Stop Touching!!!!!

i have to say it doesnt bother me and i am one that always holds a babys hand (always people i know) i find it quite nice always makes me proud when someone shows them attention
daftscotslass said:
Moomum said:
When I had my first daughter and was still in hospital recovering from my section, the paediatrician came round to give her the first check over. An Indian guy as I rememer.i8

Anyway, picked her up out of her plastic cot thingy, lifted her into the air and gave her kisses :shock: :shock: beautiful girl, beautiful girl he was saying :shock:

I still wonder to this day if he was for real :think: **shudder**

OMG! Chances are he was just being nice but that is SO not professional! :shock: :shock:

exactly what i thought. That's probably why I didn't do anything about it.
i found it worse when pregnant..people touching your bump etc..
once i went out for my sisters birthday about 8 months pregnant- went to the loo and this drunk woman started touching my bump and crying that she had been trying for a baby for ages and was so jealous etc..and she wouldn't let me leave for ages- i wouldn't have minded if it was a genuine person TTC but honestly shes a well know regular alcoholic at that bar and shes got no chance of conceiving with the amount she drinks shes probably picked her uterus!
mary70 said:
i have to say it doesnt bother me and i am one that always holds a babys hand (always people i know) i find it quite nice always makes me proud when someone shows them attention

Me too.. unless someone looked really grubby or were sticking there fingers in Jack's mouth I wouldn't be too wound up. Bet he gets worse germs from his own fingers.

As for people staring, erm, again I wouldn't be offended. I'd be happy someone was looking at my baby. Although sometimes people do stare too much and I don't know where to look so I either get Jack's hand and pretend like he's waving, start small chit chat or just smile and look away and they can stare at Jack until their heart is content :lol:
I took Ella into to see my old class at school a couple of weeks ago and all the children were touching her hands, when we left I wsahed them with baby soap! I am paranoid about hand washing myself so I def didn't want her hands in her mouth after touching germy children!

With the feeding thing, I sometimes think that people are judging because I am bottle feeding, but I would never use a mother and baby feeding room - even if I breast fed. Why should you, I go and get a drink and do it in a cafe, or just do it where I am.
I totally hate it when people touch my babies hands or face. I hate it all the more when the put his dummy in his mouth.

I freak out when they have gone and wash his hands and face with a baby wipe and change his dummy. x
sass said:
I took Ella into to see my old class at school a couple of weeks ago and all the children were touching her hands, when we left I wsahed them with baby soap! I am paranoid about hand washing myself so I def didn't want her hands in her mouth after touching germy children!

hehe this reminds me of Seren's nursery. Al;l her clas mates love Cally and all want to touch her. I am ok with it but do try and get her away before they kiss her especially when they have bright green snotty noses - ah well spose its good for her immune system.

I am actively encouraging people coming up to Cally as a few times some little old dear has given her a pound - if I can carry this on I might not have to go to work after all
i kno EXACTLY what u mean! one time this woman who was clearly an alcoholic- she looked like oliver reed and had greasy wild hair and MASSIVE hands and fingers like cumberland sausages- and leaned over and touched millie not only was my heart racing thinking she cant be clean but also i feared she might fall over drunk on top of her! i couldnt flee quickly enough too boots for some of that soap-free gel stuff that MWs have clipped to their belts- i put it on her before i even paid for it!

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