When did you start buying in preparation

I wish I'd known how good the Next sale was for baby clothes. I'd have stocked up well beforehand.
I didn't have a stick before 20 week scan, and then got my first baby grow - now I've got my Moses basket and few toiletries and a few outfits and am getting most of the rest of the stuff soon from someone. I'm so used to just waiting till later to get stuff that even now when I'm buying clothes I feel a bit naughty like it's unnecessary, which is silly at this point! I'm getting well into finding bargain clothes on Ebay - something to be said for buying when you've still got time to shop about is you can afford to wait for the bargains rather than having to kind of panic buy stuff cos it's there rather than cos it's good and you like it.
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I wish I'd known how good the Next sale was for baby clothes. I'd have stocked up well beforehand.

oh my god the next sale is the best thing ever (I am one of the sad arses up at stupid oclock for opening on sale days lol)
you can get some proper bargains, definetly worth a trip
I've never been a sad arse getting there for like 5am but I will be next time!
Its only really worht it if you go to a decent store, the little ones arent worth getting up early for but we have a couple of big ones near us

im always willing to be a sad arse where shopping and bargains are concerned lol
Wow Rayoflight, I can't thank you enough for your advice, that's going right to the front of my planning notebook :)

I love hearing about everyones experiences & especially that it can be done, your living proof

It's my weekend off so I'm going to sit there & work things out with what we can save & am excited about the challenge to


Hey Kezzamunster

Just another little tip.......when I was younger and not very wise with money, I got myself into debt.

The moneysavingexpert forum was a god send as they have some of the greatest ideas for saving money.........its not just for people with debt and I use it regularly now for money saving ideas.........theres everything you could imagine!!

Just a thought :) xx
Thanks smith1980 :)

Such a fab tip, I'll defo be having a nose later this evening

i need to start buying things lol each tym i do plan i end up buying amy instead i just hope baby is deffo a girl as i have most things of amys left but not much i still need to send off for the maternity grant as i need to get a new puhchair for this one but im weighing up the pros and cons of a twin as amy is at the stage of walking but obv gets tired so ill need but i also want one that comes with a car seat so baby can go in there i need to get phone up for healthy start vouchers to oh dear i really am doing all this to late at least amy is getting a new cot bed off her grandma and wardrobe and draws so that saved us some money as its her birthday pressie of them i need o stop spending on amy and buy for this one lol note to self hehe but i feel guilty too if i buy this one and not her lol

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