Alfiesmummy said:
Tash the reason this thread turned into an argument is because of various comments made that people will find touches a nerve I dont disagree that you wanted brest feeding mummies advice etc, and you dont care about bottle feeding mums etc but if that was the case maybe you should of stated please only breast feeding mums reply because all iv ever tried stating in this thread is that if you believe brest feeding mums are the only ones who get abuse/negative comments then you are sadly mistaken that its all of us whether you bottle feed or not ... Im sorry my comments were so unwanted! my mistake i apologise!!!
I dont think that breatsfeeding mums are the only ones, My mum got grief too as she bottle fed, she hated breastfeeding
If I can't share how I feel with other breastfeeding mums without bloody arguments thats hardley fair is it? bfing mums dont start arguing on bottlefeeding threads?
Yer ok I should of put that " asking for bfing mums help " but to be honest I didnt realise how much of a sore subject it was.
Because like everyone says you feed how you want, it doesnt matter how you feed, so why is there a problem?
Yes there were a few comments but im sorry if I cant or other cant express about the grief we get then thats hardley fair is it?
I am sure if there was a post for bottle feeders who had grief, bfing mums wouldnt start bloomin arguing on it, because it doesnt matter it doesnt concern me its not a problem im faced with, but there are problems that we are faced with too that I wanted to talk about.