WTT/TTC/Pregnancy Wish List


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2010
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Morning girls :wave:

I thought I'd post in the 3 sections (WTT/TTC/Pregnancy) as I'm sure it's all something we have thought about, in my case got the catalogues & made a list & a spreadsheet :shock:

Are there any particular bits of clothing or furniture or prams, well anything baby really that you can't wait to buy or want or secretly hoping that family members are going to be lovely & generous & buy for you?

I really want to get a moses basket! have to wait till i'm more than 6 weeks to get one tho :p
Hehehe :) I know what you mean, I'm not even close to TTC yet & I want everything like NOW :lol:

I have resisted buying anything but if my scan goes OK today I'll celebrate by buying a wee something for the baby!!
I haven't bought anything yet, but am a bit obsessed with looking at pushchair travel systems at the moment. I'm lucky, I think my mum is going to pay for that! But I haven't really thought about any of the other bits and bobs you have to buy yet, perhaps I should start making a list - its amazing how much you need!
Hey Lulu :wave:

Ooooooo some of the pushchair travel systems are just gorgeous aren't they?

I've seen one in Mamas & Papas, it's called Mylo & comes in a variety of colours & you can get the matching changing bag & parasol to go with it......I WANT IT SOOOOOO MUCH & I'm only WTT :lol:

oh i love the mylo in mamas and papas, but its just too many pennies for us what with everything else that we need to buy lol

The one thing I really really really want to do is the nursery, I keep going to places like mamas and papas and looking at the nursery sets and thinking 'oh I want that' lol I cant wait to get decorating and buying all the coordinated bits and pieces, I can see it in my mind and I want it to be real now :D

I told myself that after our 12 week scan we would start shopping..........but then after that scan I thought oh maybe we should wait for the 20 week scan so we know what we are having before we start buying lol, but we are going to the baby show on sunday so I will be going a bit mad there I expect
Yeah the OH was a bit like 'Omg how much?' so said that I'd personally buy it. As my parents have always told me from a young age, if you really want something then you save for it......most defo great advice cos I WILL save the money & I WILL have that pushchair :lol:

I haven't gone into a store yet & trying to resist as I'd don't think I'd leave without buying something, getting my fix from the catalogues for now whereas actually seeing it in real life is soooooo different plus think the OH may have a fit if I was to bring anything home :lol:

How are you going to have your nursery hun?

Ooooooo defo keep us posted with how the baby show is, I'm not even going but excited for you :yay:

Yeah the OH was a bit like 'Omg how much?' so said that I'd personally buy it. As my parents have always told me from a young age, if you really want something then you save for it......most defo great advice cos I WILL save the money & I WILL have that pushchair :lol:


This is what I'm trying to explain to m OH!! He was all "wtf £500 for a pram" And I said No its a travel system!! lol He doesn't understand! All our baby furniture is second hand from family memebers, and even some of baby clothes will be (not that I mind as they are all lovely!) but the one thing I want to save and buy myself is our travel system and he's all moany about it lol xx

I be saving, then I be buying!! xx
Totally agree with you hun, if your saving the pennies then why not eh :)

I think a lot of men are the same & just see the £££ & don't actually think of what your getting for your money, he's the same with our wedding his thoughts are it's a lot of money for one day......pfft to you mister!!!


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