Who's waiting? Chat and share symptoms?

Hi everyone!
I'm new here and in my tww. Now at 5dpo I'm hardly noticing any symptoms just a really tiny spotting last night.
So happy to see everyone feeling positive here, good luck to you all!
Thanks everyone. Good luck to you all!

Welcome nice :)

So ladies, my partner got a phone call from his GP today. His sperm analysis results are back but they wouldn't tell him over the phone. He has to see the GP. Obviously somethings up :/ xx
Hi everyone!
I'm new here and in my tww. Now at 5dpo I'm hardly noticing any symptoms just a really tiny spotting last night.
So happy to see everyone feeling positive here, good luck to you all!

Good to see you in here Nice, welcome to the mad house :)

Shelly, that's strange. Try not to worry though! You've managed to get pregnant so that's always good. I'm sure the GP just doesn't want to discuss a SA over the phone xx
We've not had sa done, my OH didn't fancy it last year and as we weren't overly ttc I didn't push him. But now is like to just know it's ok or not... But what would the options be if it wasn't. I think that's why he didn't fancy knowing, as what can we do about it? Ivf wouldn't be an option financially, and mentally I don't think I could cope. I'm more lucky than most and blessed with children already. OH is 43 and we have 1 child together so we'd have to fund it, understandably for people who don't have children.

Do you have a plan if it comes back not good? Also it may not be as bad as you may think/ fx xxx
It's been a while since I've posted, I'm now cd15 with very dark positive opks today, we have dtd since cd12 and will carry on for the next few days so we are covered, then on to the tww. Just to add we used Balance Active fertility gel today, we were both really impressed lol.
Good luck to everyone, hope we all get our bfps this month x
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Morning girls

Hey Lilith lovely to see you back sweetie :D Oh sounds like you've got your timing spot in this month , I used Balance Active gel for the first time this cycle and I preferred it to any other, I found Concive plus too sticky and it dryed quickly and Preseed too runny but better than Concive plus

I'm going to test today as I'm 10dpo but ive been up all night peeing so couldn't use FMU so I'm going to try to hold and test with SMU or later

Shelly hope everything is ok with hubby's SA, how are you feeling today?

Nice, welcome hunnie, hope the red spotting was implantation and you get your Bfp in a few days

Leah hope your feeling better today, TTC is such a rollercoaster and incredibly hard, in the 2 years we've been TTC my friend has 'accidently ' had her 4th baby (he is nearly 1) my SIL has had her 6th baby also a woopsie , 2 girls at work are pregnant due any day now , it's like everyone just gets pregnant straight away without trying and here we all are desperate to get pregnant and we can't
I know I have children and I am so grateful for them but it took a long time to Concive my youngest and 2 years now so I know how you feel sweetie
We will get our babies , we will make our boys big brothers :) stay strong

I'm 10 days late and still waiting for AF.
Backache and horrendously sore boobs are my only symptoms for past 10 days.
Think I saw a squniter of a line on Sunday but can't be 100% sure as it was an hour or two after doing the test.
I'm away with friends at the moment but plan on testing again when I get back Thursday although I'm tempted to nip out and get a test today!!
Morning girls

Hey Lilith lovely to see you back sweetie :D Oh sounds like you've got your timing spot in this month , I used Balance Active gel for the first time this cycle and I preferred it to any other, I found Concive plus too sticky and it dryed quickly and Preseed too runny but better than Concive plus

I'm going to test today as I'm 10dpo but ive been up all night peeing so couldn't use FMU so I'm going to try to hold and test with SMU or later

Shelly hope everything is ok with hubby's SA, how are you feeling today?

Nice, welcome hunnie, hope the red spotting was implantation and you get your Bfp in a few days

Leah hope your feeling better today, TTC is such a rollercoaster and incredibly hard, in the 2 years we've been TTC my friend has 'accidently ' had her 4th baby (he is nearly 1) my SIL has had her 6th baby also a woopsie , 2 girls at work are pregnant due any day now , it's like everyone just gets pregnant straight away without trying and here we all are desperate to get pregnant and we can't
I know I have children and I am so grateful for them but it took a long time to Concive my youngest and 2 years now so I know how you feel sweetie
We will get our babies , we will make our boys big brothers :) stay strong

Good luck testing today Clover x
Hello ladies in waiting :)

12dpo here. Different from my last cycle, my nipples have been killing me for several days and today my whole boob is sore. Last cycle nothing in the breast pain department. I also had cramps yesterday, is 11 dpo a bit late for implantation? I have tested, of course it was bfn. I'm so on edge this cycle, I'm desperate for this to be the one and to give my oh the birthday present he so longs for.
Gail thank you so much. You made my teariness worse :lol: yes we absolutely will make them big brothers. I cannot wait!

My boobs are killing me. I had to wear my bra to bed they were so painful. I was restless the entire night, I felt like I barely slept. Im cramping today on and off and still got loads of cm! My hormones are all over the place too. I'm either near tears or bloody raging lol. What's going on!!! Xx
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Thanks Clover, I don't know what's going on with me as I have even darker positive opks today. We will be dtd later and for the next few days. Clover I will be stalking this thread for your results and same with you Soobsessed, I'm keeping everything crossed for you. x
Well I've had some Brown/pink spotting so I'm really thinking I'm out

The spotting was at 4pm it's now 5.30 ...on knicker watch

Leah, hope it's pregnancy hormones that are making you feel emotional and crappy , Big hugs :)

Lilith I got 3 days of dark positive Opks I think you should go off the first one and count 12-36 hours after
Have you any Ewcm?

Well I've had some Brown/pink spotting so I'm really thinking I'm out

The spotting was at 4pm it's now 5.30 ...on knicker watch

Leah, hope it's pregnancy hormones that are making you feel emotional and crappy , Big hugs :)

Lilith I got 3 days of dark positive Opks I think you should go off the first one and count 12-36 hours after
Have you any Ewcm?


Clover I spotted when af was due with my son so you're not out yet. My opk this afternoon wasnt as strong. I can't tell if I have any ewcm as sperm the next day pretty much looks the same, and as we've been DTD every day since cd12 I have no idea lol x
Thanks everyone. Good luck to you all!

Welcome nice :)

So ladies, my partner got a phone call from his GP today. His sperm analysis results are back but they wouldn't tell him over the phone. He has to see the GP. Obviously somethings up :/ xx

I'm sorry :( has he gone in yet to talk to them?
Well I think AF has arrived
Still a small amount but I think she's teasing me!!
3 days early!!! I never get AF earlier than CD 30/31 and I'm CD 28

How's everyone this morning?

Oh Clover! Boo! Sorry to hear that Hun :(

I'm very confused by my cycle this month... I bled very early yesterday on cd 22, after a day of brown spotting on cd 21. Now it seems to have stopped completely! It was fresh red blood and there was enough to soak my knickers, I really thought it was my period coming 5 days early, which would have been weird enough. I wish I knew what was up with my body.
Hi Birdie
My spotting has been really weird too, I had a bit of Brown CM yesterday and this morning, then just now Red blood when I checked my Cervix, I'm 3 days early
cramping now so I imagine it is AF

I started bleeding. Very pale pink :( it's now really pale brown. I'm only cd23 and 10/11 do. Never ever had a period this early! I've still got loads of left sided cramps. I always get really painful back ash's stomach cramps when my period is starting. I'm just waiting for this to start! I'm at work and checking constantly. Feel like crying xx
How bizarre that we all have spotting and short cycles this month?! Did you ladies do anything different that might have triggered it?!

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