who's left?

hi nurse im still lurking around.... though im "due" the witch on 15th so hoping that she doesnt come and i finally get to leave though im petrified at same time of that occouring!!
Hi all, I've only recently started posting but have been reading all the posts for yonks *hugs*.

In cycle 5 of ttc so still a newbie I guess!
Of course ;)

K8 nice to see you, hope the witch stays away for you, nice to see you are TTC again :)

Welcome secret hope, I guess you know about us all then :) give us an intro? :)
I'm still here too. Sort of. :blush:

Feels so weird to be posting in here!

I suppose after my mc I turned my back on PF and I'm trying very hard to be more positive about things and not feel so jealous all the time of the BFPs. I'll let you know when it works. ;)

I'm chuffed for those who've graduated to Tri 1, don't get me wrong. But I feel like I'm stuck in a rut and I'm never going to get out of it. :cry:

Missing all you ladies so much, hopefully I can snap out of this "woe is me" mode and get back to the normal MissJ! :rolleyes:

Good to read your replies and see how everyone's doing. :)


x x
I am 28, OH is 30 been ttc since January but absolutely noone knows. All our friends just assume we aren't baby people and that makes it doubly hard as they tell me tales of how easy it was for them to conceive. Tbh I am not sure OH was as keen as I was to begin with, but I am so broody. Last month though when AF was late and I was in tears at BFNs OH said that we are in this together and he is going to try as hard as me. We had been waiting for the right time with jobs etc and being settled in our house, and now just feels like the perfect time. Its so frustrating as so many friends seem to be getting pregnant and every month I feel like a failure.

We have been together for almost 8 years and married for 2 and a half. We have a wonderful dog and we adore walking and outdoor activities. I just need a baby to make our life complete.

I have never been on any contraceptive pills, we have always used condoms as I didn't want to mess with my hormones. It doesn't seem to have made a jot of difference. I use OPKs now to pinpoint my ovulation, I have 24 day cycles (although last month ended up being an unheard of 28 day, but I hadn't used OPKs that month as I was away with work for a lot of it and I didn't want to see a smiley face staring back at me while I was away). I take 400mg folic acid daily (have done since Nov 10) and OH is taking zinc and vitamin C (but only since March).

Every month I feel new symptoms, and I don't dare myself to get at all excited anymore. The tww is a nightmare time as I know I am just waiting for a let down. I used to be able to invisage myself getting a BFP and how exciting it would be, but I can't even see that anymore. I just see us rattling around our wonderful family home with no children in it.

Sorry, I seem to have gone all morose - not quite the intro I was aiming for!!

I started looking at PF when we were planning last Nov but I didn't join as I was worried I would come across as insane! However, what with recent cycles going all over the place I decided that any insight from knowledgeable people may help, and I hope that I can make a small contribution to other TTCers out there.

I really upset myself yesterday in work as I had been avoiding signing up for new projects for next academic year, but have just agreed to give another course as I don't think there is any chance pregnancy getting in the way.

I really hope that all of you longtermers get your BFPs soon. The way you can lighten peoples spirits is incredible and I always admire your honesty on posts.

Looking forward to getting to know you all better!
I'm still here too. Sort of. :blush:

OMG! MissJ!

I already made post asking for info on your whereabouts so felt a bit daft making another but i was thinking of you just the other day with us all being a bit hung up on still being here :shock:

Glad to know your still... alive ;)

I'm so sorry that you are struggling so much, but we're here :hug:
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lovely to meet you secrethope and LD1978, i hope you find as much support and understanding on here as I have, this really is a wonderful group of girls and we do try to help raise eachothers spirits xx
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hi LD its good to read everyone elses posts and nice to hear all about your trials as at least by sharing you know you arent alone! i lost my last baby due to anecaphaly (found out at 14weeks op at 16weeks) and had to wait until i felt ready for ttc this is the second month of ttc again for me.... im half excited and half in dread and panic mode this time around as so worried it may all go wrong again!!!! sometimes hubby thinks i dont want a baby anymore but its soooooo not that im just scared about having to go through it all again (which even docs say is unlikely but still my head wont accept it! ) nures and mj sorry to hear you still here but we all going to get there eventually honestly!!! thinking of everyone and giving everyone on here support and positive baby dusting vibes xxxxxxxxx
I'm still here too. Sort of. :blush:

OMG! MissJ!

I already made post asking for info on your whereabouts so felt a bit daft making another but i was thinking of you just the other day with us all being a bit hung up on still being here :shock:

Glad to know your still... alive ;)

I'm so sorry that you are struggling so much, but we're here :hug:

Lol :rofl:

Aw. I've definitely missed you Louise! ;)

Aghh, I think I just felt so numb after finally getting a postive HPT and then losing it and I just don't feel like I regained any feeling....If that makes sense..? :oooo:

x x
Great intro secrethope, TTC does start to take over after a few months, talking to all the wonderful ladies on here who are full of useful info really helps me, when people in real life don't know what you are going through its great to come on here and have a good old rant.

MissJ lovely to see you. Had been seeing your updates in journal but would be nice to have you back more. I know its difficult and sorry you are struggling, all I can say is it gets easier, concentrating on TTC is the only thing that makes me feel better, if I didn't have that I would prob go mad. Where you at now hun? As you can see from this thread still plenty of us TTC ladies here
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I'm STILL here too!!!:lol:

Had a real down day recently about TTC but back up and ready again now!!

Currently in 2WW but already know it's not our month, so lookling forward to next month!!
Hey cazza! How did the tests go by the way? Did you speak to the lupus nurse and did you get the clotting tests? I'm stillwaiting on my results next month, takes forever :(
Aw. I've definitely missed you Louise! ;)

Aghh, I think I just felt so numb after finally getting a postive HPT and then losing it and I just don't feel like I regained any feeling....If that makes sense..? :oooo:

I think it makes sense, yes. There have been things that have happened to me where i just felt numb from all emotion for a long time. No happy. No sad. Just nothing (which is probably the worst of them all).

I don't check in the journal section, if that is where you've been hiding. I'd literally never get off the fourm if i started involving myself in there too lol

I hope you starting seeing some hope again soon xx
I'm on cycle 3 now, they are 42 days approx so it's a nightmare. I'm going to make an effort to post more cos I love the atmosphere? on here I think it's great xx
Nice to see so many of you coming out of the woodwork as they say x

Positive mental attitude for us all x x
I've wondered if coming back on a bit more often would actually help, at least I'd be able to talk to people who know where I'm coming from. I just struggle a lot with the pregnancy tickers and bfps. :(

Someone slap me, wake me up! ;)

It's nice to be posting again, I've missed it here. :hugs:

x x

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