Why the Frick are people so damn negative all the time!


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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I'm very sorry girls but I have a small problem with PEOPLE!

My baby sleeps through. Has done since 3 weeks old. By this I mean 10 hours straight, not one feed break in between. She has gained albs since born, never lost any weight, I am solely breast feeding. I consider my self dam lucky.

So when people ask me I tell them exactly that, and all they come back with is "it's not gonna last" "you'll have terrible broncos with her in the future if she's this good now" and it is frankly doing my head in! Even friends that don't have babies say this.

In my eyes, start as you mean to go on, and so far so bloody good! She's 9 weeks and a bloody gem! I am fully aware this may not always be the case but why is everyone got such a crap attitude?! It is frankly driving me nuts. Just because my baby is a good one apparently means I'm gonna be doomed forever according to most.

Sorry for the negativity, I just think it's down right rude.
I had exactly the same with Sam!! He slept through from the start, never lost weight, he was such an easy baby...and yes, they all have times when they're teething or not well and up most of the night but he's still a great sleeper now! And so good at going to bed too. Don't listen to them!
It's jealousy Hun! I bet their babies have never slept through hence the comments!
Charley's slept through once and even I get jealous when I see other babies sleeping through but I know he'll do it when he's ready!
Don't let them bother you, you know your doing a fab job and be very proud of Sofia x x
It's deffo jealousy! I sometimes get envious of others but I would never disrespect them for it. Your little angel is obviously a very contented and happy baby..ignore and feel proud Hun!
Thank you girls. It didn't occur to me people would be jealous! I can't help it! Lol. She's really content all the time, and I just wish people would be happy that I have succeeded in having a good little girl. I think anyone with children is a bloody achievement, sleeping through or not! X
I think jealousy too.

We were and still are blessed with a very laid back little man. Sleeping through, easily entertained, doesn't cry for no reason.
It used to bother me too. I ignored them all, the jealous ones and the 'your making a rod for your own back' ones too!

Enjoy your little lady and smile smugly :smug: at them all :lol: x
People always have something to say! Just ignore them and be proud of your daughter xxx
Awww I saw your fb status and I just thought it was lovely. People love to be negative hun and it does sound like jealousy to me! You'll need to give me tips for when my baby arrives.

I had all this with my daughter, she was such a content little girl, still is most of the time! She is 3 almost 4 and has never had trouble sleeping through, was from 6 weeks old solidly. I hated all the negativity that surrounded me but believe me I have had the last laugh! My MIL can't sing my praises enough nowadays as she is such a happy and content young lady. She really makes me proud and I now get told what an amazing job I have done raising my daughter, so it does get better eventually. Grace is just a delightful girl, don't get me wrong she went through the terrible 2's and has her moments now and then but all kids do. Even my MIL cannot believe how she is so different to her own children.

It is jealousy hun, ignore and enjoy your gorgeous girl :)
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Massive hugs x I have major issues especially with other parents because pf this reason! Seb is crawling, weaning and teething and EVERYONE has a blinking opinion! It wears me down to the point where I have been actively avoiding people!
10 hours? Well then I'm jealous too lol! I don't know where people get these strange ideas from. As if every good baby is going to be a nightmare a few years down the line- it doesn't make sense Argh!
Oh yeah and I'm jealous too you lucky thing you! ;)
I am proper jealous too! But it doesn't mean she is going to be a nightmare. My now 9 month old niece slept through from 2 weeks old. Everyone said the same to my sister at the time. Bar a couple of nights she'd been ill and a couple with teething pains she remains a great sleeper. She is a Sophia Elise too - must be in the name?! x
Ignore them hun!! My clients used to say that to me when I said Emily slept 7-7 from 5 weeks old "wait till she's teething".

To be fair, she's not sleeping like an angel at the minute but I know when she is over the little problem
She's got, she will do it again :)

Even my HV said "don't expect it to last"'. WTF???????

I get the same Hun as since Tegan was 11 weeks till she started Teething she slept Atleast 10 hours a night!x
Yup i kno the feelin, my lil girls slept thru with no bottle since 3wks old, she will go to bed now at 9pm n wake up about 8.30-9am
I had from my MIL "she cant be doin that at her age u need to wake her up for a feed" pah- no! Shes a content little lady and if i hear another "wont last" from any1 i will hit them, lol its soooo annoyin n not needed,
Keep goin with what ur doin hun, its workin well n shes obviously happy :)

I get the same chick. People are just rude!!
A has slept through practically from the start, when he was first born he only woke up twice at the most but he'll easily sleep 12 hours straight and he has done from about 4 weeks! My HV told me it wouldn't last as well and I told her to f off! If one day he turns into the nightmare everyone expects then I'll deal with it, but for now I'm just proud I have a happy healthy little boy and that's all that matters. Everyone can just take their opinions and "advice" and shove it where the sun doesn't shine!
Def jealousy hun.
My daughter was soo easy with sleeping, teething - except the back ones, eating (except for her anorexia phase at about 3 yrs) and never had terrible 2s, and still is shockingly advanced. We had comments all the time. Just accept she's an easy child!
We didn't get so lucky with this one lol. I think hes more manipulative and likes messing with my head! Which I try to make myself feel better by thinking, wow it clever to get me like this!

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