Worried about NT test result...


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2011
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So I had my scan yesterday which was amazing.

Baby was fine and even Put me forward so was actually 13+1 yesterday and now due 29th December.

The measurement on baby's neck was 2.49mm - thIs seems high to me and really starting to worry about it. I wont get blood results till next week.

Anyone else have similar reading and what was the outcome?

Ps. I'm 25 so based on that I should be low risk but I did smoke before I knew bubba was here.

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Sorry I can't help hun, but just wanted to give you a :hug: and suggest you ask the ladies in tri 2 as they've all had their scans.

Hope everything is ok.

It says on wiki that the measurement of the fold is in relation to the size of your baby and "At 12 weeks of gestational age, an "average" nuchal thickness of 2.18mm has been observed, however, up to 13% of chromosomally normal fetuses present with a nuchal lucency of greater than 2.5mm, and thus for even greater accuracy of predicting risks, the outcome of the nuchal scan may be combined with the results of simultaneous maternal blood tests".

So my reading is anything below 2.5mm is def normal and even 13% of those above that have no issues - hope this helps - plus you are over 13 weeks so it would be slightly bigger as those numbers are for 12 weeks and you know how fast the little beans grow :)
Hi there, just wanted to say my LO had a measurement of 2.3mm and when I saw that I was relieved!!! Anything under 3 is low risk so I would try not to worry. My bloods didn't come back for another 2 weeks but I still didn't panic and was proven right, thank goodness as bloods were fine too and even being 31 the risk was 1:10'500 my friend had a NF Measurement of 4mm with her Baby girl and she was fine. Try not to panic, odds are most definitely in your favour :)
Thank you everyone.

Couldn't wait for a letter so phoned them myself today.

1:9000 so I am very happy

Thanks for all your support


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