

Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2008
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OMG....I can't believe it, I got a BFP!!!!! :cheer:

I was so determined not to test until af was due (or late) but my willpower being what it is ~ non-existent!! :oops: ~ I bought a first response this morning and 2 clear pink lines came up straight away. I've got a clearblue digital, which i'll do in a couple of days just to make doubly sure.

I've been feeling weird the last few days but was sure I was just symptom spotting but no, it was all real :lol:

I'm so chuffed but not going to get my hopes up too high after what happened last time. Just going to enjoy each day and what will be will be. I'm very reluctant to tell people this time and so far only my hubby knows.

Thank you all for listening to my ramblings yesterday :hug:

Throws sticky baby dust over all xx
Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy I am so excited for you :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Congratulations hun and a happy and healthy 9 months :cheer: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
OMG you are pregnant!!!!! massive congrats hun i am really happy for you! :dance: you deserved it! :hug:

really hope this will be a sticky one (i am confident it will) but you're right not to worry and just enjoy each day of this amazing journey!

What great news, this has really made my day!! will miss you on here though :hug:
:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
read the post twice just in case i missed something!!!!! sooo pleased for u. lots of sticky vibes coming ur way!
:cheer: :cheer: See, I told you your rant was cos you might be PG!! I was the same with my DD. Well done, I am soooo pleased for you :hug:

im so so so happy for you

now you know why you have been all irritable etc the past week wooohooooooooooooooooooooo!!


:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
:cheer: :cheer: HANNAH :dance: :dance: CONGRATULATIONS :clap:
Well done hun, massive buckets of sticky baby dust thrown at you babe xx

Well done :cheer:
Fantastic news hun, i'm sooooooooo pleased for you!!! Huge congratulations :dance: :dance: :dance:
Fantastic news!!! I was going to check your posts tomorrow to see how you went. Great stuff Hannah! Everything will be fine. :dance: :dance: :hug:
Oh wow! I am so, so pleased for you poppet, that's absolutely wonderful! You must be so (cautiously) delighted. Wishing you all the luck and stickyness in the world.
Thank you all so much :hug:

You were right spaceangel, that would certainly account for the way I was feeling yesterday!!! Blimey, I hope that's not a sign of things to come!! :lol:

My symptoms aren't as noticable as last time, which is what made me wonder if I was just imagining it. I am feeling much more hopeful about this one...although I'm definitely not going to be shouting it from the rooftops anytime soon. Just keeping it all x'd that this one goes ok. :pray:

Don't worry, i'll still be annoying you all :moon: you don't get rid of me that easily :rotfl:

xx :hug:

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