ICSI Cycle 2 Day 1:
Ok Sammy, as requested I will keep a diary of exactly what I have to do.
Today is cycle day 21 which means that I start on the downregulation phase of the treatment, this would normally only last 2 weeks but because of christmas I have to continue this for a month as the clinic won't be open a few days over christmas.
I am on synarel to downregulate which is a nasal spray (some people inject to downregulate). Took my first sprays this morning and then have to have them again 12 hours later, and continue this each day. The taste is awful but it soon wears off. As its putting you into a temporary state of menopause side effects can include headaches, hot flushes, tiredness, mood swings, vaginal dryness (lovely

) and a sore nose. last time I only seemed to suffer with tiredness and sometimes headaches if i didn't drink plenty so hopefully it'll be the same last time. I should have a bleed somtime in the next week or two.
thats pretty much it now until i go for my baseline scan in a months time to check that i have downregulated properly, they do a vaginal ultrasound and check that you don't have any developing follicle on your ovaries, that your uterine lining is nice and thin and also do a bloodtest to check your hormone levels.
will update again if i have anything to add.