who's left?

I'm still here as well, ladies. Just had to wipe a load of cobwebs off myself - was making myself sneeze! I think I'm trapped here as well. It's like being in purgatory. I'm about 9dpo today and don't feel any different to how I normally do so looks like another witch visit next week. Hope everyone else is ok xxx
we'll all be there one day, I'm sure of that...

I only look in TTC threads now - I used to be excited by the others, now I'm more inclined to wait until I'm in the same place

I try that but I'm too nosey lol xx
Hey girles, cosmic, i look forward to the day i see your "I'm on team pink" thread

I try to avoid tri 1,2 and 3 threads, because i seem to know people in all of the :( my first due date is fast approching which sucks.

Dita.. dont get me started on facebook, everytime i go on its more like logging onto pregnancy forum then facebook, they should call it pregnancybook!!!!.....rant over :)

Hey tract0rgirl, 9 DPO oooh i hope this is your month :)
Hey ladies,

Sorry for my delay in replying but been out and about all weekend. Drinking champers which is something those in tri 1 or anywhere else cant do ha ha!

So glad Im in the gang ha ha! My names Laura, am 32 and live in Hampshire. Been with hubby
nearly 3.5 years and got married August last year. Came off the pill at the end of Jan so in cycle 4 of trying but with long cycles and strange periods. Ive had a massive phobia of being sick since a child which has got better over the years so if and when it happens for me I am going to be a wreck with worrying!

Its so great to get to know you guys, its a real giggle on here. I hope you all get your BFPs soon! xx
I have just joined, so looking forward to getting to know you all properly over the next few weeks.

I was here 5 years ago with my other baby, so I don't know anyone yet!

I am please that I have re-joined the forum because It's nice to talk to other people who know what its like to be TTC and if I am having a really irritable day, you guys will understand me.

I am here!:lol:
Hi everyone, I also just joined this forum because I think it takes someone in the same situation as you are in, to really understand the madness of it all! I'm 39, been TTC for about 9 months now and am feeling rather depressed about it all to be honest.

Anyway hope to meet you all soon and I'll try not to whine too much! lol
You can moan about it if you like!

I used this website a lot when I was pregnant last time, and was looking forward to joining in again, and then I realised that you have a TTC section, so thought it would be good to join in.

Also, being pregnant before, hopefully I can offer some helpful advice.

I have only been trying since november, but I am finding the whole thing is leaving me in a bit of a 'limbo'. I shouldn't moan too much though because I have Samuel and he is my best:lol: friend.
I'm still here too cycle 6 of TTC n gtn more ratty by the day,had to come home early from work today as feeling quite depressed n sorry for myself so I'm breaking my diet n eating chocolate too,damn TTC why is it such a waiting game xx GL to all TTC'rs! Xx
Welcome back to the forum Sarah!

Welcome hope13, sorry TTC is getting you down, its a total rollercoaster of emotions :(

Vicky, hows things hun? have you started the clomid? exciting stuff :)
Welcome back to the forum Sarah!

Welcome hope13, sorry TTC is getting you down, its a total rollercoaster of emotions :(

Vicky, hows things hun? have you started the clomid? exciting stuff :)

Took my first lot of clomid last week so now all we can do is to wait and see if it works!!!
Hi ladies, hope you don't mind me sticking my head in...It WILL be your turns soon, some things just take time but it will happen. I cannot wait to see all your BFP's. Got my fingers crossed for you all. You deserve it. xxx

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