Oh sweet, that sounds so frightening. The lack of pain must be a good sign though so try and stay positive. Thinking of you.xx
Have been to the EPU again this morning for my scan. I explained what had happened to the lady doing the scan.
This time, when she did the scan on my tummy she saw the heartbeat straight away. She said that when she had heard what had happened she wasn't expecting to see anything.
She still did an internal scan so she could measure bean. My baby is measuring at 6.5mm now (it's grown 4.5mm in a week!). She has dated me at 6 + 3.
During the scan she noticed a clot under the sac which is causing the bleeding. They have warned me that it is still likely that I will bleed but unless it is very heavy and painful it's probably just the clot.
They are putting me under consultant care and will make an appointment for me in the next few weeks for the consultants anti natal clinic where I will probably have another scan, to check the clot as well as baby.
I am so relieved that everything is ok. Will be much happier when I get to 12 weeks. Thank you all for your kind words. It really helped. xxx
Thats great news hunny x x

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oh that's great news hon, sounds like you've really had a rough time of it! You must feel so relieved to know it's the blood clot causing it and sounds like they will really be looking after you at the hospital. Will be keeping my fingers crossed for you that the rest of your pregnancy goes better and that your second trimester comes quickly! Big hugs x x
Very pleased to hear your good news :D You must be so relieved! Will keep everything crossed that the rest of your pg is nice and uneventful :hug: xxx
Fantastic news hun really pleased for you xxx
GREAT NEWS! at least you know what is causing it and can relax a bit more :) we are all wishing the time away till the magic 12 weeks :)
ah thats great news what a relief - take it easy for your 1st tri x x x
Thats Brilliant news im glad your little bean is doing well, it's amazing how quick they grow xx

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