

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2010
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I don't know if any of you read but Sunday night i had period pains and BH all night, baby was very, very active during this time.

Well since then baby has had a lot less movements to normal. So spoke to the mw today and went in to have a few check ups. CTG all seems normal, but when she got the doppler out to listen to the cord, well it seems the results showed that EDF (what ever that is) is raised and that the follow is higher results than it should be. (not sure what the norm is). To much in shock that i didn't ask questions.

MW wanted me to have a scan, but the scan department wouldn't see me until Friday as i have already had a scan within less than two weeks. So I have been sent home with an appointment for Friday, but told to ring back tomorrow if i am still unhappy with babies movements.

Any advice, i am stressing loads at the moment and can't sleep as i really not sure what all this means. So worried about little baby and i have a thumping head ache.
:hug: Sorry not really sure what to say except try and get some rest and then if it was me and i was worried i would phone back first thing in the morning and say I wasnt happy to try and get seen as soon as possible. :hug:
EDF is end-diastolic flow. It's the Doppler velocimetry in the umbilical artery and fetal aorta indicates highly disturbed fetoplacental perfusion, which often occurs early in pregnancy but can occur later as well. Try not to stress out my dear, I know it's easier said than done but try. Speak to your midwife for more information. As seem to forget that we are not all midwives so abbreviations sometimes throw us Xxxx
I second Frankie and tell them you're not happy and get seen today. Thinking of you xxx
Thanks guys.
Mum's a Gyn Nurse at the same hospital and so they share doctors with maternity unit. She spoke to her doctor and she told me to get myself back there today and get the same checks, even if they still won't do a scan till tomorrow. I feel sick with worry, i can't believe this is happening and I am trying not to stress or cry for baby but finding it so hard not to at the moment.
Hang in there and good luck! Fortunately you have your mom as a gyn nurse. Being pregnant can be so stressful...
Oh good luck hun, I know it's easier said than done but try to relax for bubba. Keep us updated xxx
Hope you and baby are ok, just try not to stress too much. I'd keep an eye on movements and call back and ask for an appointment today or tomorrow if you really aren't happy with movements. Chin up, all will turn out fine. Xx
Oh, you poor thing. Let us know how the checks go today. Thinking of you!
Thank you all.
Been in, they did another CTG, and then did the scan today rather than tomorrow. The scan showed that baby has grown since the last scan two weeks ago, and is the right size for dates, so that is a good thing. The scan did show that the blood flow through the cord is still raised.

So baby will be monitors every day between now and Monday and then have a consultants appointment Monday. So feel reasured that things will be kept a close eye on and i feel a lot more reasured. The staff have just been out of this world and really supportive.
That's brilliant they're doing all that monitoring hun, least you can relax a bit knowing they are taking you seriously!
Fab news hun, they're on top of it now so i'm sure all will be fine :hugs: x
Ahh hun, great news that you pushed to get checked and now these daily checks will help you and baby be more reassured , they do sound like they are taking really good care with you both X

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