pissed off and disappointed with my MW

Oh, and if ever I need to write a letter of complaint to anyone, I know where to come!!!
lol, that's ok i'm a bit mad and actually ENJOY writing stroppy letters! comes from being stubborn i think!
Just read your letter - good for you girly!!! That should make them stand up and listen. Very well researched too. It's a shame it came to this but good luck and I really hope u do get the birth you want.

petchy said:
Oh, and if ever I need to write a letter of complaint to anyone, I know where to come!!!
lol, that's ok i'm a bit mad and actually ENJOY writing stroppy letters! comes from being stubborn i think!

lol - so do I!! How silly is that....I like complaining?! I'm stubborn too :wink:
mV's are a pain. i wanted my birth to be at a birthing centre but when i went in at the start of labour my bp was one dot over their 'allowed level' so aftter much arguiong i was sent to hospital.. even tho hubby explained that if they left me for a while my bp would go down ..as i was just excited and stressed... so an hour after i was transfered imy bp was down to 'normal for labour'

so next time i want a home birth or midwife unit. and i would stay at home longer befroe i went or called mV.
Stick to your guns girl!!

Have read your letter too, you covered your points well, go for it,....kick some ass!! :p Hope that will get through to them. To be honest l can't see why not as l think its a good letter with very important points being made.

Good luck, and let us know what happens,

Love Fluffy. xx :lol:

i've just received a phone call from the head of community midwifery regarding my letter. she was very reassuring, said that she had read my letter and ensured me that each and every MW on the community team is experienced in home births and will be committed to helping me achieve a home birth if there are no medical complications.

she also said that she would ensure they know my background so that they are not alarmed should my BP be slightly elevated, and that she would get someone to bring round a larger BP cuff for me to keep until after labour to make sure the readings taken are as accurate as can be (my upper arm circumference is about an inch larger that the upper for a normal size cuff, and this has been known to make readings higher than they actually are - i only just found out as this is not something they usually tell you!)

she spoke to my MW, who insists she was "only trying to make me see the realistic side of things", and when i explained that it all sounded very negative and as i have had a realistic view throughout i felt as though she was talking down to me and trying to discourage me at the last minute. i explained also that i had written all this down not only to complain, but because i felt that i could easier get all my points across in writing when i could be sure that i would not be interrupted "mid-flow".

she has reassured me no end, and i feel much happier now. my MW and her supervisor are still coming round tomorrow at 1pm, and i just hope my MW will not be too stroppy after learning about my emailed letter. at least i now know that i have managed to get all my points across in a way that makes them see i am being responsible about this whole situation and not just being stubborn for the sake of it wothout considering the safety of me or the baby! i still think my MW will not be entirely happy about my decision, but she is not an on call MW and apart from tomorrow's meeting i don't have to see her again unless i go overdue by more than a week. (i hope not!!!)

just shows that it helps to stand your ground!
I am so so pleased for you Petchy. Power to the People!!!!!!

You make sure you have your mum with you tomorrow so your MW can't bully you again.

Hope you can manage to get a better nights sleep tonight now that you have this weight off your mind.

Well done honey!! You must be so pleased. It makes it all worth it!!
Brilliant outcome!!You definitely kicked some ass! Im so pleased for you
:D :D

well done Petchy,

I bet your BP went right down after that phone call lol,

congrates and I hope all goes well for your much wanted home birth
Well done Petchy for standing your ground and getting the result you deserve!! xx
Yay!! You got through to them,...... well done Petchy!! Am glad things are going well now. Hope all goes well with the midwife and supervisor today. Let us know what happens hun, and all the best.

Fluffy. xx :lol:
well my MW and the supervisor have just left. they were here for a good hour and at last i feel like i've got my point across properly. i feel quite relieved actually, now i have been assured they are working WITH me, not against me. that will make it so much easier for me to come to terms with a transfer to hospital as well, should that be necessary. glad to have this matter resolved.
Great news Petchy, you did the right thing, I'm sure you'll be fine on the big day :)

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