH put the drill on and she nearly had a heart attack in her attempt to get away... :rotfl: :rotfl:

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