in hospital :(

Hope they can check you out and you can go home soon...take care of yourself ... :hug:
sorry you are having a tough time :hug:

there is no point in scanning yet as until your hcg in >1000 they wouldn't see anything in your uterus to exclude an ectopic and if it was where it shouldn't be they would see that usually until the numbers are a bit higher (depends which machine they are using but about 2000)

They will need to repeat the blood test in 48 hours to see if the levels are rising well (they don't rise so well in an ectopic pregnancy) and although it seems a pain to stay in hospital in the meantime it is important so no ideas on self discharge ok :) :shakehead:

Someone passing clots is much less likely to have an ectopic - contrary to popular belief you don't get a lot of pain or bleeding with ectopics until it is almost too late! it is always the ones with just a drop + a little bit of pain that they need to worry about and ectopics can be fatal remember! There is very little sign early on but they can burst and cause serious internal bleeding. In hospital you are safe as if it is an ectopic and it decides to pop you are safe and all will be well. It is one of those times when it is better to be safe than sorry! I'm not saying this to worry you - they aren't common and it is almost certain that on tuesday you will get sent home after a very dull weekend in hospital and a lovely scan pic of bubba :pray: but in the meantime try and relax and cut them some slack - they are trying to look after you. :hug: :hug:
Aw i know we havent really chatted but ive seen your posts around evrywhere and i always a feel a bit yay when other people at uni are having babies so ive kept up to date ( plus u dont half post gurlie ) and i know how excited you are about babs and now your stuck in bloody hospital !!!
Bleedin bugger that, seems like sucha watse of time sitting in that bed , the last thing anyone needs wen theyre waiting for a scan like that is to sit somewhere where bad things r happenin all round them, not likely to take ur mind off stuff is it !!!

Hope they let you go home soon and everythings Ok !!!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
well i'm so annoyed. I just wanna go home. The girl opposite me has officially miscarried, and i'm sitting here munching on junk food and i could be dancing around if i fancied it. I have no pain at all now. Nothing all day. The consultant came around earlier again, a different one, and she said she might discharge me in the morning after having a feel of my belly and after the internal showed my uterus being closed and high. I meant cervix lol. But yeah, i'm bored here, i shouldn't be wasting bed space. I'm the one who said i had twinges on the right side and just suggested that maybe they should check its not ectopic, and now all of a sudden i'm gonna die or something. I'm really fine, there is nothing wrong with me at all. I'm pretty confident that baby is fine, with a hcg level like that i'm confident. I'll come back here for a scan on tuesday, but i'm gonna let myself out tomorrow i think.. I have no business being here, and i'm only causing myself stress by being scared of t he needles etc. I just wanna be in my own bed. I truely do not believe this is ectopic with such a high hcg for 5 weeks, and they don't think it is either, this is all stupid precaution. I'll definitely get scanned next week, even if i have go private. I'm at leicester hospital, its crap in general. The food is vile lol. X
Oh gosh I have everything crossed that everything is fine!
I do agree with Smile! If they want you to stay in, then I personally would! At least they are showing some concern rather than send you away to find something wrong if you kwim? :hug: :hug: :hug:
just got out the shower here now. I've dressed myself in normal clothes, and put make up on etc so when the doctors come round in about an hour they'll see that i'm absolutely fine and should go home. Showering with the drip thing in my arm was a bit of a mission though haha. I think they will let me go, if i agree to come back tomorrow for further blood test and if they book me in for a scan on tuesday.i don't live on my own so i'm really fine, i'm definitely gonna go straight to the doctors if i get stupidly bad pains. Thinking about it now, i think the pains might just be wind, considering i only really get them in the night.. I only get normal period pains during the day, not particularly to the right. It could easily just be wind, and i haven't had any pains since being here, apart from last night for about 10 minutes, and i was passing wind TMI while the pains were here. They weren't even severe. It was less than normal pains. Gosh. X
I hope you get let out soon hun! I'm sure everything with you and little bambino is fine!! :D
Just logged on and saw the thread, Beth honey, keep your chin up but push for a scan asap, because even if everything is fine the stress of not knowing can't be good for you or lil one.

Hope you get good news soon :hug:

Sarah XXX

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