Thanks Guys... Well I'm pretty sure I'm having a miscarriage
I'm bleeding probably 1/2 my normal period volume and its bright red
But just to aid my poas habit i did another test this morning and it's darker than yesterday's positive (i have another digital but there's not really any point in doing another of them) though I know that means nothing really ...
So I'm in Limbo with my doctor's appointment tomorro though I'm guessing it's all over anyway
I'm bleeding probably 1/2 my normal period volume and its bright red
But just to aid my poas habit i did another test this morning and it's darker than yesterday's positive (i have another digital but there's not really any point in doing another of them) though I know that means nothing really ...
So I'm in Limbo with my doctor's appointment tomorro though I'm guessing it's all over anyway