Hello Ladies
Just thought I'd add my story as it's such a big issue for me just now
I BF'd daughter no. 1 for 16 weeks. It was total hell. I was in so much pain with cracked nipples that every time she got hungry I was a nervous wreck. I think I managed to stick it out for so long because she was my only baby and I just soldiered on through. When I weaned her at four months it was like a fog cleared from my life. Suddenly I got to know my daughter and we bonded properly for the first time.
I was determined to BF with daughter no. 2 but right from the start we had the same issues with the nipples. To add insult to injury we both got thrush, so my midwife advised me to pump. Once I'd started this we never went back to the breast. I stuck this out for ten weeks. We live in Switzerland where they are VERY pro BF-ing. I got lots of suuport but one time when I took Aimèe to the docs and he saw me giving her a bottle he had the cheek to tell me she was too fat because 'bottle fed babies gain weight quicker'. I was so shocked I didn't even bother to explain it was breast milk in the bottle!
When I got pg with Sam last year I read 'Breast is Best' from cover to cover TWICE! I was so determined to do it this time. I so wanted to experience the nice side of BF-ing.
The first couple of days were OK but by day three my nipples were open and I was in agony. My nipples are really big ( ) so Sam had trouble latching on with his tiny mouth. I kept going though, determined to succeed. By week two we both had a hefty dose of thrush and I was in so much pain I couldn't even hold my baby. I was crying all the time and had no energy or time for my two little girls. My doctor eventually advised me to stop. I was TOTALLY gutted. My last baby and I can't seem to feed him.
However, I have to say that since I've stopped life in our house has improved tenfold. It wasn't just me who was suffering, it was Sam, my two little girls, and my OH. I so respect all women who persevere through the pain and make it work, I just couldn't.
I also greatly admire all the ladies who bottle feed. It is so true that a happy mummy = happy baby.... AND happy family!!
I'm already getting the odd negative comment when people over here see me with the bottle, but I know in my heart I did the right thing. No point continuing with something that makes you totally miserable just because of outside pressure.
Sorry for such a long winded post!
Respect to all the mums on this board.... Bottle or breast, YOUR WAY is best!
Just thought I'd add my story as it's such a big issue for me just now
I BF'd daughter no. 1 for 16 weeks. It was total hell. I was in so much pain with cracked nipples that every time she got hungry I was a nervous wreck. I think I managed to stick it out for so long because she was my only baby and I just soldiered on through. When I weaned her at four months it was like a fog cleared from my life. Suddenly I got to know my daughter and we bonded properly for the first time.
I was determined to BF with daughter no. 2 but right from the start we had the same issues with the nipples. To add insult to injury we both got thrush, so my midwife advised me to pump. Once I'd started this we never went back to the breast. I stuck this out for ten weeks. We live in Switzerland where they are VERY pro BF-ing. I got lots of suuport but one time when I took Aimèe to the docs and he saw me giving her a bottle he had the cheek to tell me she was too fat because 'bottle fed babies gain weight quicker'. I was so shocked I didn't even bother to explain it was breast milk in the bottle!
When I got pg with Sam last year I read 'Breast is Best' from cover to cover TWICE! I was so determined to do it this time. I so wanted to experience the nice side of BF-ing.
The first couple of days were OK but by day three my nipples were open and I was in agony. My nipples are really big ( ) so Sam had trouble latching on with his tiny mouth. I kept going though, determined to succeed. By week two we both had a hefty dose of thrush and I was in so much pain I couldn't even hold my baby. I was crying all the time and had no energy or time for my two little girls. My doctor eventually advised me to stop. I was TOTALLY gutted. My last baby and I can't seem to feed him.
However, I have to say that since I've stopped life in our house has improved tenfold. It wasn't just me who was suffering, it was Sam, my two little girls, and my OH. I so respect all women who persevere through the pain and make it work, I just couldn't.
I also greatly admire all the ladies who bottle feed. It is so true that a happy mummy = happy baby.... AND happy family!!
I'm already getting the odd negative comment when people over here see me with the bottle, but I know in my heart I did the right thing. No point continuing with something that makes you totally miserable just because of outside pressure.
Sorry for such a long winded post!
Respect to all the mums on this board.... Bottle or breast, YOUR WAY is best!