*** Working Mum's Support thread ***

Dont feel bad. Just think of all those things you can enjoy.
My Lo stays overnight around 3 times a week so I can work. Im sure daddy will cope fine. Xx
Good luck today Fliss.

The thought is usually worse than the reality hun.

You are not a terrible mother.

Ah Fliss, as Nat says usually the thought of going back to work and leaving lo is worse than the reality. Jess with have a great time with all the other children. You are definitely not a terrible mother, lots of hugs xxx
Thanks girls, I think it went as good as it could do. She cried most of the morning, but then settled and was all smiles when daddy picked her up :)
I was shattered as Jess was up at 12.30, 2 and 5am and took an hour to settle each time - arg!

Good luck Dotty, its a bittersweet thing going back to work for sure.
I am now ready to enter into this, I came off Maternity leave in September, then FOB was diagnosed with Meningitis so that kicked work in the air for a while. Ive been back since October and dont get me wrong first few weeks was ghastly, esp since I love bed. Since Ive got on track.


Now ready to start working full time...

Well we had an epic fail this morning, OH took Max to the childminder only to find she's on holiday this week! I have major baby brain at the moment and so much going on I had completely forgotten. OH picked Max up from the childminders on Friday and when I asked if she'd reminded him I got a very sheepish 'she may have'. Luckily my mum was on hand so monkey has gone for a fun day at nanny's. Thank god we're off on holiday Friday xxx
I still have baby brain now and I'm not pregnant any more TaffyRose. Glad your mum could come to the rescue. It was my first day back at work yesterday. Alarm at 6:30. Didn't get out of the house until 8:10. Violet did really well though getting up early seeing as I had to wake her up. Rang nursery in the afternoon to see how she had got on. She didn't eat or drink much but sounds to have been reasonably settled. It's worked out really well this week as Wednesday is my day off. We've had a more relaxed start to the day today. :) x
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Glad all went OK Dotty!

That first day is the hardest.

Touch wood we're doing OK at the moment. James is with my sister and it's half term so she has four boys aged 5, 3, 18 months and 8 months.

She is a saint :lol:

James loves it with my sister and he loves his cousins, I am lucky she is able to help us so much.

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1st and last day of the week for me. Wish they could all be like this x
I'm on half term now for two weeks and my goodness I had forgotten how hard it was to spend all my time with a toddler! Harry's finally started walking this week, (only took him 22 months haha) and he is beginning to link words together. Feel like I've blinked and missed so much xxx
We've got a visit from the CEO tomorrow! Should be fun!

Hey working mummies, hope everyone is ok. Im now back full time teaching and its flying by if Im honest. LO is doing well with everyone which is good. The mix of people seems to be working. I have 20 working days till the summer! Bring it on!!
I've been back at uni since september now and its not getting any easier.. so close to just dropping out, not because I dont like nursing, I just feel like I physically and mentally am drained 24/7..

And still have a year to go :(
eurgh, well ive still not put in my notice (waiting for confirmation in writing first) so im still enjoying PT, although wish the good weather would be more consistent so that i could enjoy it.

i think i may die when i go FT, ive been PT for like 2.5 years :/ xxxx
Once you get in the swing of things it's not too bad Claire.

Although it can be like running a military operation at times :shock:

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I'd love to be part time Russell.
Ft hours can be full on sometimes and like Nat says a military operation in the mornings and evenings in fact.

I literally get 3.5hrs a day if I'm lucky with Lady M! Makes me feel terrible.
I'm the same Mrsw,

I get an hour in the mornings with James and then 3 hours in the evening (but I am also cooking, doing chores etc..)

It makes me feel so guilty how little time I pend with James

BUT he is happy and healthy and we'd simply not be able to cope without my salary so needs must.

On work days I see Keira enough to put her to bed.
I used to feel awful but I have to work xx
On work days I see Cam to dress him, feed him and pack him off to his grandmas. Then oh entertains him while I cook our tea, we sit and eat our evening meal together and then I bath him and put him to bed. I'm lucky that I only work three days a week though.

I couldn't not work, its simply not an option. Infact I Took on another little job cleaning one night a week too but after Cam is in bed.


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