Chellies TTC with infertility diary

Awww thanks hun, you have gone into such detail, its fantastic. Because i know nothing about this procedure and im 90% sure we are going to have to do down this route in about 5 months time. I really want to know everything about it, whether any procedure is painful, side effects, everything really so i fully understand what i have to contend with. If your OH/DH has to have anything done or tests that would be helpful as well. I find it very interesting to see how the whole thing works. Thanks so much for doing this for us, it is very much appreciated. I really hope this time you are successful and ill keep my fingers crossed for you. :hug: :pray:
ICSI cycle 2 day 5

urggh, drugs are kicking in, feeling very hormonal and teary and we've just run out of hot choc :(
Hi Chell :cheer: on starting your icsi i go for my base line scan tomorrow
dont think i will have any nails left with nerves just getting past 1 stage to the 2nd stage and then
onec you have the ET no wonder they say you have reached a mile stone its one hell of a journey
:pray: i can go onto to stage 2 tomorrow and start menopur ...
I will follow your diary hun and be protesting no af and bfp for you hun :hug:
I never really had any side effects well not as bad as they say to expect
I have had the odd hot flush and odd headache and felt a little tearfull but never really
had mood swings my dh is thankfull :rotfl: just thinking now what if i aint responded
I will post on my diary tomorrow how my scan went i will follow your diary as well as suzies
and support you both all the way :hug:
Hiya babes,
Sorry i havent posted on here for a while, but have been thinking of you and wish you all the best for this round! :hug: :hug:
Can i ask did you use the nasal spray last time as well??
Hi Chel,

How are you feeling? Wishing you all the best this time round hun :hug: :pray:
Sorry for not updating more regularly but there's not been much to say, after my mammoth 32 day downreg I finally had my baseline scan today.

they do a vaginal ultrasound to look at your ovaries to see if anything is going on there, and measure your lining to check it is thin. after that a blood test to check your hormone levels are ok.

my lining was 1.6 mm so really thin, it has to be under 5mm at this stage, and my ovaries were nice and quiet. clinic phoned this afternoon to say the bloodtest was all ok too, so now I start my stimming injections on christmas day, one jab a day, and reduce the sniffing to one sniff am and pm rather than 2.

next scan is on new years eve to check that things are developing well.

just getting DH prepped for his part now! lots of BD to clear out all the old stuff so its all new and fresh for egg collection.

:pray: this works
hi ya hunny

have been thinking about you, glad all is going to plan x

Good luck for some strong swimmies + eggies :pray: :pray:

2009 baby in making :dance:

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