Wrong gender


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2011
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Hi all,

My friend gave birth to her baby today, she has three girls and was told this one was a boy, she has the usual NHS scan at 20 weeks but upon delivery they found it was a little girl!

Both Mum and Dad are of course over the moon at their arrival, no matter what flavour, the important thing is that the baby is healthy.

But... it does make you wonder, I thought it was only girls they tended to make the mistake with.

Eeek, that really makes you think - you can't ever be 100% sure!
What a surprise it must have been for them!
You're right, you would have thought they couldn't get it wrong predicting a boy?
As longs as all are safe and well that's the main thing :) x
Omg lol!
I thought they only confused it the other way around!
This makes me worry! The amount of pink we have already if it turns out to be a boy, he's just going to have to wear pink frilly dresses for a while lol x

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Eek stories like this do panic me. Although I had a gender scan to confirm it doubts do creep in from time to time. Especially when friends say so 'what would you do if it was a girl' and my mum tells me she's had a dream where I gave birth to a girl and everyone was saying 'but it should be a boy' - thanks guys :) xxx
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What a surprise for her! Hope they hadn't bought too much blue stuff! The thought of getting it wrong with my scan gender is a little worry, especially considering how Girly everything is - but I've had 3 independent scans confirm a girl - so think I'm pretty safe!
Same thing happened to my friend, she was told baby was a boy - they went out and bought all blue stuff and along came baby Chloe! x
I was amazed at the news, but I'm sure its probably only ever a handful of cases they get it wrong with a boy though?

If Pickle turns out to be a girl, she'll be wearing ALOT of blue ha ha! lol!

Taffy - It does defo make doubts set in, I ended up questioning my instinct as I was convinced from day one that I was having a girl, but I've since seen pickles dinky winky twice now so I think I'm on track for a blue'un.

Sarah is right, so long as they are healthy then that is all that matters.
Two of my friends have had this happen to them so far :shock:.... I didn't want to worry anyone so I didn't say anything before.

As for baby boy's wearing pink and baby girls wearing blue they won't remeber!! xx
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This was my worry as I've heard so many telling me stories of wrong genders both ways round! I've decided to stick to neutral stuff just incase (I have quite a bit from my ds as we didn't find out what he was!) so I'm going to decorate his room neutral and add wall decor instead!!!
Sorry - I didnt mean to set worries about the camp! hope nobody panics now because of my post xx
Eek stories like this do panic me. Although I had a gender scan to confirm it doubts do creep in from time to time. Especially when friends say so 'what would you do if it was a girl' and my mum tells me she's had a dream where I gave birth to a girl and everyone was saying 'but it should be a boy' - thanks guys :) xxx

Someone asked my cousin that (she's been told a girl and they asked what if it was a boy). I responded 'well I assume that she would either put the baby up for adoption or refuse point blank to go into labour. I thought I was extremely funny but she was horrified! Haha! I mean what a stupid question...
Eek stories like this do panic me. Although I had a gender scan to confirm it doubts do creep in from time to time. Especially when friends say so 'what would you do if it was a girl' and my mum tells me she's had a dream where I gave birth to a girl and everyone was saying 'but it should be a boy' - thanks guys :) xxx

Someone asked my cousin that (she's been told a girl and they asked what if it was a boy). I responded 'well I assume that she would either put the baby up for adoption or refuse point blank to go into labour. I thought I was extremely funny but she was horrified! Haha! I mean what a stupid question...


Sounds like something I'd say lol x

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Omg lol!
I thought they only confused it the other way around!
This makes me worry! The amount of pink we have already if it turns out to be a boy, he's just going to have to wear pink frilly dresses for a while lol x

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk

Same as xx
It is very rare to get told ur having a girl and it turn out a boy!! Quite common other way round though! Cos cord is mistaken for a penis! I'm just not finding out baby's sex then nothing can go wrong lol
I would be absolutely devastated if I was told girl and it was a boy (obviously would be made up if it was the other way round). I'm going to make sure they check and check again :) xx
It is very rare to get told ur having a girl and it turn out a boy!! Quite common other way round though! Cos cord is mistaken for a penis! I'm just not finding out baby's sex then nothing can go wrong lol

Same here!
The only reason it would bother me if they was wrong would be because I have bought all girly clothes! lol. As for big buys like pram, I am keeping them neutral so it wouldn't be too costly if they was wrong. x
Oh no! I know 2 people this happened to....that's why we are staying team yellow!!! X

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