Why is my pee bright green with these vits??


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Hi there I have been taking the pregnacare and omgosh my pee is bright green every day :whistle::whistle:

what is making it do that?

Oh and anyone read 'planning pregnancy' by Sarah Brewer, what she says about EFA's and fish oils is quite scary im defo going to purchase some decent omega 3 this week xx
I dont know what makes it do it but its definetly normal, the joys of wtt and ttc :)

If you dont mind me asking what have you read about fish oils ect? I have heard a few people talking about it but dont really know much abit it x x

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Hi M2A! Im glad its normal, I know the pregnacare has iron and that make poopy go dark but interested to why its fluerestent. < ---- Bad spelling I know!

EFA and the other one DHA (?) are what are found in fish oils but the way we farm fish and processed foods we eat.... the general public are seirously lacking in these! I have found some research on it...

DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid, supports the normal development of the brain, eyes and nerves."[6]

In a study of nearly 9,000 pregnant women, researchers found women who ate fish once a week during their first trimester had 3.6 times less risk of low birth weight and premature birth than those who ate no fish. Low consumption of fish was a strong risk factor for preterm delivery and low birth weight.[97][98] However, attempts by other groups to reverse this increased risk by encouraging increased pre-natal consumption of fish were unsuccessful.[99]

No. When you&#8217;re pregnant, you shouldn&#8217;t take any supplements that contain vitamin A. This includes:
  • fish liver oil supplements, such as cod liver oil
  • high-dose multivitamin supplements
  • any supplements containing vitamin A
You should also avoid eating liver and liver products, such as liver pâté or liver sausage, as they may contain a lot of vitamin A.
Too much vitamin A can harm your unborn baby.
Eating fish when you&#8217;re pregnant

People usually take fish oil supplements because they contain omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids can help protect against heart disease.
It's better to eat fish than take fish oil supplements. Fish is an excellent source of nutrients that are good for your health and your unborn baby's development.
There are some types of fish that you should limit or avoid. For more information, see Which foods should I avoid during pregnancy?
Omega-3 oil and your unborn baby&#8217;s cognitive development

Some people think omega 3 can help the unborn baby's cognitive development (ability to think and learn). However, there&#8217;s currently not enough evidence to draw any firm conclusions.
Read the answers to more questions about pregnancy.

The thing is when your pregnant your not allowed to eat fish more than twice a week?! I think its best to get yourself a fresh peice of salmon once a week (in garlic and herb :) steam it till its cooked properly and take an omega 3 supplement (or the one in pregnacare) once a week and youve had your recommended allowance and youve had your intake. My job is to educate children in nutrition and from being a past teacher ive noticed changes to children in schools. BAn the MSGs n crap and we should be ok... :)
I think this pretty much sums pregnancy nutrition up


Main article: Nutrition and pregnancy
A balanced, nutritious diet is an important aspect of a healthy pregnancy. Eating a healthy diet, balancing carbohydrates, fat, and proteins, and eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, usually ensures good nutrition. Those whose diets are affected by health issues, religious requirements, or ethical beliefs may choose to consult a health professional for specific advice.
Adequate periconceptional folic acid (also called folate or Vitamin B9) intake has been proven to limit fetal neural tube defects, preventing spina bifida, a very serious birth defect. The neural tube develops during the first 28 days of pregnancy, explaining the necessity to guarantee adequate periconceptional folate intake.[48][49] Folates (from folia, leaf) are abundant in spinach (fresh, frozen, or canned), and are found in green leafy vegetables e.g. salads, beets, broccoli, asparagus, citrus fruits and melons, chickpeas (i.e. in the form of hummus or falafel), and eggs. In the United States and Canada, most wheat products (flour, noodles) are fortified with folic acid.[50]
DHA omega-3 is a major structural fatty acid in the brain and retina, and is naturally found in breast milk. It is important for the woman to consume adequate amounts of DHA during pregnancy and while nursing to support her well-being and the health of her infant. Developing infants cannot produce DHA efficiently, and must receive this vital nutrient from the woman through the placenta during pregnancy and in breast milk after birth.[51]
Several micronutrients are important for the health of the developing fetus, especially in areas of the world where insufficient nutrition is prevalent.[52] In developed areas, such as Western Europe and the United States, certain nutrients such as Vitamin D and calcium, required for bone development, may require supplementation.[53][54][55]
Dangerous bacteria or parasites may contaminate foods, particularly Listeria and toxoplasma, toxoplasmosis agent. Careful washing of fruits and raw vegetables may remove these pathogens, as may thoroughly cooking leftovers, meat, or processed meat. Soft cheeses may contain Listeria; if milk is raw, the risk may increase. Cat feces pose a particular risk of toxoplasmosis. Pregnant women are also more prone to Salmonella infections from eggs and poultry, which should be thoroughly cooked. Practicing good hygiene in the kitchen can reduce these risks.[56]

Sorry thats enough bumpf from me today xx
ok but then theres this

Elemental mercury and methylmercury are two forms of mercury that may pose risks in pregnancy. Methylmercury, a worldwide contaminant of seafood and freshwater fish, is known to produce adverse nervous system effects, especially during brain development.[65] Eating fish is the main source of mercury exposure in humans and some fish may contain enough mercury to harm an unborn baby's developing nervous system, sometimes leading to learning disabilities. Mercury is present in many types of fish, but it is mostly found in certain large fish. The FDA and the EPA advise pregnant women not to eat swordfish, shark, king mackerel and tilefish and limit consumption of albacore tuna to 6 ounces or less a week.[66]
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I take Seven Seas MAX Omega 3 with my Pregnacare and Oesteocare too :)

Not made my pee green though :oooo: Are you drinking enough?

I think you can eat as much white fish but oily coloured fish meat like tuna, mackerel etc in it has something in it...
yeh its the mercury but from researching on the internet it looks like its saFER to take a supplement eeeeeeeeeek!! How are u anyway Louise x
I'm alright :good:

Thanks for asking :) Went to see my IVF friends baby yesterday so it was nice to see the end result.

It is horrible in a way thought because i want to bring it home with me :oooo:
awwwhhhh I know im not even TTC yet and I already want to steal my best friends gorgeous little girl!! How far along are you with your IVF?> x

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