*** Working Mum's Support thread ***

I'm off work this week as I've got tonsillitis :( That's fine on the days I would have been at work (yesterday and Friday) as I get sick pay and my Mum very kindly took our son to nursery so I didn't even have to get dressed yesterday morning, but not so great the other days as he's going through a phase (or at least, I really hope it's a phase!) where he thinks climbing on the coffee table / tv stand / his chair etc. is great fun and I don't have the energy to stop him constantly so I'm feeling like a mean mummy as I've just bunged him in his travel cot with cbeebies on so I can sit down for a minute :(

And for once I really didn't feel guilty about calling in sick (normally I feel bad about it even though I'm ill), I feel terrible!
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Im off too with sore throat cough and head cold.
I went I monday and it killed me fely awful yesterday on day off running around but sent lo to mums last night as she would have had her anyways and ive had a lazy morning and shes at nursery this afternoon. Thankfully not back in til nxt weds now so will be better x
Sorry to hear that you Mummies are feeling poorly!

Jajis, sounds as though you are really suffering. Don't feel guilty hun - just get yourself well.

Same for you Loula.

Touch wood we've been illness free - although my sister middle boy has chicken pox :shock: :shock:

Just waiting to see if James comes down with it.

I had a proper breakdown in work today! I have a sick childminder, MIL still in hospital after her stroke, OH stressed out to the eyeballs and I'm juggling everything! Doesn't help that work is super stressful at the moment and I feel like I'm doing everything of my own at work too!
You have a lot on your plate littlemonkey! Think you deserve some time off to tackle all that.

We had a lovely break over Easter and Evie has actually slept through for two whole nights running!!! And it's Bank Holiday Monday!! So all good stuff. xxx
I had a proper breakdown in work today! I have a sick childminder, MIL still in hospital after her stroke, OH stressed out to the eyeballs and I'm juggling everything! Doesn't help that work is super stressful at the moment and I feel like I'm doing everything of my own at work too!

Thank God it's a long weekend hun?

Sounds like you need it.

:hugs: to the mummies that need them.

I'm really wishing I had booked tomorrow off work because I could have had a four day weekend as I don't work Fridays anyway. Never mind eh?

What's everyone's plans for the bank holiday weekend?

I'm working tomorrow, then out to mum and dads for dinner on Sunday and Monday is my birthday so maybe a spot of shopping. Not got much else planned except spending time with my oh and Cam.

I feel so much better for not being at work this week dreading going back wednesday but im rested and over the illness.
Not sure on plans yet for the weekend but sunday and monday is being spent with Keira and the boyfriend getting them to bond together xx
Hi ladies,

Weather is a bit grim here.

I just went to meet my new little niece (she was born 5pm on Wednesday!) she is just amazing.

I am tres broody!

Off out to do some food shopping, have a look around the shops etc [James is due a nap so I may even treat myself to a coffee]

Tomorrow we have a tea party for my nephew. Sunday and Monday we don't have much planned but me and OH are off to theater Monday evening... it's free tickets and will be only the second time we've both left James :shock: :shock: :shock:

Congratulations Auntie Nat! Has your little niece got a name? She must be one of the only girls, I remember that there are lots of boys in your family?

I've been off work sick today :( I was having bad stomach pains last night went to bed early and eventually was sick around 4am ;( I've felt awful all day.
Thankfully M went to nursery so I slept only just feeling better but haven't ate much.

Off for the bank holiday so planning plenty to do with M.

Gosh, sorry to hear you have been poorly hun (seems Mummy's are in the wars at the moment!)

I'm sure a day of rest is just what you needed.

Yep my niece is the first granddaughter on my side. My folks have 6 grandsons (aged almost 6 - 16 months) and now we have a little Katie :lol: :lol:

Hope u all get better soo .
Awww thats a lovely name xx
Ah huge congrats Auntie Nat and I must say Katie is a fab name :)

We had a very busy but fab bank holiday weekend as I was bridesmaid for my best friend. We had an amazing day and my dress fitted, thank god, although I was wearing the biggest pants ever! We stayed an extra night in the hotel and it was so lovely to have some time for just me and OH. Plus Mx was being thoroughly spoilt by nanny and gramps :)

Now back to reality and we are very busy in work which I love but Max is being quite clingy at the moment and we hate leaving him. The continual guilt of a working mummy ay xxx
Hey, how's everyone getting on?

Max is poorly today so I'm trying to work from home and sit with him for snuggles. We've been lucky this year with illness but he has a nasty cold (I'm coming down with it too) and is coughing to the point of being sick bless him.

Hope everyone else is getting on ok xxx
I think James is coming down with a cold - lots of sniffles and he is snoring like a trooper.

Touch wood though we're plodding along OK.

We go away a month today. I am mainly excited but also a bit nervous - James is a whirlwind at home, how is he going to be on holiday?? LOL

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My lo is full of cold too, so isn't sleeping well. I was awake at 2am this morning worrying about work. Just constantly knackered!!
Nat I know how you feel. We're off on holiday in a couple of weeks with my OH's family which although it'll be lovely, it's bound to be hectic. Also I feel like I currently spend all day saying 'no' or 'don't do that', even poorly he's being a little monkey, it's exhausting xxx
All good here just trying yo get through today and im off for a couple weeks albeit an odd shift here and there.

Cold and sniffles here too must be the change of weather. As for no days and dont do that I hate those x
I'm back to work tomorrow. Thought I was ready but in total meltdown now. Jess will have to be in nursery for 9.5 hours and Daddy doing the pick up and drop off so I can do a 12 hour shift.... Feeling like a terrible mother :(
Oh Fliss, don't feel bad. Jess will have fun meeting new children. I hope things go ok for you. I'm sure a 12 hour shift will be hard work but just rmmber you will be coming home to your beautiful little girl. Vi is going to nursery for an hour tomorrow and Friday before she starts properly on Tuesday next week. Good luck. xxx

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